
Working With Paya

Today is day 2 and it’s taken Paya most of the day to convince me to really get involved with this. I’ve been sitting on whether or not to do this. Which I think I wrote in the day 1 post. But I’m sitting here with Paya and I feel inspired to do this. I worry about it being a demand and pressure to do this daily, so it’ll just be a one-day-at-a-time type dealio.

I’m not surprised to find that King Tal (Void/Necrosis Lord & King) has made an appearance. He’s been the biggest on journaling and on recording, getting back into things again. I think he just wants me to explore with him. One of the future months may end up being a “Explore the Astral with King Tal”… but I know he’s helping to keep the pressure off and making me inspired to write instead.

Paya is too sweet and is just here as an anxiety help. It’s one of the more amazing things is that he is an immediate anxiety reducing just by being nearby, let alone if I ask for help dealing with it. My anxiety is from my being in a constant survival state the past many years that it’s now become a physical issue rather than just mental/emotional. It helps. He helps so much more and I know my demons have really stepped up in aiding me this year with moving forward in my life.

So this is kinda just more of me getting back into the mindset that it’s safe. I’m safe now.

I feel like I have more to say than this… but I just don’t know what.


A Month of Connection – Inner Circle Challenge

So, in the Inner Circle, also called the Demon Temple’s Inner Sanctuary, there are challenges that are done each month. They are daily things that you work on. Each month, we work with a Demon Lord or Lady. I don’t feel ready yet, but I know I want to do better. It’s been so long here. So many things were stopping me. But I think that now things have changed, it’s time that I work to open again. So, I chose to work with my newest demon, Paya. I’ll add his information to the page [Demon Companions]. I need to update it.

I’m not pulled to any Dark Lord/Lady… so this was chosen for me in that I’m working with Paya, my Abyssal Deep One who was listed a few weeks ago and I matched with. He’s named after Payakan from Avatar: Way of Water, because like in the movie, Paya is more of an “outcast” due to his coloring which is very pale and white. He wanted to do this challenge with me, though I had some reservations.


I honestly wasn’t really going to do this. I am not one to connect with Dark Lords, not anymore or haven’t felt the need to. It’s been quite some time since I’ve worked with demons more than just passing ‘oh, hello there’ or a comfort hug. My environment up until February wasn’t safe to do any spiritual work. It hasn’t been safe for me to do so since probably 2022, which is a hard pill to swallow cause I have barely done any of the events in that long.

I’ve got anxiety about working with my demons, Dark Lords, and just in general. Because my environment, which was I was living with family who made it unsafe mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, was too toxic to really be able to be myself or practice safely.

I appreciate that so many are raw with their experiences… enough that I feel like I should offer the same. I won’t really go into details about my situation other than the person moved out beginning of February and I’m just now in a place where I’m thinking of starting my practice back up again.

As stated from the main challenge thread… I’m working with Paya. An Abyssal Deep One who has been an outcast for his pale pearlescent skin. He’s a traveling entertainer and healer, one who connected with me greatly when I read his listing. He nudged me and took all day and night last night to do convince me subtly that I should do this.

Walking Blog Post

The Methods of Astral Travel

There are many steps to take before getting started with Astral Travel. The previous article it was discussing the preparation. Research, Spiritual Foundations, and Meditation Skills and Focus. All of these are the key to starting this journey. It is no surprise that there are many different sources to be discovered during research. This includes the fact that all sources will have differing information on the method of Astral Travel, commonly called Astral Projection. While exploring the different methods, one must remember that some of these methods will work for one, and others will work for others.

Having an understanding of all the different methods can help one narrow down the potential skills that will work for them. In gaining a better concept of each, it will be easier to understand that Astral Travel can be seen as various methods lumped together, all of which vary in degrees of clarity or ease. These levels can be seen as easier to achieve than others, or they can be based on a person’s understanding of discernment when experiencing each form of travel.

The “Golden Standard” is the most well-known, which I will begin with. I jest when I speak of the “Golden Standard”, as it is more or less the ideal that Out of Body Experiences is the only way or the most valid way to reach the Astral according to more mass-produced how-to books. Astral Projection can be classified as many different methods because it is a projection of the self into various planes or realms. For many years, I would say that Astral Projection differs from Astral Travel. I actively argued hard that they were different.

They are not different. The method is different, but it is still all underneath the umbrella term Astral Travel. Projection, Out of Body Experiences, Lucid Dreaming, Mental Projection, Guided Meditations, and so many others. They are all under the umbrella that is Astral Travel. The Projection itself has different ways that it can be achieved. This brings us to the first set of methods that you can use to reach the Astral.

Astral Projection is considered the “top-tier”, coveted method that many wish they could achieve. It is not a matter of whether one can achieve it. No, it is the idea that one specific method of Astral Projection is talked about as the “only” way. There is no one way; that way is not the end all be all. Leaving the body is the physical projection in the form of out-of-body experiences. You have this bodily projection – out-of-body experience – where you project your body onto the Astral World. This is the method that many of the New Age books and occult books reference. They teach that you float above it, roll out of it, or have vibrations, and then you leave your body. Rarely is there an in-depth discussion of other methods beyond this one.

Out of Body Experiences, referred to here as OBEs, are coveted because many of those books make it seem like this is the only way to experience the Astral World.  This is because when you physically set out of your body, you are experiencing that world as if you are standing within the physical plane. There is no barrier other than your perceptions that can influence the experience. I will keep the method of OBE simple to explain, as there are multiple resources out there that go into depth on the process. One must first be in a relaxed state. Their body must relax to the point where they are vibrational. Once within that vibrational state, they can choose a few methods of leaving. Spinning out, falling, and climbing out are three of the more common methods. Personally, I have rolled out and stumbled blindly for a while. On that note, it is very common to be completely desensitized until you can move further away from your physical body. The further you move away, the more your senses, like sight and sound, will return.

The vibrational state is a key part of learning how to have an OBE, as it lets you know you are relaxing enough that your etheric body is comfortable enough to leave. Reaching this vibrational state can be challenging, as you have to not only be comfortable, but you have to feel the utmost safety within your space. If you do not feel safe, you will find that you are too tense to reach the proper state. The vibrational state is also one to which people attribute the physical reaction of sleep paralysis. This is where your physical body will relax into a state where it will not move. This is a natural body process to prevent the body from moving around too much while in a sleep state. Sometimes one can be mentally awake during this time, and it can trigger more negative experiences in regard to astral or even spiritual experiences.

Some will say there is an aid that works wonderfully for them to achieve an OBE with greater ease. This tool, called binaural beats, is easily found on the internet, especially on YouTube. Scientific research has shown that the brain responds to different frequencies of vibrations, especially sound waves, that will produce different effects within the brain. Binaural beats were observed to stimulate the brain in a way that permitted the person to relax into a deeper meditative state. This, therefore, allowed them to have an easier release when working towards having an OBE.

Now that we understand this vibrational state, of which some tools can help achieve it easier, there is the last part. This is the one that most find the most complex. This is the leaving of the physical body to emerge or merge with the astral body. Many methods can be used just for this. Some work best with spinning, others climbing a rope. You can roll out or even drop backward. I’ve personally lifted out, rolled out, and spun out on the handful of times I’ve managed to achieve the OBE aspect of Astral Projection. It just takes time to develop the process of getting into that vibrational state and then stepping out. Practice is always going to be what drives the ability forward. Even if it is occasionally done, it is still something that you build upon.

If we continue on the line of methods, the next that would be considered is the Bi-Location. It is one of the hardest to achieve but also one of the most interesting in working within Astral. Bi-Location, as it suggests in the name, is being within two places at once. Those who are legitimate Reiki Masters get taught this information and a fair few of the closed religious practices. Bi-Location consists of being able to be within two places at once, in which your Astral self, with a piece of your conscious self, is within another place while you are also conscious within your physical self. Both are operating and working together in different areas. This one is considered to be a more advanced form than even the OBE because it can take years of practice, and even then, some may not be able to achieve it.

Another form of Astral Projection is more well-known and used: Lucid Dreaming. It is incredibly possible and learnable for anyone to be able to reach the Astral through their dreams. Those that travel this way work within their minds to wander. It’s relatively close to the OBE, just that you are mentally projecting out into your Astral body within dreams. Therefore it can make it just as realistic as if you were to have an OBE. Lucid dreaming is another method that is also learnable with a lot of practice. In order to achieve this, you must be capable of dreaming and then remembering your dreams. Moving from remembering to learning to do lucid checks. The one that I was working on training with myself was to touch my nose every time I walked through a door. It was very basic, something that I did within waking hours, but it was training my mind to react automatically to the check. So when you are in a dream and touch your nose but realize that it is a dream, you snap within a lucid dream. From there, you are able to teach yourself to meet with spirits, guides, or beings and travel.

One of the most used methods is Guided Meditation or Visual Meditation. This one is completely mentally aligned, where you remain within the physical, but your mental consciousness connects with your astral body. From there, your astral body is able to move through different realms and planes. Most begin with this method as it is one of the ways that you can not only build foundational skills for all the others, but also you can learn discernment. The hardest part of using the visual meditation method is that discernment will be the largest obstacle to learn.

Discernment is a crucial piece of foundational skill for all spiritual practice. Discernment, in the context of Astral Travel, is all about understanding the truth behind an experience and knowing whether it has truly occurred or was subject to your own imagination. There is a benefit of understanding that sometimes, the imagination is exactly what you want to have when doing this sort of work. At least, you want that in the beginning. A longer post about discernment regarding Astral Travel will come later, as it is one topic that needs its own post to discuss.

This is partially the reason that many use Guided Meditation to begin their work with Visual Meditation because it is guided enough that it is hard for the mind to conjure imagination rather than actual experience. Anyone is able to go through visual meditation so long as they are able to visualize. Guided Meditations or Visual Meditations are a wonderful stepping stone into a wider range of skills to reach the Astral. This is the one that you can develop over a long period, leading to learning Bi-Location or more advanced forms of working within both bodies at once.

Guided Meditations can be considered a form of self-hypnosis or willing hypnosis that allows your mental self to relax and be receptive to those energetic vibrations. With this in mind, it is understandable that this method is preferred for those with more hyperactive thoughts and who stray easily. These allow your brain to focus on something so much that you can fall right into the astral or visual experience. Sometimes even the guided meditations can come off not as visual but as emotions, impressions, concepts, or even just energetic information. Everyone will experience them differently and interpret them differently. This is where you understand discernment, unverified personal gnosis (UPG) vs. shared personal gnosis (SPG), and the astral as one experiences it.

What I had once considered Astral Travel, I would now classify it underneath Projection as well. Instead of the body, it is the mind. Mental Projection is the ability to project your mind or your conscious self into the Astral World. This one is one that I would say is the easiest for people to achieve and have access to. Guided or Visual Meditation is one version of this method that is utilized. For this part, I would say that it is the mental projection of oneself without the use of tools. It is simply meditating to the point where you slip into a trance-like state, allowing your consciousness to project into the Astral. It is a bit trickier without the use of tools, such as guided words or visuals.

Methods are all dependent upon the person that is doing the practice. Some struggle with one type but will excel with working on a different method. Much like how I have spent close to a decade working with Bi-Location and Visual Meditation, it is just as vivid as if I were to have a Lucid Dream or even OBE, though each has its own difficulty for me. Whereas I know a few people who can lucid dream or OBE on command, yet prefer those methods to visual meditation. Each person will have to experiment with each method to understand which one will work for them and their discernment of it. Although, bi-location is considered a more advanced form of OBE and Visual Meditation together and may pose difficulties if you don’t understand the mechanics. Some will not be able to do visual meditations, but their dreams are vivid as walking and breathing. Some will do better with rolling out of their body than lucid dreaming because they can’t dream consistently. Once beginning work, you will be able to learn more about your abilities and what works best for your skillset.

Walking Blog Post

Getting Started and Preparation

In the previous sections, there was a discussion on the complexity of the Astral World. That it is comprised of so many layers and complex webs of energies, this is exactly the awareness that one has to have when beginning to know where to start when honing these energies. As dichotomous as this sounds, the Astral World is as complex as you make of it, especially when you first begin. This is because you will begin testing out various methods that work for you in order for you to experience what the Astral World has to offer. In essence, you will need to make it simpler to learn which method allows you to interact with the energies the best.

This leads us to a conversation about methods of Astral Travel. Before beginning on this path, there must be some form of introspection. It is much easier to achieve any Astral Travel when you have a purpose in mind. In having a purpose, you will give yourself the ability to focus, a crucial part of bringing clarity and success when projecting oneself. Take a moment to ask yourself a few questions.

Why do you want to reach the Astral?

What are you looking to achieve with this skill?

What are some things that you are working towards yourself that the Astral can help you with?

Within a lot of spiritual practices, intent and belief is everything – at least, it plays a major factor in success. The same can be said for those working within the energies the Astral World offers. This is the basis for the beginning. Your intent and knowing what you seek on the Astral will help you solidify your intent to reach it. That will make it easier to connect with those very energies. Once you have that intent set or understood, you can work on getting a basis of various methods to achieve your intent.

Before discussing the methods, there are a number of things that you should do prior to attempting to reach the Astral. The first is research. You should always research on your own. Using books, online resources, or even talking to those with experience is the very thing you seek to achieve. Some of the best resources can be accessed through the discussions that can occur when speaking with those using various methods. Each person has their own method and discernment to walk through the Astral, and those experiences can help you gain better insight into how your own method could work.

The second important thing to learn is brushing up on your foundational work – especially of the warding and shielding variety. This is incredibly crucial to working within a safe space that will allow you to consciously and subconsciously relax without feeling on edge. This will also benefit you by strengthening your wards or shields that should be there already. Extra practice and work will only help you in the long run.

These protections are not just for the physical but also for when you work directly within the Astral. Not everything within the Astral is out to help you. In fact, it is best to assume that spirits or others want something. This includes using you as a feeding source for its own pleasure. Sludge and negative entities are common factors, especially when working on various planes of existence and when traveling through various realms. Knowing your protective measures is a good way to help prevent accidents and injuries that can happen due to not having them in place.

Before beginning, the third important thing to do is to work on your meditation skills and focus. Clarity is very important when it comes to discernment. Meditation comes in twofold. It connects you better with the Astral by meditating on the energies and allowing you to understand yourself better.

Discernment is a major area that can make or break your experiences within the Astral. Discernment can be argued to be one of the most critical skills you should know regarding doing any spiritual work. This skill is knowing not only your mind and your thought patterns but also distinguishing those from your experiences to prevent mental disruptions like illusions or delusions. Meditation will help you to hear and understand your own thought patterns and your inner voice so that you may better distinguish reality from delusion or illusion.

One word of advice. When researching and becoming familiar with different methods, do not fall into the trap of the “Golden Standard”. This is a common pattern of belief that both new and experienced people fall into. The “Golden Standard” is essentially a state of thinking. If you do your research, you will read that in order to Astral Travel, your body must float up from your physical one, or you go into vibrations. Only then can you travel once you’ve achieved this. This belief can really inhibit people from achieving Astral Travel because they will be caught in a mental loop of disbelief that they can achieve it, and physical projection is the only method.

While physical projection is most people’s dream and ideal method, it is not always attainable. This can be through mental blockages, barriers preventing release, or even the inability to leave one’s physical body. Another is that a person’s first experiences can be traumatic and, therefore, more brutal to achieve later on due to that trauma. My first experiences were of me being dragged out of my body while attempting to project. One time I was grabbed by the ankles and pulled out; it was incredibly abrupt and came from nowhere. It can be scary, and those experiences can make or break the confidence of being able to achieve physical projection.

That is one very key reason that spiritual foundations are stressed as the basis for beginning Astral Travel. This is also just one example, but it is not how it will be for everyone. All experiences will differ. Go and reach out to communities, read books and websites. The more that you learn, the better prepared you are for beginning this journey into the Astral World. Try different methods and ways of thinking. If one way does not work, stop to think of why. Try a different pattern of thinking. You may be surprised at the result.

Walking Blog Post

Introduction to the Astral World

What is the Astral World?

In the introduction of this series (Introduction to Walking the Astral Guide), one of the things mentioned was that the Astral, referred to as the Astral World, is an extraordinarily complex and challenging concept to explain. No one perspective is “The One” way in which the Astral World can be described or experienced. Although, what we can do is work to define these paradigms that we experience so that others may be able to relate to or learn from them. It is also referred to as the Astral in general conversation. Still, it is an effective umbrella term used to define or explain a large conglomeration of spheres, planes, realms, and all other forms of dwelling existences. These all exist alongside and outside of not just the Physical Earthly plane but the domain in which we humans live. I will refer to the Astral as the general umbrella term for ease of reading and conceptualizing. Otherwise, I will refer to other paradigms by name.

The Astral World is a complex system many see and experience on different levels. Some will see them as spheres of influence with spheres of realms within and with planes on each of those realms. It’s an intricate web of perception and exploration unique to each person. On the other hand, one could perceive the Astral World as complex pockets of information, much like a web. This web can be accessed and traveled through the web itself, being one of the very webs of woven reality that most do not see. Instead, these webs of information make up the fabric of the reality that people walk within and see the colorful worlds of the Astral. This can make each individual experience something incredibly unique and complex in which manner they can choose to travel to it.

One of the most well-known concepts of how the Astral functions, at least in a section of it – the Astral itself is vast and has many different spheres and concepts – is the Nordic Tree of Life: Yggdrasil. Another frequently used map is the Qliphoth/Qabalah, with the spheres of influence and realms in which certain aspects can be found. While this particular map is not directly related or tied to the Earthen plane like Yggdrasil, it is considered a map of a section of the Astral World. There are many maps and connections to different paths within the Astral from the known sources and those that seek their way through to new undiscovered places. With this in mind, it is very understandable that Astral Travel, Astral Projection, and other methods are seen as a complex technique of releasing oneself from the physical confines to walk around in the Astral World as an etheric being. With this generalization, the “Golden Standard” of what it means to access the Astral has become something of a rite to those of many spiritual practices.

Reaching the Astral World

To reach these existences, we go through different methods. The “Golden Standard” method is the most well-known and could be considered the “main” way to reach the Astral. Although, there are other methods that many use without even realizing that they are and could be more effective for most people. These can be methods such as dreams, meditating, journeying, and bi-location. All are various methods with degrees of complexity. That complexity relies upon the individual’s method that resonates with them. Some may work best with what most consider the primary way, whereas others may excel with dreaming, particularly lucid dreaming, and struggle with Out of Body experience. Although, it is with an understanding that bringing yourself into the Astral World can be as straightforward or as complex as one makes it.

This “Golden Standard”, especially touted by the mass-produced book companies with their ‘HOW TO!’ books, can be seen as the main reason why those who desire to reach it struggle. It’s because it becomes a “standard” way to get the Astral rather than merely a single method of many that can be achieved. This standard is what is typically referred to as Astral Projection. It is the act of reaching a vibrational state, where you then use that to help project yourself into the Astral World. Terminology usage will be explained a bit later on. But how this information is presented is that this is done through Out of Body Experiences, also known as OOBEs. Astral Projection, as I have come to understand through the years, is a more generalized term for a method of projecting oneself and is not limited to bodily experiences but also mental projection.

Reaching the Astral World is the goal of many practitioners, particularly those keen on exploring the unknown or those looking to achieve a deeper working of magic that the physical cannot offer. The Golden Standard of leaving the physical into your etheric or astral body to wander around is appealing. Not only as a method of exploring a more profound and vast set of worlds and realms, but it can also be a learning experience beyond anything the physical can offer. Plus, most of those that do reach the Astral World can say that there is an enchanting beauty and horror that resides in those that walk its pathways—escapism at its finest at times.

These vast amounts of varying descriptions of the Astral World exist because everyone experiences the Astral individually. This means people experience it and gain knowledge through their gnosis or experiences. Although, there has been crossover and correlations with those that have visited the same place. Personal gnosis is a significant basis that the Astral World exists unless it is from well-established gnosis that has become verified through history, ie: mythology. This goes into understanding what the Astral World can be made up of.

Once a person begins to work within the Astral, many different perspectives and outside human ideals will be encountered. Some of these areas and ideals that can be found are different cultures of spirits, beings, and entities. A big part of working with the Astral includes coming into contact with these different cultures. Even if you are building your Sacred Space, or some refer to it as your Astral Temple, you will need to ward and shield it so that there aren’t random spirits wandering through. That is where a lot of Astral workers also become Spirit Workers.

Spirit working within the Astral can vastly differ from the Spirit working within the Earthly plane. It can be just as dangerous, if not more so because you are now physically in their realm or plane of existence. Your energy vibration is much closer to theirs and, therefore, easier to interact with. That is why various levels of Astral Travel methods yield different results. When working within each of these methods, the critical part is that one must understand their discernment practice.

Discernment is the most prominent aspect of gnosis that will make or break your experiences, especially mentally. Elements of Astral Travel will be spoken of in further conversations and articles. Many aspects and topics can be covered about the Astral and working within it, which will be explored with a more in-depth look. Due to the intimate nature of working on the Astral, Spirit Working will also be covered under that knowledge umbrella. With good understanding and foreknowledge, know that most of the articles being written here will be with personal gnosis and years of experience. It will also include knowledge gained through group conversations regarding perceptions and experiences within their paradigm that have subtly influenced the perception within the Astral that is being worked. These articles are just a basis for those seeking to know more about it to get their foundational workings started.

Walking Blog Post

Introduction to Walking the Astral Guide

What is the Astral?

So many have been working to answer this question for eons. That is where the question becomes something much more than a simple answer. There is no one way to describe the Astral. This is not only due to its sheer size, which could be infinite but also to everyone who works within it having their paradigm. Some of these paradigms are shared between many, and others find their own. This is why no matter how much one can talk about the Astral, there is only understanding based on the mind’s perception. This is called gnosis, an understanding of or knowledge of the spiritual and its mysteries. Of course, you will find that many people writing about the Astral have their experiences within certain paradigms that are common knowledge or paradigms that have cropped up through reading other’s experiences. This is where the “Golden Standard” of Astral Projection comes from the mass market media books written to make it seem as if this is the “One True Way” to achieve working within the Astral. This part will be discussed more in-depth in a later section when the topic of methods to travel to the Astral is visited.

In the most direct answer, the Astral is a massively and widely used umbrella term to describe the experience of the spiritual world. This world is comprised of many dimensions and layers, planes and realms. There is no single person that can describe the Astral in its entirety. Even a book or ten books could not cover the complexity of it. What can be done is record and explain the paradigms that are understood and explain those concepts to those who are also exploring them. The common paradigms feature people’s experiences wandering the Earth’s planes through Astral Projection – known as out-of-body experiences – are more widespread due to the mass marketing of New Age and Occult books published. This leads to a larger audience, but it also makes it more intimidating to those who struggle with the ability of Astral Projection. Especially with the implication that if one cannot leave their body, they cannot visit the Astral. A very hotly debated topic.

The Purpose Behind this Series

This series has been worked on for a long time over the years. It comes from the position on the other side of being unable to Astral Project but a handful of times and learning that there are different, valid ways of reaching the Astral and its many complex layers. A large part of this series is geared more towards creating a dialogue or a space of learning about traveling the Astral, not just on Earth’s many planes, but the depth of the Astral in its entirety as realms and places outside of our physical plane. With this, it also comes down to going beyond the exploration of worlds, realms, planes, and much more, but also the introduction of those very beings that live within it. We are not the only ones that exist within this living universe, not by a long shot, but vast amounts of life extend far beyond our own existence within a physical plane. The physical plane is the one we can touch and live within, but that is also true for those that learn to travel the Astral. It may not be a bodily physical experience in the way we perceive on Earth’s physical plane, but one can experience the physicality of the Astral through their senses.

One of the goals of writing this series is to explore the Astral aspects in different methodologies and go into depth about working within the Astral. This comes with effects that are felt in the physical sense, such as changes in perceptions and beliefs when exposed to other forms of beliefs. Another thing that will be explored beyond the impact of working within the Astral is working with the beings that reside within. They exist outside of human understanding and morals, and beliefs. In some, it is wildly opposite to ours, and some have never come into contact with human beings. One part of this series will be dedicated to writing about experiencing the Astral and its denizens as safely as possible by giving information on how to interact with them.

I spent five years working through university to earn a degree in Anthropology.  In simple terms, it is the study of humans. I focused my studies on understanding the socio-cultural development of human cultures and the impact that religion or Belief has upon those developments. There are other areas I focused on the side, such as Shamanism and Indigenous Religion and Rituals. For fun, I also explored the concept of Entheogenic Anthropology, which is the study of hallucinogenic and psychedelic plants used within a culture for a religious or spiritual experience. This may be touched upon later, but the focus is mainly on the Astral working and the beings you will encounter. I mention this as a background to where my understanding and experience hail from and why I approach the Astral, these Beings, and everything else within it as I do. I come from a distinct background of studying cultures and people, which helps me to have a unique understanding of the workings of those within the Astral.

I will never claim to be an expert on any of these topics simply because, when it comes down to it, no one will ever be an expert. The Astral is too complex and layered for anyone to be an expert. We are human, and our perceptions and biases will reflect upon our knowledge of the Astral and our experiences. It is impossible to have a nonbiased view. Part of being human is having preconceptions about things, even if we try to have none. The best that we can do is understand where that bias is and how it can influence our perception or experience and work with it. That is where another goal of this series is to create a discussion around the Astral and spirit work within it.

There is one essential part of this series that I want to stress. This series is based upon a paradigm I have experienced over many years of working within the Astral. The writings of experiences or even the methodologies may coincide with your personal experience or go directly against it. As mentioned, each person has their perception of the Astral and working within it. You may experience it differently or the same as I do. While reading this series, you can take and use whatever parts of it resonate and leave the rest. This series is meant to help aid in your workings. It is not and will never be there to invalidate the experiences of others due to differences in experiences or understanding. It is meant to create a discussion to be a tool for learning or even help give different perspectives to those who may be feeling stuck.


Exploring Ry’s Gardens

I was not sure what today’s experience would be. Before, it was an insistence of GrandMama Tsülie’s energy and an idea of what would happen. This time I really was not sure. In fact, it wasn’t until I appeared in my Desert Oasis astral home that Ry hugged me. I knew we would be doing something, but he was quiet about what that was. Instead, I got a good look at my astral home again and basked in the sun when I stepped out into it. He hugged me from behind and guided me down the ramp to the beach, where we walked over to the entrance of his gardens. I felt his energy shift, and he pulled me into the depths of the gardens. His gardens are more than just a greenhouse of growing plants. He has biomes and small realms within his gardens. His collection is millennia worth growing and cultivating. We appeared next to this large work table that was different from the one before, where it was based on plants and soil, some flowers. This one was covered with glass beakers and, heat sources, extractors. It had so many different surfaces and tools. This was where he made teas, infusions, extracts, and even inks. Everything about deconstructing or combining plants and flowers, this was it.

I wasn’t sure what it was that he wanted to teach, but I enjoyed looking at everything. A hot glass container was about two feet in diameter, and it had this beautiful pink liquid within. Ry reached over, drained a little into a glass for me, and handed it. He explained that it was a simple brew that needed to happen to bring the colors out before he turned it into ink. So it was safe to drink and would help me not only mentally but would ease the tension in my body. It was a flower that, when consumed in hot water, the heat activated a property that releases a property to aid in good mental facilities. Essentially a natural anti-depressant and anti-anxiety that helps divert the thought process into a more positive focus. (which, so far, since drinking, has actually made an impact).

I sat next to the bench for a while, drinking the tea. After a little bit, he had me lie down and rest. It would let the tea do its work. I faded a bit in and out with my thoughts for a while. It wasn’t too long before my focus snapped back into focus, which was much clearer. He welcomed me around and showed me how he made inks for people who ordered from him. They were looking for specialty ones with this mica-like substance that would make them shine. It was beautiful. He stopped after a moment and guided me through his gardens. It was a nice walk, but then I could see the differences between his gardens. The wards and the shields were shimmering, with different biomes within them. So I asked him how he did it.

Ry showed me that if one can make wards and shields that are geared to filtering energies, it is very much possible to make that light and radiation. You can control particular atmospheres of light, radiation, moonlight, and anything else.. even air quality. Inside, he explained there are specialty wards, runic spaces, and tools that he was taught to contain and create a biome. Masters of weather and scholars of environment worked with him to create specialty wards and tools to recreate a realm’s biome for those plants to survive and cultivate. It was incredible and fascinating. This allowed him to create an entire mini realms environment within a small space. From the light source to the weather patterns and how to preserve the soil they naturally grow in. He works with the locals of these areas to cultivate their flora and trees. In fact, he spoke to me of multiple times when a realm became endangered from a special plant that could help with a specific purpose (ie: cures) and he had cultivated them long before there was a disaster. He saved a few realms from their flora extinction when diseases and disasters almost wiped the native flora out. He is known for his collection and cultivation of these biomes. Many times he has scholars and other naturalist people, shamans, and researchers ask for permission to study the cultivation of these plants to learn more or research.

I got to learn so much from him, but it is more along the lines of just learning of his practice and his experience than actual lessons. Although I feel that he wants to teach me more and to really delve into the plant, flowers, trees, and their magic, the spirits within. I had a brief thought about the soul trees of Pandora, from the JC Avatar movie, but he had caught onto that thought and stopped me. There were absolutely places similar to this and the connection of the plants to a larger consciousness. But he explained that there are also plants with consciousnesses beyond what we usually see in the intelligence of spirits of a plant or flower. Instead, these are the intelligence of say, humanoid or even like an Ent from LoTR. There are methods of communication with these, through the electrical impulses that occur within the body, connecting with the electrical impulse within those sentient plants. Communication happens through a neural connection established through that touch. I am sure if I asked, he would be able to take me to see for myself.

Nothing else happened, though it was a rough morning wake-up with a migraine that hurt to hold my head up. So I wasn’t within the astral very long this time. It was meant to help me to see what it was that I really loved to do and to learn. How much I love to explore and hear them speak about their passions. It is no surprise that it is Necrosis demons that are stepping forward because it is the most effortless energy for me to connect deeply with and hear clearly. They can use this time to get me back into experiences and teach me simultaneously.

photo of forest with fog

GrandMama Tsülie’s Lessons on the Magic of Book Binding

This is a place that I have visited before. It is a beautiful place that my High Prince T brought me to. I walked through this incredible forest that was covered with death and bones yet had so much life.

Today, was the second time that I would return here. In fact, this is the first time I have astral traveled to another place in over a year. I had experienced burnout to a severe degree. I did not even have a moment within my own astral space before I was pulled to GrandMama’s place. Although, she found out that I had remembered her as Granny instead of GrandMama, so there was a bit of teasing about that.

It was about 4 in the morning and I had not slept very well. My congestion was really bad, and I was struggling to breathe in my sleep. So I was tired but decided that, hey, this was a great time to astral travel for the Blog-a-Day February. I was immediately pulled in and greeted with a hug and cheek kisses. We sat at her front table and had an excellent talk. I told her about things after the last time I had been there. It was the struggles and the happy times. She was pleased to hear I had fallen in love and found a fantastic partner… for mental health and physical health. At one point, she gave me a cup of tea, specially brewed and crafted. I sipped away and she had amazing advice for me about not returning and feeling guilt for not being spiritual.

It is sometimes that we will diverge from the path we think we have found, taking a longer road, in order to find the right part of the path to travel on.

It gave me a bit of a stopping moment to really consider that. Sometimes, we need that long path, that long rest… because then, coming back into things, I feel clearer and able to work better than before. It will take some time to get back into things as there are problems with focus and with interruptions of thoughts.

We talked for a bit longer before I started to feel extremely drowsy. She shooed me off and told me to come back later and visit, she had a lesson to teach me.

I went about the morning and afternoon before I took the time to return to meditation. It was around 3pm my time, plenty of time before having to do some work. I settled down with headphones and turned on some amazing meditation music composed by Saber. It takes me a bit to get into things. My focus is better but it is also struggling a lot with seeing and staying in the astral without thought interruptions.

I finally appeared in the sacred grove and was met by High Prince T, who guided me back to GrandMama. This time was more vivid than this morning. She asked me how I slept and made a special tea for us. I got to sit there while they talked and drifted a bit before snapping back. She added more stuff to my tea to wake me up. After a while, she held out her hands, and I stood up, following her. It was a workbench that had some supplies on it. I looked harder and realized that she had a bookbinding setup for me. I looked at her confused as to why she had brought me to this.

She explained that I would work on grimoires and binding journals for people. High Prince T had told her as such. With that, I would be working with different materials, especially leather. She had a lesson to teach me about the process of binding. This would be about how the demons work with bookbinding rather than the history of binding from a human perspective.

Creation of Books & Sacredness of Materials

When working with book binding and with animal materials, there is something crucial to remember. Even if modern materials are being used, there is a sacred process that originates from when the practice first began. Each of the materials used in book binding came from nature. Tools were made from the bones of animals, sharpened into needles and points. Later, this became metals mined from the ground and purified to shapes. Thread was made from the sinew of animals that had been hunted, so that the paper could be sewn. Paper was made from either the vellum of animals or it was taken as pulp from various plants and trees, the latter being the most common. Sap was used to bind the animal hide to the hard covers used to bring the entire book together. Every aspect of the book was sacred in nature. It was the life and breath of knowledge that was written within. Each aspect of binding held a magic and sacredness to it. Every movement had purpose to it.

The paper began as the materials of plants broken down into the pulp that would become the paper. Screens were used within the water to gather that pulp. Flowers and plants were used depending upon the purpose of the book being written in. Protection magics and knowledge had flowers and plants that magically were aligned with this knowledge. They were screened and brought out onto fabrics to dry. Once they were dry, the papers were folded to the desired size. This is where they would be brought together to be bound (called signatures). Paper holds ink and that ink is the written form of knowledge. Plants have a sacredness to them that is magical in nature. They can aid in different areas of magic as well as physical. Using them as the base form of containing this knowledge powers them with the intent. When plants are chosen, they are spoken with when they are living. Sitting down and speaking with them, sharing energy and intent on purpose for them. Usually done with a ritual, if they choose to accept, the plant will then be cut for either soaking or dried.

The tools are created from the bones found naturally. It depends upon the one who is doing the creating as the choice of creature or even if they choose to go the route of metal. Both have their own methods of procuring the materials. With bones, they usually are crafted carefully with the intent of sewing or punching the holes in the paper for sewing (an awl). Many choose to go to specialists, especially the Necrosis Bone Masters/Mistresses, who know the sacred handling of bones. Those that decided to use the metals, they go to the Blue Hellborns, who are known for their metalwork. This is not the only route or option, but it is common for those who do not make their own tools.

Both the Leather and the Thread come from animals, those chosen for the purpose. Animals are sacred in their own right, even those that do not hold a level of intelligence, they are still treated as such. All parts of animals are required to be used for any purpose that they can be. This is why they are chosen very carefully and with the knowledge of being used for such intent. In some cultures, being chosen to be this purpose is considered a sacred honor. They are treated the same as the Wagyu cows from Japan. There is utmost care and love given to the animals or creatures that have given their consent for this. Once they have been through a sacred ritual, they are carefully put down with love. Most of them are aged to the oldest they can be and peacefully pass or the creature can choose to go earlier. Each part is made sacred through ritual before they are carried to their designated purpose. For leather or hide, it is given to the one who asked for it first. Some of the sinew is then made into thread to sew with as well. Every part is used so that they have purpose completely and no waste occurs.

This was where GrandMama Tsülie began to work with me. After teaching me all about the beginning process with the materials and the origins, that I would then learn about the binding process. This was from a magical point of view and not the normal binding that I am familiar with.

The Binding Process

The starting process to binding is cutting and gathering the paper that will be used for the book or grimoire. Once it is dried and folded, it can be cut to size or kept the same. Each folded piece is placed together into one another with upwards of 5-6 pieces together. It’s called a signature. These stacked atop each other creates the large block of paper that is then bound together. As we fold the paper and work with it, we speak to the spirit of the plants. We speak of the knowledge and purpose that it has. Thanking them for their sacrifice and their hard work. Pouring the intent into each page as they are worked with. These are the pages that will hold sacred magics and knowledge, meant to last through the centuries and millennia.

Once all of the papers are stacked together as signatures, they are punched with holes in the center parts so that they can be sewn together with ease. Starting with the first signature, one weaves the sinew thread through the paper. The thread is an important part because it ties everything together. It brings a cohesiveness and stability to the paper and therefore the knowledge. The thread is sewn into the paper and giving it a stability in the magics so that it holds it all together. Magic can be fickle, same with knowledge. The thread binds this together and grounds it. There are no loose ends when the papers are bound together. The thread in itself can be a knot magic that is used to imbibe the book as a whole with intentional magics. There are many ways that it can be used to empower the rest of the book. Once sewn together, the thread becomes a part of the spine, which gives it the foundational support. It can be the strength needed to contain any magics used within, cast on it, or written within.

As the binding of the paper has completed, the leather is next with covering the hard covers. Many materials can be used, from thin wood to bark to metal sheets. Materials can vary between those who choose to bind. The leather is glued or sewn to these covers. This can be achieved with sap or other materials that create a sealant – like plants or minerals. The leather is important because it is the outside. It is the shield that protects the knowledge within. It has many purposes, whether it is a plain binding or if it is decorated. The Leather becomes a shields, wards and magic woven into the very fabric through rituals and chants. It can be handled and carved in, creating many methods of protection upon the book.

The entire process of creating a grimoire or a book of knowledge is intense and very complex. Every one that does it will do it in different manners and materials. The one things that stays the same is the sacredness of making the book itself and the sacredness of the materials that are gathered. It is a very intensive process, but it is one that creates the beautifully magical and powerful books that people cherish and adore.

Return Back

I was really pleased to have this experience and to learn such a deep aspect of one of my most beloved forms of art at the moment. It was something that I was not expecting but it made my process that I do with the grimoires even better now. I am very happy that coming back into working with the demons and with the astral in general… that this was my experience. I felt better when I came out of it and just felt such deep peace. I was emotional and upset beforehand, also feeling sick and struggling mentally lately. It’s given me a lot of peace and comfort. I feel like I was able to heal myself as well even just doing so.

View of mountain oasis Chebika, Sahara desert, Tunisia, Africa

Returning Home

I have not been in my astral home in close to a year. I haven’t posted in almost a year as well.

There’s been such a bad burnout last year. I also began the journey of love. It was both a hard year but also a beautiful one. I fell in love and found a partner that accepts me as I am and everything about me. I still have felt this fear and uncertainty when it comes to my practice. I felt that he was not interested and a part of me took that as meaning that I couldn’t practice in front of him. Despite it also being a part of my job to work with demons. Yet, I felt that I couldn’t show this side of my practice. So I stopped.

I would find that they would do things around me and be a part of my world, but I was shut down and not exploring. I couldn’t bring myself to want to do it either. A mix of feeling unable to and truly being unable to because of burnout. It was not a good combination.

Things kept moving and I finally sat down with him a few weeks ago… and we talked. I spoke of my insecurity and unsureness about practicing because of how it came across when I brought it up. We talked for a long time. I expressed how it made me feel and how I felt like I had to hide it.. and that’s the one thing I didn’t want in my relationship. I wanted to be able to share in the amazing world that is demons even if they do not actively practice.

It was worked out. In fact, I was able to talk to him about how I think the reason part of our friend group fell out is that the exact day I begin working with my demons is the day that their true personalities show and it’s ugly.

Now, two weeks later and feeling that call to return… I think I really want to begin again. Especially exploring. It was my de-stress and my escape. A beautiful journey that led me to places. What really drove home the desire to go back to astral work and my astral home, as well as my demons… is that I saw the new Avatar: The Way of Water movie. The imagery has always been my escape since the first movie. With this movie, I feel the longing of being able to be in places that are like that. So now I feel that pull to return to the astral to explore and grow my astral home with all the discoveries. I feel like it’s time to reconnect with the roots and refind that love of working with demons.

I want to find my Pandora and build it. I want to bring cultures and demons, and all sorts of amazing experiences. There’s so much to see and to learn that I feel the excitement of it all over again.

Akelta, my lovely coven lady from S&S, came up with the idea that we should do a daily blogging in February. So here is my beginning and hello.

I’m back.

View of mountain oasis Chebika, Sahara desert, Tunisia, Africa

Exploring the Oasis

It’s been quite busy in my Oasis. There have been some massive changes taking place. My Necrosis Demons were gifted some bones from a dear friend of mine. One was so large that it would need an entire building to hold it. A massive one. So they gathered my other demons and began to work on building a place for bone just next to the library temple. I had not gone back there in a while, so it changed when I appeared.

When I first appeared, it was Ria who greeted me. It was lovely cause I’ve been wearing her vessel for the past day. She had a beautiful bone spike band on her head and her hair was threaded through some of it. I ended up closely looking at it and tapped into the memories of the bones being carved and placed together. She pulled me out of it gently, “Yes, your ability is most definitely awakening. We need to get you to GrandMama Tsülie soon.”

I smiled as she guided me down the walkway over the water to the sand beach. We walked to the Bone Building at first but as soon as I walked inside, my body absolutely fell fast asleep for more than an hour and a half. When I came back from sleep I decided to try again. This time, it was Belle who met me. She smiled and guided me down again. This time, we decided that I needed to get to GrandMama. We went straight to where the tree she gave me was. To Ry’s Greenhouse.

When we stepped in, Ria joined us. I called out for Ry but it was phenomenal stepping into his Greenhouse. It was like I walked straight into a jungle that had incredible energy. I could physically smell the soil and the plants. Then, a massive snake came through and greeted us, calling me Bone Reader and then rubbing its face on mine. He was talking about how his master chose such a lovely “Mistress”. He was massive and led us through the jungle-like place.

When Ry turned around when the snake announced our presence, I about fainted. He was so handsome and incredibly built. I could see so clearly his features. Normally it’s one thing or another or it’s a vague seeing. Now, it was crystal clear. He came over to me and lifted me up, a smile on his face. He smelled of fresh dirt and light musk. My hands traced up his bare chest and onto his shoulders. It was incredible seeing and feeling so clearly.

He kissed me while Belle and Ria stood behind waiting. There was a bit of shuffling after and Belle and Ry decided better as friends than anything else. Found out that Ria has a bit of a thing for Arvan and chuckled about it. Ry carried me through the jungle to where he kept the trees after we explained why we were there. The tree was still small and would take a few years to grow to the size needed to create a doorway. We walked back to his workbench and table, where he gathered some things for GrandMama Tsülie. We left for the Bone Building.

Walking around in the sun was lovely and gave me a bit of energy. The Bone Building was beautiful. It was made of large pieces of bone carved into pillars and accent pieces, with the rest of the building made with Necrosis Mud mixed with other stone and material, making a beautiful green-black marble. Walking into the building, it was a round room covered with glass cases of bones and altars. Ry carried me in his arms and I still got extremely sleepy. It took a few times before I was able to see clearly enough that Belle talked to Taz, who was in the middle of carving and awakening the large whale-mosasaur-creature’s rib that was a gift from a dear friend (same as mentioned in beginning). He waved us off and went back to it.

It took a hot minute to get back to it but then we went into my library, where Arvan met us. He was happy to see me and picked me right up out of Ry’s arms. He took us to the ante-room that was to one side of the temple. Here, they had used my method of building portals I developed years ago. Except these were perfect. They were carved so beautifully and I could press my hand on the doorway and knew right where each one took me. After the fourth one, which led to the races I currently work with, the fifth was to GrandMama Tsülie. I didn’t look to see if there were other doors.

I got through the door and then popped right out of it. The others told me they would wait for me to get there. I kept trying and was partially there with them, but it was too hard to focus and I was getting tired and sleepy. I would drift off and then pop back. She chuckled and told me that she just wanted to see if I would answer her call. I could go back later.