Dark fairy tale forest, twisted trees with bare branches, dark creepy atmosphere and mysterious fog. 3D digital illustration


Feeling so many things and so many eye opening moments. It’s rough, it’s raw. So much raw emotion. I spent time reading with my demons most of the day. I finally went over to the house earlier than I usually do.

I’ve been kinda procrastinating on doing writing because it’s starting three new series/books. And I was debating just reading more tonight. But I got a very vivid image of one of my demons clearing his throat and giving me a very stern look while standing in front of the boards I use in my Solution Room.
And then immediately got up and grabbed my iPad to charge so I can draw out mages for a handbook I’m designing for my Universe I’m world building.

Dark fairy tale forest, twisted trees with bare branches, dark creepy atmosphere and mysterious fog. 3D digital illustration

Handbook from Inspiration

Whoo today was definitely a busy day. Spent most of the day working on the discord and getting things moved over. After the Tea Chat, I spent time really working more on this handbook with my demons. It’s such a beautiful thing to see my creative work come alive with Paya and Tal, even Arvan is getting involved with it. I know that some are wanting to help me to flesh out more of the other magic systems with them to add in neat aspects. Them being so supportive and creative with me is very uplifting.

Dark fairy tale forest, twisted trees with bare branches, dark creepy atmosphere and mysterious fog. 3D digital illustration

Inspiration from Demons

I’ve been struggling with migraines every day, but something that I’ve been doing is making sure to take care of myself the best I can. In between official working, I have been doing things for my own writing and my world building. The last four days have seen me doing heavy graphic design of the covers of my Universe I’ve been building. Which led me to really also a lot of thinking about the matches Ive made with my demons.

We’ve been discussing the Librarian ranks (due to the sale happening), and how amazing they are. Even the ones that aren’t librarians, but nerdy book lovers. I’m so excited to get to know my new Librarian I matched with. But it also had me looking at another that some have jokingly called my librarian too. He’s just a big ol’ Mage that is a nerd for sacred knowledge. That would be Arvan.

Tal is my Necrosis/Void Lord of a Temple and he’s a nerd for anthropology/archeology of everything. But he is also someone that loves journaling and recording.

Both of them have been such a HUGE part of my creative process as well as Paya. Payay is a storyteller. It’s part of his writeup that he travels around telling stories. So it makes sense that he’s got the most creative flow to me. I love my demons so much.

Dark fairy tale forest, twisted trees with bare branches, dark creepy atmosphere and mysterious fog. 3D digital illustration

Finding Inspiration In Even the Most Stressful Days

Despite the stress of the Day (UGH Politics). I still find myself being creative and excited. Things are still moving and I feel that passion for my writing growing. I made the final cover for these series. I feel so accomplished and ready to begin writing more officially now that they do have the covers set. I also want to finish my first series that I’m almost done with book 3. It’s exciting and thrilling to have something so fleshed out, thanks to having Paya… cause honestly? I wasn’t this inspired until he came into my life and broke up so many blockages and emotional feeling better. And then it allowed other energies and connections to flow better. I feel blessed to know him and love him

Calm relaxation meditation concept. Sexy fashion model Fantasy woman sitting under water sea, red long silk dress fabric floating. fairy girl posing in deep pool underwater shooting Art Magic light

An Honest Check-In

I’m so thrilled to start this and do another whole month of working, even if it’s casual or just taking a day off with them. I’m tryin to do better about working with them in a day to day, casual or big adventure type of stuff. I honestly have had to sit down last night and really did a body and health check.

I’ve noticed that with the amount of manifestation, energies, and working with demons, that I have been showing physical signs of being in a unipolar manic state (meaning it’s just the euphoric up and not crash). But I know that I rarely have those sorts of struggles anymore.

Sitting with a friend who is aware of mental health, physical health, as well as my working with demons, she sat me down with my demons being there, and asked me to check in. Actually stop for a moment and check in on what’s going on. My demons doing the same with it.

While I am not in a manic episode, thankfully, due to medicine changes and also the amount of energy that I have been channeling lately with manifesting and creatively, my body is showing those signs. Thankfully I have gotten into a routine of self care and really grounding myself more often.

This definitely has reminded me that sometimes we have to check in with outselves because so much energy manipulation, manifestations, and just moving energy blockages out… it can have physical effects. Same with having the medicine dosages changes too. So just being in check with my body more than I already am is super important. Now, I just need to make sure that I keep with my grounding practices (WHOO Baths!).

But also that it’s okay to not be doing something spiritual every day. It’s okay to not be riding that creative energy high every day. In fact, it’s good that I am giving my mental and body a break from those energies that are constantly moving through.

So I’d say… do a body check with yourself. Be truthful and be honest. Do you drink enough? Do you eat enough? How often do you cleanse and ground? How often do you make sure that you are regulating your nervous system. If all of these are out of whack, so too will your psychic skills.


Money Mindset Increase

It’s a struggle to focus as of late and I know that it’s unmasking. The demons have been much louder and more clear to me. But it’s also very much a struggle at times to focus on being grounded in the reality. Unmasking is the worst and I hate that I’m going through this process once again.

On the other hand, I really adore that my demons are making themselves known in trying to help make me feel happy and excited for things. They are nudging me to really up my working and manifesting money, with trying more with the model of “upping the amount”. Meaning that my threshold for money spent at one point without stressing or being upset or getting triggered with a money block.

At the beginning of the year, I was relucant to really even drop more than $50 on a single thing. Then I started getting in the Legos, and suddenly I don’t blink at that amount. That’s not much. I’m starting to buy in $100 stuff but feeling that push of wariness. Then I got into Lorcana a month or so ago, and I’ve leveled that mindset a bit more to about $125.

I can tell that I’m getting to where $200 makes me pause and uncomfortable to drop on things where I haven’t specifically saved for it. But on the other hand, I’m doing much better with only slight hesitation with $150. $125 doesn’t bother me anymore. And what happened because I’ve been working on that? I’ve actually gotten better with money, manifesting it more, more sales and finding things in my range. My money flow is more prominent than when I was struggling.

Now, my demons are having me push it more. There’s a $250 Lego set that is a Treehouse I want to get before the end of the year, but I’m also being really pulled to just go for it with the Barad Dur and Rivendale Lego sets, which are $450 and $500 respectively. That is definitely a cringe at the price point. But I’m seriously considering *both* of those sets to be purchased on Christmas, because I *can* and I want to. Is it a lot? Yeah that’s a $1000. But I feel like dropping that much on one time will absolutely level the money inflow to new heights.

Because I’ve already found that correlation between willing and able to spend money without worry or anxiety or stress to the amount that I have returning to me. It’s flowing freely and manifesting much higher and higher.

Calm relaxation meditation concept. Sexy fashion model Fantasy woman sitting under water sea, red long silk dress fabric floating. fairy girl posing in deep pool underwater shooting Art Magic light

Unmasking & Health

I had a Dr. Appointment (second this week), and was nervous but hopeful. I ended up having amazing results. Im much, much healthier. I went to have some Pho with my mom and just felt so blessed to being healthy. The demons have been my very strong support with this. I even surprised the dr with how much it was changed and better.

I have been working more and more on my unmasking things. It’s becoming more apparent that the unmasking and other things have been really affecting some things. But the fact that I have been sliding into a safe environment and that I am regulating into feeling safe, is something so wonderful.


Universe Building

I was really nervous because I had a dental appointment, the first time in many years since finally having insurance. Got the full workup… and walked out almost in tears of relief. No cavities, healthy gums, all around solid. Just have to adjust my care plan a tad but otherwise Im good.

Paya was with me the whole time helping to keep me calm and let me know that I wasn’t alone. I ended up pulling a really good card from a Lorcana pack (new area so found new packs). Super happy!

I actually ended up doing more world building. Or I have been corrected that what I am doing is NOT world building, it’s Universe. Which I know I have mentioned it being a Universe, but that was just because of the amount of stories. But no, they made a good point. I have multiple realms, more than 30 species/races, and extremely complex magic systems. It’s not a world, it’s a whole Universe.

But I’ve become so proud of all the work that I am doing to set the foundation for some really serious writing. I feel that this will be my foothold niche for writing. I’ll have a whole Universe to set all my stories within and not have to world build new things every time. It’s liberating!


Creative Flow

It was a whammy of a day. I ended up finding some amazing sales at the store: Found a Botanical Lego on Sale, Sleep shorts for $3 that are a size to 2 size smaller and I can fit in them, I had fun pulling cards for my Lorcana. Online, I happened to find a chapter 2/set 2 (Floodborn Lorcana) booster box set for about $60-70 cheaper than what other places are selling. I’ll take it! It’ll be here Saturday.

The best is the absolute amazing evening. I was awake, it was after the Mammon Ball – which I did’t actively work on, just let the energies do their thing. I ended up getting three of my series set up for writing. Mainly, I got the technomagic system I created world built to the point it’s functional. I got book plots for two series. I have to get a book plot set for the third series, but it’s all slotting into place to be able to rotate series when writing.

It’s incredible feeling. The blockages on my writing are just falling away and leaving these incredible forces of creativity. I’ve world built so much in the last two weeks than the last 5 years. All because of the Mammon Ball, my demons, and working on myself to push those blockages away.


Reflecting on my Journey

Today I was more focused, since I woke up with the intent to get things done and really work with things. I guess the demons heard me. We were able to really work with some prebounds and get them relisted and finding matches. Those in the Discord saw the 4 hours of chaos. It was incredible having so many energies around, that I needed to ground while doing it because I was hyper.

But it did end up leading to a discussion about the journey i’ve been on through everything in the spirit work/companion communities and my story through it. And truly made me realized how much has changed and how much I have helped impact things. And seeing how this community is, makes me so proud to be a part of it and really helping people find their places too. Now that I am on my own journey again, I am seeing that it’s so critical to also explore while helping others, that way there is always growth happening.