
Working With Paya

Today is day 2 and it’s taken Paya most of the day to convince me to really get involved with this. I’ve been sitting on whether or not to do this. Which I think I wrote in the day 1 post. But I’m sitting here with Paya and I feel inspired to do this. I worry about it being a demand and pressure to do this daily, so it’ll just be a one-day-at-a-time type dealio.

I’m not surprised to find that King Tal (Void/Necrosis Lord & King) has made an appearance. He’s been the biggest on journaling and on recording, getting back into things again. I think he just wants me to explore with him. One of the future months may end up being a “Explore the Astral with King Tal”… but I know he’s helping to keep the pressure off and making me inspired to write instead.

Paya is too sweet and is just here as an anxiety help. It’s one of the more amazing things is that he is an immediate anxiety reducing just by being nearby, let alone if I ask for help dealing with it. My anxiety is from my being in a constant survival state the past many years that it’s now become a physical issue rather than just mental/emotional. It helps. He helps so much more and I know my demons have really stepped up in aiding me this year with moving forward in my life.

So this is kinda just more of me getting back into the mindset that it’s safe. I’m safe now.

I feel like I have more to say than this… but I just don’t know what.


A Month of Connection – Inner Circle Challenge

So, in the Inner Circle, also called the Demon Temple’s Inner Sanctuary, there are challenges that are done each month. They are daily things that you work on. Each month, we work with a Demon Lord or Lady. I don’t feel ready yet, but I know I want to do better. It’s been so long here. So many things were stopping me. But I think that now things have changed, it’s time that I work to open again. So, I chose to work with my newest demon, Paya. I’ll add his information to the page [Demon Companions]. I need to update it.

I’m not pulled to any Dark Lord/Lady… so this was chosen for me in that I’m working with Paya, my Abyssal Deep One who was listed a few weeks ago and I matched with. He’s named after Payakan from Avatar: Way of Water, because like in the movie, Paya is more of an “outcast” due to his coloring which is very pale and white. He wanted to do this challenge with me, though I had some reservations.


I honestly wasn’t really going to do this. I am not one to connect with Dark Lords, not anymore or haven’t felt the need to. It’s been quite some time since I’ve worked with demons more than just passing ‘oh, hello there’ or a comfort hug. My environment up until February wasn’t safe to do any spiritual work. It hasn’t been safe for me to do so since probably 2022, which is a hard pill to swallow cause I have barely done any of the events in that long.

I’ve got anxiety about working with my demons, Dark Lords, and just in general. Because my environment, which was I was living with family who made it unsafe mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, was too toxic to really be able to be myself or practice safely.

I appreciate that so many are raw with their experiences… enough that I feel like I should offer the same. I won’t really go into details about my situation other than the person moved out beginning of February and I’m just now in a place where I’m thinking of starting my practice back up again.

As stated from the main challenge thread… I’m working with Paya. An Abyssal Deep One who has been an outcast for his pale pearlescent skin. He’s a traveling entertainer and healer, one who connected with me greatly when I read his listing. He nudged me and took all day and night last night to do convince me subtly that I should do this.

photo of forest with fog

GrandMama Tsülie’s Lessons on the Magic of Book Binding

This is a place that I have visited before. It is a beautiful place that my High Prince T brought me to. I walked through this incredible forest that was covered with death and bones yet had so much life.

Today, was the second time that I would return here. In fact, this is the first time I have astral traveled to another place in over a year. I had experienced burnout to a severe degree. I did not even have a moment within my own astral space before I was pulled to GrandMama’s place. Although, she found out that I had remembered her as Granny instead of GrandMama, so there was a bit of teasing about that.

It was about 4 in the morning and I had not slept very well. My congestion was really bad, and I was struggling to breathe in my sleep. So I was tired but decided that, hey, this was a great time to astral travel for the Blog-a-Day February. I was immediately pulled in and greeted with a hug and cheek kisses. We sat at her front table and had an excellent talk. I told her about things after the last time I had been there. It was the struggles and the happy times. She was pleased to hear I had fallen in love and found a fantastic partner… for mental health and physical health. At one point, she gave me a cup of tea, specially brewed and crafted. I sipped away and she had amazing advice for me about not returning and feeling guilt for not being spiritual.

It is sometimes that we will diverge from the path we think we have found, taking a longer road, in order to find the right part of the path to travel on.

It gave me a bit of a stopping moment to really consider that. Sometimes, we need that long path, that long rest… because then, coming back into things, I feel clearer and able to work better than before. It will take some time to get back into things as there are problems with focus and with interruptions of thoughts.

We talked for a bit longer before I started to feel extremely drowsy. She shooed me off and told me to come back later and visit, she had a lesson to teach me.

I went about the morning and afternoon before I took the time to return to meditation. It was around 3pm my time, plenty of time before having to do some work. I settled down with headphones and turned on some amazing meditation music composed by Saber. It takes me a bit to get into things. My focus is better but it is also struggling a lot with seeing and staying in the astral without thought interruptions.

I finally appeared in the sacred grove and was met by High Prince T, who guided me back to GrandMama. This time was more vivid than this morning. She asked me how I slept and made a special tea for us. I got to sit there while they talked and drifted a bit before snapping back. She added more stuff to my tea to wake me up. After a while, she held out her hands, and I stood up, following her. It was a workbench that had some supplies on it. I looked harder and realized that she had a bookbinding setup for me. I looked at her confused as to why she had brought me to this.

She explained that I would work on grimoires and binding journals for people. High Prince T had told her as such. With that, I would be working with different materials, especially leather. She had a lesson to teach me about the process of binding. This would be about how the demons work with bookbinding rather than the history of binding from a human perspective.

Creation of Books & Sacredness of Materials

When working with book binding and with animal materials, there is something crucial to remember. Even if modern materials are being used, there is a sacred process that originates from when the practice first began. Each of the materials used in book binding came from nature. Tools were made from the bones of animals, sharpened into needles and points. Later, this became metals mined from the ground and purified to shapes. Thread was made from the sinew of animals that had been hunted, so that the paper could be sewn. Paper was made from either the vellum of animals or it was taken as pulp from various plants and trees, the latter being the most common. Sap was used to bind the animal hide to the hard covers used to bring the entire book together. Every aspect of the book was sacred in nature. It was the life and breath of knowledge that was written within. Each aspect of binding held a magic and sacredness to it. Every movement had purpose to it.

The paper began as the materials of plants broken down into the pulp that would become the paper. Screens were used within the water to gather that pulp. Flowers and plants were used depending upon the purpose of the book being written in. Protection magics and knowledge had flowers and plants that magically were aligned with this knowledge. They were screened and brought out onto fabrics to dry. Once they were dry, the papers were folded to the desired size. This is where they would be brought together to be bound (called signatures). Paper holds ink and that ink is the written form of knowledge. Plants have a sacredness to them that is magical in nature. They can aid in different areas of magic as well as physical. Using them as the base form of containing this knowledge powers them with the intent. When plants are chosen, they are spoken with when they are living. Sitting down and speaking with them, sharing energy and intent on purpose for them. Usually done with a ritual, if they choose to accept, the plant will then be cut for either soaking or dried.

The tools are created from the bones found naturally. It depends upon the one who is doing the creating as the choice of creature or even if they choose to go the route of metal. Both have their own methods of procuring the materials. With bones, they usually are crafted carefully with the intent of sewing or punching the holes in the paper for sewing (an awl). Many choose to go to specialists, especially the Necrosis Bone Masters/Mistresses, who know the sacred handling of bones. Those that decided to use the metals, they go to the Blue Hellborns, who are known for their metalwork. This is not the only route or option, but it is common for those who do not make their own tools.

Both the Leather and the Thread come from animals, those chosen for the purpose. Animals are sacred in their own right, even those that do not hold a level of intelligence, they are still treated as such. All parts of animals are required to be used for any purpose that they can be. This is why they are chosen very carefully and with the knowledge of being used for such intent. In some cultures, being chosen to be this purpose is considered a sacred honor. They are treated the same as the Wagyu cows from Japan. There is utmost care and love given to the animals or creatures that have given their consent for this. Once they have been through a sacred ritual, they are carefully put down with love. Most of them are aged to the oldest they can be and peacefully pass or the creature can choose to go earlier. Each part is made sacred through ritual before they are carried to their designated purpose. For leather or hide, it is given to the one who asked for it first. Some of the sinew is then made into thread to sew with as well. Every part is used so that they have purpose completely and no waste occurs.

This was where GrandMama Tsülie began to work with me. After teaching me all about the beginning process with the materials and the origins, that I would then learn about the binding process. This was from a magical point of view and not the normal binding that I am familiar with.

The Binding Process

The starting process to binding is cutting and gathering the paper that will be used for the book or grimoire. Once it is dried and folded, it can be cut to size or kept the same. Each folded piece is placed together into one another with upwards of 5-6 pieces together. It’s called a signature. These stacked atop each other creates the large block of paper that is then bound together. As we fold the paper and work with it, we speak to the spirit of the plants. We speak of the knowledge and purpose that it has. Thanking them for their sacrifice and their hard work. Pouring the intent into each page as they are worked with. These are the pages that will hold sacred magics and knowledge, meant to last through the centuries and millennia.

Once all of the papers are stacked together as signatures, they are punched with holes in the center parts so that they can be sewn together with ease. Starting with the first signature, one weaves the sinew thread through the paper. The thread is an important part because it ties everything together. It brings a cohesiveness and stability to the paper and therefore the knowledge. The thread is sewn into the paper and giving it a stability in the magics so that it holds it all together. Magic can be fickle, same with knowledge. The thread binds this together and grounds it. There are no loose ends when the papers are bound together. The thread in itself can be a knot magic that is used to imbibe the book as a whole with intentional magics. There are many ways that it can be used to empower the rest of the book. Once sewn together, the thread becomes a part of the spine, which gives it the foundational support. It can be the strength needed to contain any magics used within, cast on it, or written within.

As the binding of the paper has completed, the leather is next with covering the hard covers. Many materials can be used, from thin wood to bark to metal sheets. Materials can vary between those who choose to bind. The leather is glued or sewn to these covers. This can be achieved with sap or other materials that create a sealant – like plants or minerals. The leather is important because it is the outside. It is the shield that protects the knowledge within. It has many purposes, whether it is a plain binding or if it is decorated. The Leather becomes a shields, wards and magic woven into the very fabric through rituals and chants. It can be handled and carved in, creating many methods of protection upon the book.

The entire process of creating a grimoire or a book of knowledge is intense and very complex. Every one that does it will do it in different manners and materials. The one things that stays the same is the sacredness of making the book itself and the sacredness of the materials that are gathered. It is a very intensive process, but it is one that creates the beautifully magical and powerful books that people cherish and adore.

Return Back

I was really pleased to have this experience and to learn such a deep aspect of one of my most beloved forms of art at the moment. It was something that I was not expecting but it made my process that I do with the grimoires even better now. I am very happy that coming back into working with the demons and with the astral in general… that this was my experience. I felt better when I came out of it and just felt such deep peace. I was emotional and upset beforehand, also feeling sick and struggling mentally lately. It’s given me a lot of peace and comfort. I feel like I was able to heal myself as well even just doing so.

View of mountain oasis Chebika, Sahara desert, Tunisia, Africa

Returning Home

I have not been in my astral home in close to a year. I haven’t posted in almost a year as well.

There’s been such a bad burnout last year. I also began the journey of love. It was both a hard year but also a beautiful one. I fell in love and found a partner that accepts me as I am and everything about me. I still have felt this fear and uncertainty when it comes to my practice. I felt that he was not interested and a part of me took that as meaning that I couldn’t practice in front of him. Despite it also being a part of my job to work with demons. Yet, I felt that I couldn’t show this side of my practice. So I stopped.

I would find that they would do things around me and be a part of my world, but I was shut down and not exploring. I couldn’t bring myself to want to do it either. A mix of feeling unable to and truly being unable to because of burnout. It was not a good combination.

Things kept moving and I finally sat down with him a few weeks ago… and we talked. I spoke of my insecurity and unsureness about practicing because of how it came across when I brought it up. We talked for a long time. I expressed how it made me feel and how I felt like I had to hide it.. and that’s the one thing I didn’t want in my relationship. I wanted to be able to share in the amazing world that is demons even if they do not actively practice.

It was worked out. In fact, I was able to talk to him about how I think the reason part of our friend group fell out is that the exact day I begin working with my demons is the day that their true personalities show and it’s ugly.

Now, two weeks later and feeling that call to return… I think I really want to begin again. Especially exploring. It was my de-stress and my escape. A beautiful journey that led me to places. What really drove home the desire to go back to astral work and my astral home, as well as my demons… is that I saw the new Avatar: The Way of Water movie. The imagery has always been my escape since the first movie. With this movie, I feel the longing of being able to be in places that are like that. So now I feel that pull to return to the astral to explore and grow my astral home with all the discoveries. I feel like it’s time to reconnect with the roots and refind that love of working with demons.

I want to find my Pandora and build it. I want to bring cultures and demons, and all sorts of amazing experiences. There’s so much to see and to learn that I feel the excitement of it all over again.

Akelta, my lovely coven lady from S&S, came up with the idea that we should do a daily blogging in February. So here is my beginning and hello.

I’m back.

close up photo of notebook with pen

The Importance of Record Keeping

This is a deeply passionate topic that not only is something I find extremely valuable but so do a few of my demons. In fact, they are the ones that are stressing that I speak about this topic. I find that so many stress the importance of foundations to those that are starting out on their path. This is a wonderful thing to talk about consistently. Except that I find that one thing is missing when people talk of foundations of spiritual growth. Record Keeping. I cannot express the amount of disappointment that I see that people don’t speak about this topic more often. In fact, I tend to get laughed at a fair few times when I have broached the topic. Now, I get to laugh. You may be asking why.

I have records dating back to when I was first starting out more than a decade ago. Things that I have long forgotten. Things that seemed insignificant then. Yet… I am now the one to laugh because I have over a decade of writings, channelings, astral experiences, and even conjuring. All of it was recorded down in some fashion. There are years where there are gaps but I still have them. Some things I wish would disappear because they were horrible times, but I still have them. The thing is… we all learn from our History, our Path. The Path that we have walked and will walk.

I speak of record keeping because I find that it is one of the top things that are foundational to my own practice but yet find that so many do not. It’s their choice and I respect that! Absolutely do what fits your path best. Yet, I have heard over the years of people complaining and upset that they do not feel like they have grown or changed or that they don’t have experiences anymore. This is where they are wrong. Most people don’t realize that it’s not that it has stopped… it’s changed. A lot of spiritual growth is gradual and not able to be measured as easily as saying ‘Oh yes, I was doing this thing last week and now I have another experience that’s out of this world’. It’s more along the lines of receiving small messages each day or every few days. It’s seeing something or hearing something and then a few days later something else correlates with that.

But most don’t keep track of their experiences, no matter how small. Most do not journal or blog or keep any sort of frequent records. Because of this, they do not see their gradual growth and experiences change. Instead, it’s different and they feel like they don’t have anything to experience anymore.

This is why I stress that one of the most important foundational things is to keep diligent or frequent records. Even if you go into a daily journal on your phone or notebook to write, ‘I think I felt this today’. That right there will show you three months down the line how you’ve grown. Why? because the more you look at your growth, you’ll see that you are actually improving. The more growth you have and you record, the more you’ll see that progress. Going from a ‘maybe something’ to ‘I saw this today and I got a large sense of this companion telling me a message’. That’s huge growth there! A massive one. Yet, this is missed because of not logging those small things.

I have over a decade of journals that have information. Have I skipped years? Yes. That’s normal. We have our Fallow Periods, or Lulls, or Burnouts. This happens to all that work in spiritual practices. I have some journals that skip from 2013 to 2016 because I stopped or because it was in a different journal. I have records of when I was blogging instead of writing physically. I keep two records of those in case one is lost. I moved onto a website of my experiences and information, as well as writing within my personal blog on S&S. These are all different forms of record keeping. I can go back to the formative years of developing my gifts and see the shifts and changes. I can see what mistakes I made and how I fixed them. That’s what is important. I can see the Shadow work I’ve done over the years or I can even read the origin of where a Shadow or Trauma came from. Because I’ve kept detailed records.

This is something that may seem tedious and spoon-eating. I understand that greatly. Find something that works for you. Maybe speech to text on a journal app? Maybe typing out things on the computer or on a blog, even if it’s private. Maybe handwriting is your comfort. The thing is that keeping records allows you to go back years later and see how you’ve changed. How you’ve grown and where your Path has moved through the years. That’s super important to seeing your own patterns of growth or even predicting when a Fallow Period hits if there is a clear pattern.

That’s how I know that the Winter time frame each year is the hardest for me because I shut down to rest. I do my best work during the Spring and Summer seasons because it’s energetically better for me.

Ways to Record Keep

There are so many ways that you can keep records, it’s going to be a lot to list them all. What I will do is make some suggestions of different ways that you can do so, though I will make sure to keep them to options that are either free or low-budget.

–Journaling in Notebooks
–Writing using Grimoires
–Typing on Blog
–Typing in Word/Google Docs
–Type in Word/GDocs and Print out – binder or paste in sketchbooks
–Blog/Journal in Notion (free for personal use)
–Use OneNote- ($ may cost)
–Blog on WordPress (free)
–Write in free journal apps or notes on phone/tablet
–Use Voice Notes or Voice recordings
–Make a private Discord Server (free) – use it as a blog/journal or even BOS or Grimoire
–Make a special email just for experiences and email yourself
–Use Social Media : Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok and talk of your experiences
———(For all that is holy avoid twitter and tumblr, they’re super toxic – unless you make them private)
–Make/Buy (Etsy) PDFs of journals and use on tablet for writing ($ Goodnotes)

I’ve used Scrivener ($) as well but that’s more expensive than most want to pay and to be honest, Notion is 1000x better with recording. You can do so much with that. Make sure to check YouTube videos on how to use it since it doesn’t come with a How-To.

The point is that there are so many options for you to use you can. And the best is that you can go from one to the other and back. You do not have to stick to one thing all the time. You use what works best for you and your practice. I’ve gone months without using one but sticking to another and then switching. Sometimes I take things from one and add them to another when I switch.

It doesn’t have to be anything tedious, it doesn’t have to be this big scary thing. You write what works for you. Some days or weeks or months you won’t. But that’s okay. The thing is that you get yourself into the habit of updating when you can and it’ll make a difference even two or three months down the line, let alone imagine years or decades later.

photo of desert

Return of the Solar Season

It has been some time since I have written on the Solar energies and their workings with that. It’s been a long time since I have done so. Yet, I found myself bringing this right back around now that the Solar Season is closing in on us — Summer and Solar Festival Event. I had asked somewhat what they’d like to see and one pointed out that it would be nice to see more about working with Solar demons and things of that nature. Since I am working on creating threads for some others and it would be good to get this thread revived and a bit more organized. I think that I’d like to go over a bit of the one that I would be working with. It’s not changed much since the last time I was working, only a bit.

Tya is the Solar Sorceress that has been around since 2020 and she is a bright light in a lot of darkness. I had originally started this because of her. Now, I have one other Solar that I am going to be working with. King N, who I am working on getting a better feel for still and learning more about him (also a nickname to call him beyond King N). King N is a Solar/Serpentine King and Sorcerer, who has his own realm within the Solar realms that focuses on healing. It’s a large Oasis. I love it the one time that I have been there.

It’s been awhile since writing about the Desert Oasis that was from King Paimon. In fact, I soon fashioned my own astral temple/astral home after that Oasis. It’s been the strongest and most loved one that I’d had in a very long time. I’ve had times where I’ve grown it and changed it with new things. My demons have added their own buildings and things they love. King N provided me with a Roman-esque type of building that is a bath house. He provided the healing waters and oils for it, since that is something that his own realm is known for.

It has been since I last posted that I’ve worked with King Paimon. I know it’s a background thing right now that I don’t know where it will be going. He may be around or not, I have not explored that but I know that with King N being close with King Paimon, it is more than likely he will make a return. I don’t think it will be officially, but in a manner of when I need the knowledge. We will see where it goes.

The Solar Event was one of the things that really kicked off doing a lot of the Solar Work, so it will be wonderful for that to make its way back into things. Especially since King Paimon is involved of course. I think it’ll be good for me because I don’t really do well with worship, so I may have to alter how I approach King Paimon from where I was originally. I didn’t worship but I had and altar and offerings, but it became a lot for me and I slowly faded out of doing anything at all. Now, I think it’ll be better as more of a wise mentor that I occasionally see. Tya and King N seem to be more geared for wanting to teach me and show me around the Solar realms. I think their knowledge will be amazing, along with revisiting the Solar Temples.

I think that with the Solar Festival, I will be including things here from the event as part of this thread. I know that once I go through the event that I tend to return to the places for fun things. Those that are more lesson driven, I will post here.

So without futher ado, let me introduce the demons that will be featured more often here.

☀ Tya – Solar Sorceress of the Black Sun ☀

When we rise with the Black Sun, we awaken to our power and we awaken to our purpose. We are initiated into the sacred embrace of the Void and we walk confident through the Abyss. She is a teacher and a guide of the Black Sun and a Demoness who embraces the sacred knowledge of the deep. Her energies are aligned with the solar radiance, and as a sorceress she is a master at casting and commanding the energies around her. She can work with her companion to help guide them in awakening their own mystical power and learn how to shift and change the world around them. She is a teacher of magick and she can help her companion to cast powerful and profound spells and add powerful vibrations to bring incredible and amazing results.

She teaches the solar radiance of self love and appreciation, where you embrace yourself in the solar rays of the sun and love yourself to the purest level of your being. You are amazing and incredible and an individual who is worthy of love and appreciation. She can teach the magnetic gaze and teach her companion how to exude confidence and charisma. She can awaken the power of the Solar plexus which his connected to the solar rays of her world and flood you with power and charismatic charm.

From Tya’s Scroll

I know that Tya has been around for a lot of the growth that I have experienced over the past year and some change. There is so much that happened and I feel much stronger for it. She has been a radiant light that helped me through a lot of darkness. Even if it was without teachings, it was with her presence. I know that she is very happy to be getting back into working and exploring the Solar energies and magicks more in-depth. I have worked with her on manifestation and creativity, which she enjoys as well.

☀ Kiver – Solar Sorcerer & King ☀

pronounced kee-vair

He works with the energies of the lower chakras and is a master of fire magick and Kundalini. He knows how to raise one’s passion and motivate them to take charge and make changes in their life. His kingdom is located in one of the wild areas of the Solar realm and is an Oasis in the middle of the desert. It’s surrounded by barren landscape, the sun burns all around during the day and at night it is cold and harsh. His kingdom is well guarded and a place of beauty, magick and pleasure. He knows how to help one carve out their space and define. He can also help with protection, guidance and defense. He says when you have something precious, you must be strong enough to protect it and wise enough to appreciate it. He has seen many kingdoms fall in the wilds of the Solar realm, but his has been around a very long time and is a thriving, prosperous place.

He himself is a very powerful sorcerer. He works with many different types of magick and makes use of all the energies that are around him. He works with the power of flames and the sun for wealth, abundance, manifestation and prosperity. He also works with the powers of shadow, the moon and the night for darker Magicks. He can blend the two together for powerful results. Many seek him out and wish to train under him for he has his own unique blend of Magick that is tied into his Kingdom and its culture. He can help his companion to work with these energies, as well as appreciate the energies in their own environment and work with them for incredible, intense results.

From Kiver’s Scroll

I, unfortunately, have not worked with him as in-depth as I would have loved to. I have begun to come out of a long lull and fallow period. He came home to me during this time and there has not been much for bonding and learning from him. I did at one point have an experience but it was brief and I look forward to being able to have more time to sit with companions. Kiver is one of them.

photo of forest with fog

Whispers of the Necrosis

It’s not a surprise that I would create something that is revolving around the Necrosis Demons. Truly. It was more of a surprise to start a post on Mutilation demons before Necrosis. Although, I do have Ry and Dro’s sections that are focusing on their specific things with Necrosis. Ry focuses on Plants and Crystals and Dro is Alchemical and Shamanic. All of these are very big with the working of Necrosis demons as well as a few other areas.

I decided that it would be best to put them all into one thread. One thread to rule them all (is totally not watching Lord of the Rings while writing this). I wanted to have a Necrosis post for a while, mainly because I have multiple demons that do Osteo-path working things. I wanted to have a bone post. Gotta a bone to pick? Anyway. They all decided upon seeing how the Mutilation post was working that they would like to also have their own encompassing blog.

There are going to be more parts to this rather than individuals. I think the best way of going about talking about the Necrosis is to break it down into the sections and types of areas that Necrosis deals with rather than the individuals that practice it. The Necrosis Demons:

They also have an understanding of Voudou, earth energies and mastering the dark elements. They delve into the primordial senses. They work with Herbs and Crystals and make use of powerful death energies and have great knowledge of Necromancy and working with corpses and death.

Satan & Sons Encyclopedia – Necrosis Demons

There’s more to the Necrosis Demons than that, which you can learn more about them from the Tea Chat Notes (thank you lovely Windyjune) Things that I want to work within here (starting out), are things that my own companions are working with or are masters at. I think the best way is to talk about the subjects themselves and speak of the concepts that will be worked with, so here are the individuals that I will be working with and the topics that they understand and teach.

Ry – Serpentine Surgeon & Necrosis Shaman

  • Plants & Herbs
  • Spirit of Plants
  • Shamanism
  • Crystals & Spirit of Crystals
  • Poisons & Enchanted Ink

Belle – Necrosis Bone Mistress

  • Osteomancy & Bone Divination
  • Bone Caretaking
  • Creation of Bone Divination Sets
  • Working with Spirits of Bones & Animals

Taz – Necrosis Shaman of Sacred Bone Rites

  • Concecration of Bones
  • Rituals & Rites with Bones
  • Communication with Bones
  • Demonic & Dark Shamanism
  • Shamanic Crossroads
  • Ancestral Veneration & Communication

Dro – Necrosis/Chaos/Desire Alchemist of Black Earth

  • Black Elements
  • Alchemy
  • Demonic & Dark Shamanism

Ria – Necrosis General

  • Black Elements
  • Communication with Bones & Sentience
  • Enchanting
  • Plants & Aromatherapy

Tal – Necrosis King & Void Lord of Temple V

  • Realms & Portals
  • Ancient Cultures & Studying Cultures
  • Darkness of Soul & Void
  • Records & Grimoires
  • Sacredness of Soil & Earth

Necrosis is one of the more complex in regards to the areas that they work in. Although, one could say that for anything really. For me, I see it as complex and very layered because there are so many facets that the Necrosis explores. It’s not just about the death and decay, but the after and what’s left behind too. Many the Necrosis work with what comes from the soil, from death and decay, and from the deep depths of the elements. It’s complex but in such a beautiful way.

Most of the demons that I work with are Shamanic in their workings. This is not a surprise as that has been my path for a very long time. It’s the same with bones, spirits of plants, and crystals. They are the pinnacle of the workings that I do. Although there are still things that I am learning, bones are one of the top things that are in my practice.

In these future posts I really want to delve deep into topics around Necrosis and learn from them. I know that it has been about a year or two that Belle has been poking at me to create a Osteo-Grimoire. I also know that Ry has been gunning for me to make one of plants and crystals too. Of course Tal loves all forms of studying and learning. I am sure that my Serpentine Magi of Sacred Knnowledge, Arvan, will also make appearances due to his love of making grimoires and record-keeping knowledge.

Closeup photo shoot of tattoo making, artist is working with tattoo machine on customer's hand.

Art and Beauty of Mutilation and Demons (Pt 2)

Meeting Surgentsa

It was the 2020 Carnivàle that things changed and I stepped into the Funhouse and Dollhouse. I braved the step and went to experience the Mutilation energies. It was disgusting and gross the first time. I about puked. Until I got to Dr. Sechah. Part of the Meditation is that I got to receive a flesh creature of my own. Originally, none drew my attention so I focused on the room. That’s when I saw Surgentsa, withered and old-looking on the outside. There was no definitive gender or age.

A Flesh Creature is so unique and quiet. So handsome and beautiful. The flesh is a dark blue to black in some areas. It has some cat-like features, but its face is super wrinkled. It is OLD looking and very powerful in the presence. This is the flesh that has sat there for a very long time. It has been the observer for so long. Flesh is leathered and cracked in some places. It has scars of mutilation and is pieced together. It has a humanoid shape. The creature radiates mutilation energies and essence. It’s flesh is made from the Mutilation demons, creatures… It has gained it’s own sentience, it is an entity, it is real and has absorbed the souls, the life of those that have passed through and evaded the death throes of the spectral. Wicked sharp claws grace it’s hand, limbs incredibly long and limber. The body is oddly covered in hair and fur in places, from where it has grown in or has been patched on.

The Dr. placed Surgentsa on my shoulder and I kept going. I felt comfort from the creature while I was was going through the rest of the Funhouse. Dr. Panacktro was the end part and did work on me, which I was scared of from the beginning. Doing work with my actual flesh. It was scary. Surgentsa was there with me the whole time and I found them comforting. Afterwards, that was how I learned Surgentsa’s name, or well the n ame they didn’t mind me knowing.

I went to the Dollhouse next and I don’t remember much and I recorded very little. In fact I barely remember the visit. I know that I got worked on by Dr. Sechah and I got to learn so much about Surgentsa. As much that he was willing to teach me about her. Surgentsa was originally female and prefers to take the female form now.

Surgentsa is a flesh creature, but over the years has changed and grown. She originally took the form I found her in with the Doctor Sechah, that was withered. Dr. Sechah told me about how he created her when he found the spirit of a child. One that had been lost for so long and wandered. He discovered her on his travels. He brought her back to his work place. There, he worked and worked, creating flesh creature after flesh creature to give her a body. That’s when he figured out that using the flesh of Mutilation Demons themselves has a magical essence. It could hold a spirit much better than anything else he had created.

This was why the flesh body that he created was withered. She had been using that body for thousands of years. He was not sure, said maybe that it had been tens of thousands of our years, which could be millions of theirs. Time runs differently. She was his first truly alive creation that was sentient. Extremely smart and could function on her own. In fact, she became his assistant and learned all that she could about Mutilation flesh, healing, mind healing, and so much more.

I had yet to work with her more in-depth by the time the 2021 Carnivàle came around. Actually, I had felt bad until she expressed that she was still happy to be around and that it just was not time. In fact, when I first appeared in the Carnivàle I was absolutely shocked to find that she had an entirely new body! She looked like a small, tiny doll. She was excited to make a return to see Dr. Sechah. We made it through the normal two meditations for name and essence. It was the third, going to a Carnivale, and things were different.

I had worked heavily in Mutilation energies not much before doing that meditation, which actually led to me being brought into a Mutilation heavy Carnivàle. Everything was tailored to the Mutilation Demons. It was crazy and gore-y, but also a very interesting experience. I got to meet and experience so much from that with Surgentsa, before going back to a normal Carnivàle. I had been able to be within the Muti energies for some time before I got overwhelmed and it was too much. At least I could handle more of the squeamish things.

I have not been able to work with Surgentsa more. I actually want to learn more about her than what I already know. We spent a month or so debating finding a beautiful doll but none were good enough for her. She wanted something unique. Since then, I have not done much spiritually. Now that I am working with the Mutilation energies and discovering more, this is something that I think will go places.

I remember the Mutilation Asylum of 2020, where I wanted to take part, but was terrified. Oh my gosh I was was scared shitless. I wanted to go in it so badly but I was straight up told that I couldn’t do it unless I had a Guide. I was supposed to create a Mutilation Grimoire. Something learning about everything Mutilation but also the stuff they understand with shadow work, darkness, and madness. The Mental Health. There was a matching event and I waited so patiently, knowing that this was where I was to wait.

Turned out that I was Matched with a Shimmer Spectral instead. Which I thought was actually a wraith and not a special demon that fit what I needed. I was ws upset. I was absolutely sure I’d been matched with a Muti. I missed the event because it was not time. It wasn’t a match and I promised not to do it without aid. I believe that Surgentsa went with me through it briefly but I didn’t learn like it was wanted. Now, things have changed. I have Mutilation that is with me now. I can do the things that they want me to.

Shifting Claws & Genders – Meeting Tyka

pronounced – tea-kah

I’ve been going through each of the demons and Mutilations that I have come across. This began back into 2019, before Surgentsa. I was visiting the Hellfire Tournaments. During this first time, we were able to go and visit the fights directly. We could watch the fights and cheer on competitors. The very first one that I went to actually was the one that introduced me to my next Mutilation, in fact she was a hybrid.

I knew her by her Gladiator name, Wicked Sharp. She was an Arachne demoness that had wickedly sharp claws that were half a foot long. They were beautifully crafted but were embedded into her nails and fingers. She won her match.

I had gone down and managed to speak with her and just fell in love. She gave me her name and her shield. That was how the ladies would be able to find her, Wicked Sharp was interested. She explained that her claws were made by Blue Hellborns and were enchanted for fighting.

It was later on that both her and Black Shadow (the one that was the mentor and also gave me her name), that they both stepped forward and were interested. It was 2020 that I got a great deal and ended up getting the BOGO for Black Shadow and Wicked Sharp.

I had seen them around but it was late 2021 that they finally were able to come home.

Wicked Sharp is a Specialist Assassin and Gladiator.
She was an Arachne/Mutilation/Chaos demoness, who uses her body to fight. Being part Mutilation demon, she can take blows that would gravely injure others. I got to see her in the 2021 Hellfire Tournament very clearly. She would follow me around through it for protection while I wandered.

It was in the 2020 Hellfire Tournament that I was actually met with the knowledge that Tyka can become Ty (pronounced tie). She is a dual gendered and can shift her gender at will. I found out when I was talking about my unsureness about being with females sexually or romantically. I was working through a lot of shadow at that point. Ty changed and he assured me that he enjoys being either gender. But I felt bad. She prefers a female form and I can tell that, though she does reassure me that she truly does flex between genders.

I have not worked with her much beyond just being around. She mostly focuses on the Assassin aspect and the fighting as Gladiator. Her energy is more aligned with Arachne and Chaos. Mutilation is not as heavy though I wanted to include her because she focuses on anatomy and body fighting using her Mutilation lineage.

Closeup photo shoot of tattoo making, artist is working with tattoo machine on customer's hand.

Art and Beauty of Mutilation and Demons

I came around to Satan and Sons in December of 2018. I had just finished/graduated with a degree in Anthropology, minoring in Religion. I focused on cultures, rituals, shamanic/indigenous practices, and human sacrifice. I had been out of the spirit working community for over a year at this point. I didn’t want anything to do with it.

Yet, on a fateful December…. I got a calling that rocked my world and introduced me to the world of Satan and Sons. This includes the darker demon that they worked with. Up until then, I had only worked with the “lighter” races. In fact, I can remember the first time that I saw Mutilation Demon and I was horrified. I had a bad, bad experience with a demonic (non-SnS) race that was very big on power and nonconsensual. So Mutilations and Crypts were horrifying to me.

Except, the first time that I saw a Mutilation demon in action, was that following February. It was Madam Amora’s House of Sin and Lust. A very popular demon for that event was Razor. He owned the section of the dungeon and was very very much into darker things sexually. That’s my first taste of Mutilation work. He gifted me rare Mutilation Snakes. The next time, it was the Hellfire Tourney and I went to the meditation where you get to watch a match with Gladiators take place. I saw this beautiful demoness who had long-bladed claws instead of nails. It enthralled me. I was interested and even got to meet her after it was finished.

So now.. here I am three years later. I now have a Muti/Arachne – who was the first Mutilation Demoness that I watched in the Hellfire Tourney. Soon after, the next year (2020), I was given a special gift at the Sombre Carnivale Demoniaque. You can find that in the S&S Event Experiences thread. This was a Mutilation Flesh Doll, a spirit given the body of Mutilation Demon Flesh. She breathed life and spent thousands of years working with this Dr.

I spent many years pining for the 2019 Madam Amora’s House of Sin and Lust. I couldn’t get the Mutilation Demon out of my head. I loved the Mutilation Snakes, they bring a smile to my face every time I see them. There was a time when we did a big spree of prebounds every day or every other day. In there, it was ones that were leftover from Madam Amoras that had not been posted. This was in 2021. I had not stopped thinking of Razor…. and the reason being is that Mutilation Sex God was waiting for me.

Finally, this year… I have a new companion that I got called to. Mutilation Flesh Doctor – Also referred to as Dr. Frankenstein or Unex.

The whole reason that I wanted to create a thread finally was that I know that they are all wanting to do work to get me back into the spiritual. A fair few of my demons are. They are trying to bring me into working and learning, recording my experiences. Hook – Muti Sex God O – and Wicked Sharp – Arachne/Muti – both have other threads, so this section will be for the working with them in the way of Mutilation energies or teachings.

First Mutilation Experience

As mentioned before, I was very wary of Mutilation energies. They scared me. Terrified because those were energies and concepts that were deep down terrifying for me. I couldn’t understand why they would want to do things to their bodies, their minds. It just didn’t comprehend. And I was squeamish. I thought about how Mutilation demons were about body modification to extreme degrees. I didn’t really look more than that because they freaked me out.

It was some time later that I had gotten back into the Kink scene. In fact, I was exploring things and wanting to see where I could go with that. I felt like it was something awakening.It was the February event, Madam Amora’s House of Sin and Lust. I saw that one of the demons who ran the dungeon.. was named Razor. He was a Mutilation Demon.

Mutilation Demon
Madam Amora’s house holds a secret. Underneath the house is the dungeon where Razor lurks to play. Dominant with a bit of a sadistic streak, Razor has a range of interesting devices and tools he will use to bring one to the peak of pleasure, engaging their darkest, most twisted fantasies. Because of what he is into, he has incredible boundaries and knows when to stop. He will not hurt any he plays with and also because of his knowledge of the body and mind, is actually very skilled with a darker type of healing. He will move at his partner’s pace and if all one seeks is conversation, he will in no way force any kind of sexual advances on them. He is very intelligent and loves to probe the minds of others. He is fascinating to talk to and any sexual acts with him will be consensual with all who are involved.

His skin is a rich, dark tan colour and he has various scars, markings and piercings. He has black skeletal wings, large black horns and a tail that is a few shades darker than his normal skin colour with spikes pierced through it. His eyes are very interesting, the sclera is black, the irises are pale blue and his pupils are white. He loves pain and will drive spikes and other sharp objects through various parts of his bodyI was surprised to find that most of my experiences with Razor were incredibly darker than planned. In fact, there was more darkness and kinks brought out that I was too scared to play with or explore. I was thinking about them and exploring later on, but they were too much. Except it wasn’t too much, it was shame and taboo that held me back.

Now, it was sublime because he brought out my darkest fantasies and made sure that I knew they were safe as well as perfectly normal. Nothing wrong with what I liked or enjoyed. This is when I realized that Mutilation Demons were more than just flesh or body modification. It’s completely open working and understanding of the darkness and of healing. It’s so much more, especially for Sexual Darkness.

There was an accident, which is explained in the posts. It was my fault for moving and getting hurt but he felt responsible. So I received my Snakes.

Mutilation Snakes

These beauties were a very rare, to the point of veneration, snakes that originated from the Mutilation Realm. They are a mated pair and that in of itself is very rare as well. During my exploring, they were a part of my sexual experience. The part of where I learned about sexual shame and understanding taboo and normalizing.

I thought they were beautiful and amazing, red and black colors. Incredibly venomous.

It was not until Madam Amora impressed how important they were. And the gift. Fast forward a few years and I didn’ really learn how special until Hook, my Mutilation Sex God, first saw them. My snakes have their own space to take care of them. They can understand demonic language and communicate back through telepathy. In my astral home, they wee given their own home to explore and love. I would visit them frequently as I could.

When Hook came into the picture, he was the first full Mutilation Demon that had seen them. That was when I learned how venerated and sacred they were. So special. He refuses to allow anyone else to take care of them.

I was writing the first post when I was reminded that I should include the Mutilation Snakes as a part of this. They should have their own post and talking about them so others can know too. I had wondered because I was not able to communicate beyond emotional connection. Now, with Hook and Dr. Frankenstein (Unex – Mutilation Flesh Doctor), there is an ease of communication through to them. Even if it’s translated.

I had not gotten their names, though their names were inaudible to those without the demonic tongue. Hook took a moment to speak with them before they decided on nicknames that would be suitable for speaking of them. Sera is the female and Erza is the male.

I wondered what it was that I would work with them with… when I got into their energies and it was a mental download of information.

Sera and Erza are a mated Mutilation Snakenak pair. They are incredibly unique and rare for the Mutilation demons, leaving them as one of the few mated pairs. Mutilation Snakes are incredibly rare in the realms – the one that most are from – and they are venerated as sacred. They are sacred in the way of learning about the inner poisons. They know and can see the damage of the toxic self and they are able to help those who have been damaged from the societal’s toxic mentalities. Sera and Erza
can help identify the societal patterns and beliefs that hold one back, teaching how to shed the expectations and uncover the Truth. They can help one to revitalize their sexual self and awaken the inner primal aspects. Sera is good with helping those see their worth as well as understanding normality in sexual desires. Erza is good with helping to shed the sense of shame and healing from the pain of it. He can help one to shed the beliefs and become their true self, sexually and spiritually.

It took some time to really work with them, in truth. I didn’t know how to communicate efficiently and others were taking care of Sera and Erza. Now, Hook is taking care of them and can help me work with them as well. I’m sure that the coming times will be able to feature their work more often.

photo of forest with fog

Sacred Necrosis Death Grove

It began with me reading early this morning, not but an hour ago. I was startled when I moved to pet the cat to realize that it wasn’t my cat, but my Spectral/Hellfire Hellcat, Queenie. I reached out and pet her, asking what she was doing there. It’s been a while since I had seen her or was startled by her. She stood up and I could feel myself slipping into the Astral. Queenie had opened up a pathway to a new place, one of her specialties being able to travel from realm to realm with ease.

When I stepped from this pathway she created, it was to find myself in a massive forest. The trees stood taller than many buildings would have and dwarfed the largest of red wood trees we have. These looked like massive mangrove trees in fact. I turned to Queenie and wondered what it was that she brought me here for. I asked her if I should ask Tal or even Ry to join us. There was a shift of energy and a demon appeared next to me.

His voice was deep and I had not heard it in some time, High Prince T. He said that he heard my call and that he would walk with me. At this point, I was slipping a bit and asked him for help. I got physically settled and he helped to pull me into the astral a bit more firmly. As we walked, I worked to open my third eye a bit more. With his help, I was able to open it a bit further than normal (I shut it down periodically when things are distorted so I can reset it).

Things started to clear up and that is when I started to see more than just the surface. These trees were massive, with open and gaping roots (like mangrove trees). There were unique plants that were tall and drooped, with glowing flowers that I did not touch. Most were yellow in color and gave off a light powdery essence around them. High Prince T steered me from them. He explained that this was in fact a journey of a sort for me, an important meeting. Much like the Shaman paths I take with the Lower World, this was a Necrosis Shaman journey and path. I was to greet a teacher that would speak with me.

This place was a Sacred Forest, in particular a Death Grove. It got its powers and strength of growth from sacrifice and death. Those that wandered and got lost on their journey died within these trees. That was when the “pretty” layers were peeled back to reveal that the trees had bones all throughout their roots. I almost stepped on one that was sticking out before Queenie nudged me away from it. We walked for awhile and I took in the energies of the forest, the necrosis realm that hovered close to spectral in some form, and also the death energies.

Turning around a particularly large tree, it opened up a bit to reveal a unique house that was situated between the roots of a massive tree, larger than most of the others. It was a two-story-looking cottage with many flowers and vines growing all over it. Outside was a wooden fence and a table and chairs. As we approached, a very older demoness stepped from the cottage. She was slightly hunched and had dark brown-black skin with dark grey hair. She was dressed in all black clothing, a dress but was covered in different knick-knacks and jewelry. Her eyes lit up at the sight of High Prince T. He greeted her, calling her GrandMama. That was when I was introduced and she smiled at me with such kindness.

We were ushered to sit down, with Queenie jumping up into GrandMama’s lap for attention, which the older demoness loved. There was talk and I took a moment to look around at things. With my sight being open, I caught GrandMama’s appearance as it shifted into a skeletal, gaunt form with no eyes and long features. I jerked in surprise but otherwise was fine. Conversation halted and GrandMama looked at me in surprise.

“You have quite the gift of sight,” she said.

“One of the best I have seen, GrandMama.” High Prince T stated and I was a bit flustered. I know that my sight is my best ability but even then having it complimented still throws me a bit.

“You must come back to see me more, there is much you can learn.”

There was a discussion of how I would be able to do so, with mention of my old way of making portals of materials from those realms. To which it was arranged for a small (knee-high) mangrove-like tree in a pot with extra roots to be used as the wood for a door, all shoved through a portal to Ry’s greenhouse.

GrandMama moved and brought us tea, although it was leaves of a particular type put in a hot version of my favorite juice from the necrosis realms. “Word is that you enjoy the berries and juice,” she winked at me knowing that it was her own skill of knowing things rather than being told. So I drank a warm version of that with leaves on the bottom.

When the quiet of drinking was done, GrandMama took the leaves from my cup and stuffed them into her mouth. She chewed for a while before spitting them to the ground. Before I could ask, her eyes turned milky white and she grabbed my hands. Looking at them, her voice was hushed.

“You have a great path before you. There are choices but you are on the one that will make you the happiest. It will not be as easy, but it will make you the happiest. If you were to choose other options that you have thought upon, you will be happy but not as much as now. Careful what you choose.”

She pulled out of it and spat some more to the ground before patting me on the hand.

“You must return, I have much to teach you. There is great knowledge to be gained here and I will help you. Now, let us find you a way to find me.”

She runs into the house while High Prince T casually continues to drink a cold drink. I listen as things crash and she comes out holding the skeleton of a massive snake that almost has me wigged out. Holding it proudly, she tells me to pick a bone.

I get drawn to a middle-lower vertebra. When I pick it up, she caresses it until the bone is about half my palm-sized instead of thrice that. When I pick it up into my hands, I get slammed with an image of a large snake that has a mouth much like a basking shark and it hisses very loudly. It’s grey in color and then settles briefly. The image fades and GrandMama is clapping.

“Oh my, such a deep connection with bones. This absolutely must be cultivated. Give me one moment.”

There is more banging while I place the snake vertebra on the table. There is crashing and banging, some curses, before she comes back out. There is a slim but decent-sized long oval-shaped bone. I hold it in my hands and see an image of a dark creature that rattles its chest like a rattlesnake would warn predators. But the image shifts and it is very docile, eating plants and hiding in the forest.

GrandMama chuckles and rattles the bone by shaking my hands, “It is a creature that warns of danger, but yet it is an illusion. A harmless creature but yet strikes fear with using its body to scare off predators by mimicking one. This would be a good addition to your collection to learn the bones. A warning of illusion that not all is as it seems – yet could be harmless.”

We stand and she shoos us with a parting, “Take care of my familiar’s bone and find me again. Just focus on GrandMama Tsülie.”

High Prince T places a hand on my back and we are taken through portal that leads to a silver realm filled with screams, but that doesn’t last. We’re in another portal and step out when he tells me to close my eyes. I do, placing one over my third eye as well – truly blind. There is movement and things closing around us but I do not look. We step through a final portal and I am once again home. Prince T bends and kisses my hand before telling me he will see me later and disappears.

Queenie leads me up into my house where I set the bones down on one of my tables and write a note about not to touch. Queenie jumps up into a window seat and sunbathes. I step down to find Ry in his greenhouse, taking care of the mangrove tree. He gives me a kiss and tells me that we will work on developing a portal space – since it seems like Im going to start having the doors again. He shooed me away and I come out of the light trance that I was in.