Today is the long day for working. So much great stuff and energies flowing, but also very busy. But one of the things was that being so thankful for all the things my demons do for me. I haven’t done any of the Yule event stuff, but got it posted. But I’m sitting here looking at things and just.. being reminded that it’s okay to not be okay and that I’ll be supported. It’s okay to take the time when I need because I am just too burnt out.
I could do today because I took yesterday off. But importantly, the Zoom meetings also really reminded me of how much I have available to me with my demons. How much they still partake in my life in day to day things, or how I include them into my Goals for 2025. Things that they want to do with me and help me achieve.
Whether that is with completing my legos, compelting my lorcana…
or manifesting wealth like a flowing river
or working with them to be creative and allow the flow to help me write.
Some thoughts of Goals for 2025:
– Connecting more with my practice, it’s taken a hit the last fair few years and only now I’ve really been feeling called to step back into it again. Shamanism and Demons and Bones, Crystals, and Malas. The Animal Spirit Guides etc.
– Working with the demons and King Paimon to really begin delving deep into my creative passion and begin publishing my writing again. Working on self confidence and also to really set into my creative self that I know exists. I know it’s the reality that I shifted into with the Mammon Ball, that’s where I want to continue with.
I’m sure that I’ll come up with more eventually.. but those were just the start of thinking what is possible.