Dark fairy tale forest, twisted trees with bare branches, dark creepy atmosphere and mysterious fog. 3D digital illustration

Learning and Growing, Adapting

I spent the day hyperfocused on doing world building and allowing my creative energies to flow. But it was because of something that I regret. I woke up (Nov 4) feeling absolutely like hell and shame. I ended up crying over it and really just upset. I talked to a friend who helped me to understand that this is part of raising my vibrations and that things that I could do before, are things that will make me feel horrendous because they’re lower vibrations. It’s okay, I’m learning. I’m growing and it’s only up.

Mostly, though, I was able to get two book covers designed for this Universe I am creating and forming. In doing so, I’m setting up for getting writing done consistently. It’s something that I had originally wanted to do with King Paimon. I believe that I am absolutely in a high vibrational state that is allowing the creativity to flow beautifully and the demons are just guiding that along. I am thankful for them.