Dark fairy tale forest, twisted trees with bare branches, dark creepy atmosphere and mysterious fog. 3D digital illustration

Finding Inspiration In Even the Most Stressful Days

Despite the stress of the Day (UGH Politics). I still find myself being creative and excited. Things are still moving and I feel that passion for my writing growing. I made the final cover for these series. I feel so accomplished and ready to begin writing more officially now that they do have the covers set. I also want to finish my first series that I’m almost done with book 3. It’s exciting and thrilling to have something so fleshed out, thanks to having Paya… cause honestly? I wasn’t this inspired until he came into my life and broke up so many blockages and emotional feeling better. And then it allowed other energies and connections to flow better. I feel blessed to know him and love him

Dark fairy tale forest, twisted trees with bare branches, dark creepy atmosphere and mysterious fog. 3D digital illustration

Learning and Growing, Adapting

I spent the day hyperfocused on doing world building and allowing my creative energies to flow. But it was because of something that I regret. I woke up (Nov 4) feeling absolutely like hell and shame. I ended up crying over it and really just upset. I talked to a friend who helped me to understand that this is part of raising my vibrations and that things that I could do before, are things that will make me feel horrendous because they’re lower vibrations. It’s okay, I’m learning. I’m growing and it’s only up.

Mostly, though, I was able to get two book covers designed for this Universe I am creating and forming. In doing so, I’m setting up for getting writing done consistently. It’s something that I had originally wanted to do with King Paimon. I believe that I am absolutely in a high vibrational state that is allowing the creativity to flow beautifully and the demons are just guiding that along. I am thankful for them.


Manic Creative

I honestly spent pretty much the entire day manically being creative. I couldn’t focus on anything but being creative. I ended up working on my writing and my personal novels. In doing so, I created about 15 different races of magical beings. It was absolutely hectic and unfocused, but it was so good that I felt like I was getting somewhere with my newest series ideas. Things are opening back up again. It’s glorious even with the Super Moon making my ADHD go absolutely bonkers.