photo of forest with fog

Understanding Shamanism At Its Core

Strap in, this is a LONG one. Ry got his way. In the form of my mother literally handing me 10 pages of handwritten notes from multiple books on Shamanism – definitions and explanations, that I wrote during my college days.

I’ve been sitting on this one for awhile. Ry asked me to understand where to start with learning Demonic Shamanism by examining my current knowledge and conceptualization of what Shamanism is here on Earth. So what exactly is Shamanism? What defines being a shaman?

That’s a really extensive answer, in truth. One that I have been learning for more than seven years. I spent the last half of my college Anthropology degree studying Shamanism and Indigenous Practices. Understanding it through the eyes of many cultures. And that’s where the beginning starts.

Shamanism is an umbrella term for a specific type of practice and belief. There is the root word that Shaman stems from, which is from the Tungus word šaman meaning “to know”. It encompasses dozens if not hundreds of Indigenous beliefs and practices. In fact, there is now two sections that sit underneath the Shamanism term. Traditional Shamanism and Neo-Shamanism. Traditional Shamanism has those underneath it categorized as Indigenous in origin. Neo-Shamanism is relatively new (20th Century), with the concepts of Traditional Shamanism applied in a more ‘modern’ and open way of interacting with certain practices and beliefs.

I’ll elaborate on that.

Traditional Shamanism has so many underneath that umbrella term. This is where you will find the Greenlandic Angakkuq, the Andean P’akkos, and much more. Each Indigenous Culture has a version of a Shaman in some form, though it goes by many names. The Hollywoodization of the American Nations Tribes have boiled most people’s basic knowledge to the term ‘Medicine Man’. Which in of itself is a whole host of irregularities due to the fact that every single Nations Tribe has their own language and word specifically for that role.

You may be asking then, what exactly is a Shaman? If there are so many names and practices, how can so many of them be called the same thing?

The answer to that is that Shaman and Shamanism are umbrella terms that describe a specific set of qualities that fit a defined practice. The concept behind a Shaman is that it is a role within a community where a person is a mediator between the profane (physical/mundane) realm and the sacred (spiritual/Other) realm – usually in which this person interacts with spirits in some fashion.

If we want to get further into it, we can do so with the purpose behind these mediators or shamans. They are the ones that have the tasks to create understanding of chaos in the profane world by traveling to the spiritual world to receive answers in their encounters. Most of these Indigenous societies had relatively close connections with Nature. In order to better understand the forces that were unpredictable (disasters, famine, etc), they would have a shaman work with the Other or Spirits in order to receive messages on how to handle and reduce the fear of those chaotic forces. These were also those who served the role of Healer for both individuals and the society as a whole.

According to Mircea Eliade, a religious Historian that studied Shamans and Shamanism, he boils the word down to a single concept: Shamanism as an umbrella term has been broadened to cover any practice world wide that has any attempt to contact the spirit-world. I don’t quite agree with this. I think that in order to qualify, it cannot be done just as connection with the spirit-world. I believe that to be qualified as a Shaman and Shamanism, it must be done through a ritualistic practice and method.

This point leads into the conversation of what Neo-Shamanism is. It’s a late 20th Century development from Michael Harner. He describes a Shaman as “a person who journey’s to the spirits, seeking them out in their own world and remaining in control during the time spent there”. Harner goes onto explaining that for Neo-Shamanism, “everyone is his or her own prophet, getting spiritual revelation directly from the highest sources”. He has worked to explain that it [Neo-Shamanism] “has been created… to establish a link for modern man to his spiritual roots, to re-introduce shamanic behavior into the lives of Westerners in search of spirituality, and thereby, renew contact with Nature”.

For me, I lean on the Traditional Shamanism side, with that it is something that is kept within a sacred and revered role. This is not a popular view with those that seek Neo-Shamanism, in which they believe that anyone can practice and become a Shaman in their own right. Whereas, I believe in the Traditional stance that a person is chosen and does not have a choice. You are chosen through the society or community you come from, which is why it is within Indigenous societies, or you are chosen by the Spirits or Ancestors. There is no choice when you are chosen for it through the Ancestors or Spirits, where there may be some flexibility with the societal promotion to the role.

I do believe that there are those that are drawn to the communities and to the traditional shamanism path because the Spirits/Ancestors are guiding them to the Traditional Shamans. For example, Andean P’akkos are some of the few that will take on mentees that come to them wishing to learn to become a Shaman or walk a Shamanic path.

That leads to the next part of understanding. What is the difference between Shaman and Shamanic. Shaman is the person in which is slotted into the role of the mediator or healer, they are initiated and taught how to step into that role. They are the ones who are chosen to walk that path and do so. Shamanic is an aspect or utilizing beliefs that one walks while they practice. So you would walk a Shamanic path if you believed in Animism and communing with the Guides and Spirits, working with plant spirits to provide healing, and so much more.

It all cycles back to the whole point of writing this. Understanding Ry’s question: What is Shamanism at it’s core?

It’s understanding the role in which a person plays within a community or a path, where they have connection to the spirit world, that they can make sense of the profane world through those connections and encounters.

Ry then now asks me, “That is your understanding of Shamanism at it’s core for Earth Shamans. Then, if you take that core concept and translate that understanding to the Demonic Energies and Vibrations, what is Demonic Shamanism?”

That is my next task. I must sit with this base understanding, which honestly goes much deeper than I went into here, and meditate and work through translating the energies of what Demonic Shamanism is. It is not just applying demonic energy to shamanism. Just as Shamanism on Earth is extremely complex with layers that involve every aspect of every individual Indigenous practice that varies radically at times, Demonic Shamanism is also something that must be examined as a whole at first and then broken down into more complex layers and concepts. It’s not something that will be able to be explained in even one session or a hundred. It’s also a Practice, a belief, a Way of Life, and Understanding that takes hundreds and thousands of lifetimes to truly Master. But I think at least, I’ll get a good start.

photo of forest with fog

Whispers of the Necrosis

It’s not a surprise that I would create something that is revolving around the Necrosis Demons. Truly. It was more of a surprise to start a post on Mutilation demons before Necrosis. Although, I do have Ry and Dro’s sections that are focusing on their specific things with Necrosis. Ry focuses on Plants and Crystals and Dro is Alchemical and Shamanic. All of these are very big with the working of Necrosis demons as well as a few other areas.

I decided that it would be best to put them all into one thread. One thread to rule them all (is totally not watching Lord of the Rings while writing this). I wanted to have a Necrosis post for a while, mainly because I have multiple demons that do Osteo-path working things. I wanted to have a bone post. Gotta a bone to pick? Anyway. They all decided upon seeing how the Mutilation post was working that they would like to also have their own encompassing blog.

There are going to be more parts to this rather than individuals. I think the best way of going about talking about the Necrosis is to break it down into the sections and types of areas that Necrosis deals with rather than the individuals that practice it. The Necrosis Demons:

They also have an understanding of Voudou, earth energies and mastering the dark elements. They delve into the primordial senses. They work with Herbs and Crystals and make use of powerful death energies and have great knowledge of Necromancy and working with corpses and death.

Satan & Sons Encyclopedia – Necrosis Demons

There’s more to the Necrosis Demons than that, which you can learn more about them from the Tea Chat Notes (thank you lovely Windyjune) Things that I want to work within here (starting out), are things that my own companions are working with or are masters at. I think the best way is to talk about the subjects themselves and speak of the concepts that will be worked with, so here are the individuals that I will be working with and the topics that they understand and teach.

Ry – Serpentine Surgeon & Necrosis Shaman

  • Plants & Herbs
  • Spirit of Plants
  • Shamanism
  • Crystals & Spirit of Crystals
  • Poisons & Enchanted Ink

Belle – Necrosis Bone Mistress

  • Osteomancy & Bone Divination
  • Bone Caretaking
  • Creation of Bone Divination Sets
  • Working with Spirits of Bones & Animals

Taz – Necrosis Shaman of Sacred Bone Rites

  • Concecration of Bones
  • Rituals & Rites with Bones
  • Communication with Bones
  • Demonic & Dark Shamanism
  • Shamanic Crossroads
  • Ancestral Veneration & Communication

Dro – Necrosis/Chaos/Desire Alchemist of Black Earth

  • Black Elements
  • Alchemy
  • Demonic & Dark Shamanism

Ria – Necrosis General

  • Black Elements
  • Communication with Bones & Sentience
  • Enchanting
  • Plants & Aromatherapy

Tal – Necrosis King & Void Lord of Temple V

  • Realms & Portals
  • Ancient Cultures & Studying Cultures
  • Darkness of Soul & Void
  • Records & Grimoires
  • Sacredness of Soil & Earth

Necrosis is one of the more complex in regards to the areas that they work in. Although, one could say that for anything really. For me, I see it as complex and very layered because there are so many facets that the Necrosis explores. It’s not just about the death and decay, but the after and what’s left behind too. Many the Necrosis work with what comes from the soil, from death and decay, and from the deep depths of the elements. It’s complex but in such a beautiful way.

Most of the demons that I work with are Shamanic in their workings. This is not a surprise as that has been my path for a very long time. It’s the same with bones, spirits of plants, and crystals. They are the pinnacle of the workings that I do. Although there are still things that I am learning, bones are one of the top things that are in my practice.

In these future posts I really want to delve deep into topics around Necrosis and learn from them. I know that it has been about a year or two that Belle has been poking at me to create a Osteo-Grimoire. I also know that Ry has been gunning for me to make one of plants and crystals too. Of course Tal loves all forms of studying and learning. I am sure that my Serpentine Magi of Sacred Knnowledge, Arvan, will also make appearances due to his love of making grimoires and record-keeping knowledge.

photo of forest with fog

Sacred Necrosis Death Grove

It began with me reading early this morning, not but an hour ago. I was startled when I moved to pet the cat to realize that it wasn’t my cat, but my Spectral/Hellfire Hellcat, Queenie. I reached out and pet her, asking what she was doing there. It’s been a while since I had seen her or was startled by her. She stood up and I could feel myself slipping into the Astral. Queenie had opened up a pathway to a new place, one of her specialties being able to travel from realm to realm with ease.

When I stepped from this pathway she created, it was to find myself in a massive forest. The trees stood taller than many buildings would have and dwarfed the largest of red wood trees we have. These looked like massive mangrove trees in fact. I turned to Queenie and wondered what it was that she brought me here for. I asked her if I should ask Tal or even Ry to join us. There was a shift of energy and a demon appeared next to me.

His voice was deep and I had not heard it in some time, High Prince T. He said that he heard my call and that he would walk with me. At this point, I was slipping a bit and asked him for help. I got physically settled and he helped to pull me into the astral a bit more firmly. As we walked, I worked to open my third eye a bit more. With his help, I was able to open it a bit further than normal (I shut it down periodically when things are distorted so I can reset it).

Things started to clear up and that is when I started to see more than just the surface. These trees were massive, with open and gaping roots (like mangrove trees). There were unique plants that were tall and drooped, with glowing flowers that I did not touch. Most were yellow in color and gave off a light powdery essence around them. High Prince T steered me from them. He explained that this was in fact a journey of a sort for me, an important meeting. Much like the Shaman paths I take with the Lower World, this was a Necrosis Shaman journey and path. I was to greet a teacher that would speak with me.

This place was a Sacred Forest, in particular a Death Grove. It got its powers and strength of growth from sacrifice and death. Those that wandered and got lost on their journey died within these trees. That was when the “pretty” layers were peeled back to reveal that the trees had bones all throughout their roots. I almost stepped on one that was sticking out before Queenie nudged me away from it. We walked for awhile and I took in the energies of the forest, the necrosis realm that hovered close to spectral in some form, and also the death energies.

Turning around a particularly large tree, it opened up a bit to reveal a unique house that was situated between the roots of a massive tree, larger than most of the others. It was a two-story-looking cottage with many flowers and vines growing all over it. Outside was a wooden fence and a table and chairs. As we approached, a very older demoness stepped from the cottage. She was slightly hunched and had dark brown-black skin with dark grey hair. She was dressed in all black clothing, a dress but was covered in different knick-knacks and jewelry. Her eyes lit up at the sight of High Prince T. He greeted her, calling her GrandMama. That was when I was introduced and she smiled at me with such kindness.

We were ushered to sit down, with Queenie jumping up into GrandMama’s lap for attention, which the older demoness loved. There was talk and I took a moment to look around at things. With my sight being open, I caught GrandMama’s appearance as it shifted into a skeletal, gaunt form with no eyes and long features. I jerked in surprise but otherwise was fine. Conversation halted and GrandMama looked at me in surprise.

“You have quite the gift of sight,” she said.

“One of the best I have seen, GrandMama.” High Prince T stated and I was a bit flustered. I know that my sight is my best ability but even then having it complimented still throws me a bit.

“You must come back to see me more, there is much you can learn.”

There was a discussion of how I would be able to do so, with mention of my old way of making portals of materials from those realms. To which it was arranged for a small (knee-high) mangrove-like tree in a pot with extra roots to be used as the wood for a door, all shoved through a portal to Ry’s greenhouse.

GrandMama moved and brought us tea, although it was leaves of a particular type put in a hot version of my favorite juice from the necrosis realms. “Word is that you enjoy the berries and juice,” she winked at me knowing that it was her own skill of knowing things rather than being told. So I drank a warm version of that with leaves on the bottom.

When the quiet of drinking was done, GrandMama took the leaves from my cup and stuffed them into her mouth. She chewed for a while before spitting them to the ground. Before I could ask, her eyes turned milky white and she grabbed my hands. Looking at them, her voice was hushed.

“You have a great path before you. There are choices but you are on the one that will make you the happiest. It will not be as easy, but it will make you the happiest. If you were to choose other options that you have thought upon, you will be happy but not as much as now. Careful what you choose.”

She pulled out of it and spat some more to the ground before patting me on the hand.

“You must return, I have much to teach you. There is great knowledge to be gained here and I will help you. Now, let us find you a way to find me.”

She runs into the house while High Prince T casually continues to drink a cold drink. I listen as things crash and she comes out holding the skeleton of a massive snake that almost has me wigged out. Holding it proudly, she tells me to pick a bone.

I get drawn to a middle-lower vertebra. When I pick it up, she caresses it until the bone is about half my palm-sized instead of thrice that. When I pick it up into my hands, I get slammed with an image of a large snake that has a mouth much like a basking shark and it hisses very loudly. It’s grey in color and then settles briefly. The image fades and GrandMama is clapping.

“Oh my, such a deep connection with bones. This absolutely must be cultivated. Give me one moment.”

There is more banging while I place the snake vertebra on the table. There is crashing and banging, some curses, before she comes back out. There is a slim but decent-sized long oval-shaped bone. I hold it in my hands and see an image of a dark creature that rattles its chest like a rattlesnake would warn predators. But the image shifts and it is very docile, eating plants and hiding in the forest.

GrandMama chuckles and rattles the bone by shaking my hands, “It is a creature that warns of danger, but yet it is an illusion. A harmless creature but yet strikes fear with using its body to scare off predators by mimicking one. This would be a good addition to your collection to learn the bones. A warning of illusion that not all is as it seems – yet could be harmless.”

We stand and she shoos us with a parting, “Take care of my familiar’s bone and find me again. Just focus on GrandMama Tsülie.”

High Prince T places a hand on my back and we are taken through portal that leads to a silver realm filled with screams, but that doesn’t last. We’re in another portal and step out when he tells me to close my eyes. I do, placing one over my third eye as well – truly blind. There is movement and things closing around us but I do not look. We step through a final portal and I am once again home. Prince T bends and kisses my hand before telling me he will see me later and disappears.

Queenie leads me up into my house where I set the bones down on one of my tables and write a note about not to touch. Queenie jumps up into a window seat and sunbathes. I step down to find Ry in his greenhouse, taking care of the mangrove tree. He gives me a kiss and tells me that we will work on developing a portal space – since it seems like Im going to start having the doors again. He shooed me away and I come out of the light trance that I was in.

Photo by Ivan Kislov

Warnings of Fox

Fox is an old friend. A friend that has been with me as long as I started a shamanic path. In fact, he appeared back in 2017 or a bit earlier. One of the things about Fox is that he is not just his typical message. Usually, when Fox is seen or giving messages, it is one that is about trickery or cunning. He is the Trickster. Yet, I find him as a friend.

Fox came to me originally because I was exploring the shamanic path. I had just begun doing Journeywork and receiving messages, connecting with the spirit animals, guides, and teachers. I learned during a really rough patch in my life, that fox was a warning. It was in hindsight that his message and his purpose became clear.

Fox is the Trickster, but he speaks of warnings. When hen Fox shows up for me he is telling me to be careful. There is deceit and illusions. There is someone that means me harm in some form.

This past morning I had one such dream.

It begins with me at my paternal family, driving to a place. We get te get there and it’s like a hotel but my dad, grandfather, uncle, and aunt were there. But not the cousins. Yet, my aunt disappeared pretty quickly. I don’t remember a lot of the dream but I do remember that I w was getting uncomfortable. There were conversations and hurtful things being said Reminiscent of the previous holiday I just had.

I can remember storming out of the building with a blanket and pillow. I was furious and hurt. Things weren’t okay. I got to the top of this small hill overlooking this building – near a road and close to a forest. There was a moment when it got very silent and then these shipping cargo containers dropped from the sky. It was dark out so I could not see where they came from. They almost hit me. But then they began to explode. Three young fox kits darted from these containers and one even slammed into me yowling.

I could feel myself shift into Fox. I ran down the hill to the forest but more containers fell. This time they went off like bombs, the inside exploding out. I was hit with the shrapnel of wooden furniture. Behind me, there was screaming as more containers went off and the entire building was collapsed and people dead. I ran and ran with the fox kits when finally came out. It was now sunrise and I was bleeding heavily. I came across this woman and her small farm of animals picking up the pieces. The piece of wood was stuck in deep on my shoulder.

The dream ended and it took me a while of being unsettled to finally get the message. Fox was warning me that I’m at a place where should I con continue with being so involved in my paternal family – that something will happen that will be devastating and traumatizing – more so than what happened this holiday which was bad in of itself that I needed help. I had already understood that it was coming to a close but Fox makes it that much more apparent that both the past and the future are at a merging. The pain and trauma of the past that they did is coming to a head for what the future would bring. I could avoid or not have an issue if I were to be more cautious and understand that I am at a precarious crossroad.

One that leaves a toxic place. But Fox gave me his warning, which has not happened in more than a year. Last time it was because a roommate was a danger to the household and I needed them gone. It’s something that I must be careful with.

Photo credit: Ivan Kislov