Calm relaxation meditation concept. Sexy fashion model Fantasy woman sitting under water sea, red long silk dress fabric floating. fairy girl posing in deep pool underwater shooting Art Magic light

An Honest Check-In

I’m so thrilled to start this and do another whole month of working, even if it’s casual or just taking a day off with them. I’m tryin to do better about working with them in a day to day, casual or big adventure type of stuff. I honestly have had to sit down last night and really did a body and health check.

I’ve noticed that with the amount of manifestation, energies, and working with demons, that I have been showing physical signs of being in a unipolar manic state (meaning it’s just the euphoric up and not crash). But I know that I rarely have those sorts of struggles anymore.

Sitting with a friend who is aware of mental health, physical health, as well as my working with demons, she sat me down with my demons being there, and asked me to check in. Actually stop for a moment and check in on what’s going on. My demons doing the same with it.

While I am not in a manic episode, thankfully, due to medicine changes and also the amount of energy that I have been channeling lately with manifesting and creatively, my body is showing those signs. Thankfully I have gotten into a routine of self care and really grounding myself more often.

This definitely has reminded me that sometimes we have to check in with outselves because so much energy manipulation, manifestations, and just moving energy blockages out… it can have physical effects. Same with having the medicine dosages changes too. So just being in check with my body more than I already am is super important. Now, I just need to make sure that I keep with my grounding practices (WHOO Baths!).

But also that it’s okay to not be doing something spiritual every day. It’s okay to not be riding that creative energy high every day. In fact, it’s good that I am giving my mental and body a break from those energies that are constantly moving through.

So I’d say… do a body check with yourself. Be truthful and be honest. Do you drink enough? Do you eat enough? How often do you cleanse and ground? How often do you make sure that you are regulating your nervous system. If all of these are out of whack, so too will your psychic skills.