Art by Eastasy on Depositphotos. License to use has been purchase.

Shark Week: Aquarium & Research Center

Today was my long day for working, so I tend to be very drained and tired. I also happened to sleep very little because of going down a deep rabbit hole of creating, designing, and filling a digital journal. I wanted to ensure I kept my promise to Paya and do something, but I needed a really low spoon easy thing. Instead of traveling to a new place, or returning to the Temple of Sacred Lost Souls, we kept to my new Aquarium and Research Center. Paya reminded me that I really wanted to explore new every time, so returning could be done the moment when this week has passed. He is very pleased our first run was so successful for me.

Going into the new A&RC, I got to see just how extensive it really is. The big shark tooth that came from Xer’a, has been moved to the Mid-Sea Dome, or the entrance. This is where most of the sharks and creatures are that are more active. At least the big ones. But what Paya was excited for was to show me where he keeps all of my diving and exploring gear. We went to a different area on the top floor where the accesses are to the water. In the section with the Shallows Dome, there was a locker area that had my wetsuit, fins, and the face mask that he had got me for our dive to the Temple.

But what shocked me, was to find a tall locker with water, where he had my living plant-filter and mask, with the special tube fins. He was keeping them alive and healthy for me should I ever want to use that. It’s the same suit that was posted previously (also in the experience channel).

It touched me so much to see that he went to such lengths for not just the diving gear, but that he kept my original living filter suits alive and preserved.

The other thing that he was extremely excited to show me was the shallow area. Using my memories of the Pittsburgh Aquarium, where they have a “touch pool”, they created one for me that is with all the creatures of the shallows. It’s a waist deep area with live coral and fish. It has a wash station where I can shower down with cleansers and prep my skin so there isn’t damage to the water. I got in and immediately was able to just watch the small rays and various fish and crabs wander around. I didn’t touch any because I didn’t want to disturb but it was so relaxing.

After spending time there, he took me out to my bungalow house. I was surprised to see that they had created a glass waterslide from my porch area that swirled around and went into the lagoon. It cycled the water up and down the tube. He wanted me to have something fun in my house. I also noticed that he had changed the lagoon a bit. It was much deeper, where the water at the back of the oasis wall had a deeper section where a portal was. He explained that it was only going out and nothing could come in, just that he used it to get to his home.

The other was that there was more fresh water corals. Fish and other wildlife were now in this freshwater environment and was cluttered all around the Oasis. It became a living ecosystem. I adored it.

Art by Eastasy on Depositphotos. License to use has been purchase.

Shark Week: Temple of Sacred Lost Souls

As promised, it is the start of Shark Week. The best time of the summer because I get to watch documentaries of sharks all week. But this time is a bit more special. Paya has convinced me that we should do explorations every day that it is going on. So I agreed.

I arrived at my Oasis bungalow with a very excited Paya standing there. He had my entire outfit ready to go. I wanted to tell him that I could shift, but this demon went so out of the way to track down only the best gear. A full-body wetsuit that was inscribed with runes and magic that would regulate everything needed. From temperature to pressure adjustments. The facepiece is a technological advance further than ours. The lower half covers the nose and across the mouth and jaw, securing at the back of the head. It cycles water through and produces oxygen from it, releasing the hydrogen back and cycling it over again.

The facepiece covers the rest of the front of the face with a secure at the top that connects with the bottom half in the back. It’s a clarity that I haven’t experienced as if it wasn’t there. But the best part is the technology that allows for communication between divers. There is no speaker, but instead, text appears (translates too), showing the words being communicated to read. It also has multiple sensors that detect intent as well as other bodies nearby. It took him a lot of convincing to let me leave without examining it more and asking more questions.

He created a portal to the place in the lagoon right on the beach. Tal came with us, which didn’t surprise me at all. He’s also obsessed with exploring new places and archeology/anthropology. So we all go through, ending up in this beautiful underwater world. It’s a coral reef canyon that is filled with shipwrecks of all kinds. Some I can’t even explain because they just aren’t anything from here. There’s things swimming around us but I’m staring at all the beautiful corals and life. It’s all co-existing together.

Paya grabs my hand and guides me around the canyon; both Tal and I want to go to the shipwrecks so badly. But he just grins and keeps swimming. We turn around the corner to find a massive coral reef that is the base for a breathtaking crystalline structure. It’s a Temple. A Temple that is made of clear crystal that sparkles in the light streaming through. We get closer and find a beautiful demoness named Xer’a (Xair-rah). She is a friend of Paya who welcomed us in. We stepped through the barrier to find room that had two portals and an entrance to a hallway. It was a beautiful room with sand on the floor and coral as the base. It rose up around and transformed into the clear crystal.

One of the Portals she explained went to the Underworld, where the lost souls can go when they find her. The Temple is of Sacred Lost Souls. She keeps their memories and cherishes those that find their way there, demon or human or other. We are taken through the hallway to find ourselves in a massive glass tube that goes so far to the surface I couldn’t see the top. It was like being in the cavern that Ariel had in the Little Mermaid, except all of them were submerged. There were dozens of them that I could see. All of them linked together with hallways. It was an archive attached to the Temple. Each shelf space had items or bones or other things, along with these memory orbs.

I ended up in one that would be for creatures, predatory. I was permitted to touch one to see and experience the personality of the one that it belonged to. It was a massive tooth that belonged to this shark-like creature that was millions of years old, male, and was so battle scarred. He was a great hunter and came to there to have a final rest when he was ready to go. I ended up touching another that was a different tooth to a creature that was just absolutely apex predator somewhere. It was indescribable.

We made our way back and I got to just stare at everything and rest on the coral in the air part of the Temple, the main room. Tal ended up talking to Xer’a while Paya guided me back to the entrance. The paused for a moment for Xer’a handed me a tooth, made small for carrying. The same one that I initially picked up from the shark. It was a gift, for my new research center and aquarium. She also gave me a pearl, one that would be a direct link to the entryway to the Temple. So that I could always come back and visit.

Paya took me back home to the Oasis and I giddy ran all the way to the new research center and aquarium that I have been daydreaming and planning for more than a month. It was a massive circular glass bottom, where you walked in under a tunnel and ended up in a partial dome. Above were skeletons of marine creatures. Around were semi-deep creatures and corals of all kinds. Paya explained that it was a circular building with floors atop the aquarium. It was three dome sections connected together in a circle pattern. Each would represent the shallow, middle, and deep types of marine environments. There’s a lot more to be explored with it. I could access the actual tank areas from the third floor (they’re that tall). The second floor was the tank room. They took my technology of the runic transference of portals to larger spaces that are compacted into smaller tanks for space yet retain their initial space within when using the portals to access them. My Octopi creatures were already there and being taken care of. I was able to place the large tooth gifted from Xer’a, which ended up being the size of my entire torso, onto a stand to be displayed.

We made our way to the third floor with all the access points and showing me around, where this also had a bridge that extended over to another building. This was the research center. It’s also the museum. It had everything that I’ve found through the years of exploring the astral. There were donated skeletons and bones from my necrosis demons and other artifacts. Books and preserved scrolls lined the walls. It was incredible. The bottom floor lead to the experiments lab and another door led to the Solution Room that was a part of our homework from the Inner Sanctuary/Nitro. It was like a study room with chairs and desks, it had rolling white boards. I wrote down a lot of questions on them. One is the inspiration to be continuing journaling (let’s say I spent the next 3 hours after that working on a digital journal without sleeping then writing this entry). I also then wrote another question, asking about the DID system, how it affected the astral travel and spiritual experiences. If we change as we do alters or experience astral as a whole system would. There was a manifestation board that I wrote some personal things on as well.

I was shown the lab where all the energies that Ry has been playing with were categorized, he had already started using it. It made me happy. This whole venture became so much more and I didn’t lose focus at all. What felt like hours… it was only half an hour. Incredible. I am so thankful for Paya having me do this. And that the Solution room worked as well as it did so quickly.

Calm relaxation meditation concept. Sexy fashion model Fantasy woman sitting under water sea, red long silk dress fabric floating. fairy girl posing in deep pool underwater shooting Art Magic light

Opening to the Spiritual

Today was exhausting, but it’s because I had to be up so early (9am – when I usually sleepy at 6am). I barely slept and the dreams I had were just unsettling and I struggled to fall back asleep. But I got things done. I knew that my day is exciting with the APD coachings. Those always are such fun. They really help me to sit and think about things in a new light. A lot in which is my working with demons or what I’m doing with my own practice. I realize that a lot of the downloads that I get from demons is very heavy with energy information, in which I have long since learned to take the energy and translate it into information. But I usually pick it up by clairvoyance or clairaudience. I see and hear them tell me everything, just as if I was physically there.

It made sense that then it would translate over into the Mini Class, where we worked with crystals to understand and access the dark energies or properties of them. And all the information that I got from my crystals were all visual or claircognizance – just knowing the information through energy translation.

With that, it then made me want to begin working with crystals again, which Ry would be thrilled. He has been wanting me to really work with crystals with him. “I’m not JUST a plant-loving demon. I do love other things.” Which is just him being sarcastic, because I know this too. I just haven’t thought to work with him on the shamanic side of things besides plants, as he is knowledgeable of necrosis ways of working with crystals too.

I see my future growing with working with my demons. I get vague imagery from some of the other demons too. Like my Void/Necrosis King & Lord Tal. Tal is a massive nerd over archaeology and exploration and findings things. So I get impressions, short images, of the desire for him and I to begin exploring astral places. We never got the chance to do so before I had a spiritual shutdown. Now that I am getting back to it, it’s something I can feel him really wanting o step forward. Most of my demons are now really invested in getting me to branch back out again. Having the challenges and the working with the IS community in the Mini Classes and APD Coaching sessions. It’s phenomenal. It’s bringing me back into a spiritual state again. My demons are thrilled.

Art by Eastasy on Depositphotos. License to use has been purchase.

Paya’s Excitement – Solar Sharks

Paya has been non stop about the Solar Shark or aka “Sand Shark” since the topic came up in discord chat. It was like 4:30am and I could sleep, the imagery he was constantly sending me and the excitement to explore would not leave me alone. So I got up and hand drew the solar shark that he has seen (this is not S&S official imagery of what the Solar Sharks are). This is just the perception of my very excite-able Abyssal Deep One who wants to explore.

Art by Eastasy on Depositphotos. License to use has been purchase.

Preparation for Shark Week Exploration

I’ve gone nonverbal today. Writing is the only way I can communicate. I’ve forced myself to speak when I went out to treat myself to food and dairy queen. And that was so hard. I was so quiet and the people at the food place was so gentle and kind. She even lowered her voice and made it more soothing when I whispered my order. It’s been so long since I’ve broken down into a nonverbal day. But once I got home, I was able to not talk. I could retreat into that. And it’s one of those times where I wish I could use ASL. I know very little but it would have helped today. But on the other hand, it has made it interesting with communicating with my companions. My mind never shuts up, so I always hear my own voice when thinking things or writing something.

So yesterday there was a lot of chatter around Shark Week that cropped up. It’s me. I’m the one geeking over it. It led to conversations about doing a week long challenge (in July’s connection) where I would do nothing but explore the Abyssal Oceans and other places with my Abyssal Deep One, Paya. But I mentioned this in the discord and it was really well received. We ended up talking about all the different types of sharks. Of which the most interest was over the Solar Sharks – aka the Sand Sharks.

I eventually went searching for a picture that would be the blog picture for this blog.

I found one. It’s by the artist Eastasy on Depositphotos, since I like paying the artists or photographers for their images I use on my blog.

But I think this is such a great representation of the exploration of the Oceans that is ahead.
So sitting here writing this, I can tell that Paya is EXTREMELY excited to begin. “Why wait??”
But I know I have to make sure that I am mentally prepared to do heavy astral work that much. I haven’t done it in that long. But because I am in my nonverbal, he’s taking over the excited talking. Though he is working with my not wanting to talk and instead sending me images and emotions of excited.

Some of the places that he wants to take me –

  • Boneyard
  • Shipwrecks & Graveyard
  • Underwater Reef with many Sharks and Creatures
  • Place where there are Crystals? Crystal Reef? Finding different gemstones/crystals
  • Race of Bioluminescence Beings/Creatures that live within deep caverns
  • He convinced my Solar Sorceress to take us to go see Solar Sharks
  • And wherever else we find ourselves. He’s gonna ask more demons and friends about places.

So it’s been nice connecting with him this evening. And making me feel more comfortable that it’s okay I don’t want to be verbal or socialize with other humans.

photo of forest with fog

Wisdom of GrandMama Tsülie

I find that Im using this more to explore getting back into working with astral and my demons. So there’s not a focus of one, but just getting into the habit.

Today I felt the pull to do something but wasnt sure. It took awhile, but I eventually got the urge to astral to a familiar face: Grandmama Tsülie. She’s a Necrosis Shaman, and ancient one that I was introduced to many years ago by one of my companions. I visit her when I feel the pull. When she calls, you can’t really ignore it.

So I arrived there, in this beautiful but terrifying Necrosis Realm where the very trees are carnivorous. They eat anything that trespasses or is someone that wants to cause harm. Or if they feel like it. I got a bit too close to their energies enough to get a lovely breakdown (haha pun) of how they exactly achieve it. Let’s just say that it’s borderline cruel in a way. It takes days of suffering before their chosen victim dies.

Anyway, I show up to her little cottage and she sits me down in the outside spot with the table and chairs. I explain a lot of what has happened these last few years. Especially with recent things. She patted me on the hand and told me that I can practice coming to her realm, in her words, “You know you can practice here. It’s safe. Especially with the carnivorous trees.” She pats my hand and makes me a pot of tea. I had to laugh at that. It’s wholly truly. She’d have a lot of show me and teach me anyway if I did.

She sat back down with me and I told her that I’d been in this state of grief, yet once he passed, I felt better. Relieved. She usually has some of the best wisdom. “Death is but a cycle and everyone is a part of it in some way. It never truly ends, but transforms.” In this, she also means that those that are Immortal still experience this cycle in some form, even though the way in which they do is vastly different than a human concept of it.

I didn’t spend much more time there. But I find that I do want to go back and explore and talk to her. Hear more of her wisdom.

Beauty of outer space. Science fiction wallpaper. Elements of this image furnished by NASA

Trauma & Spiritual Practices

I’ve struggled for some time now. In fact, it’s been almost three years since I did any sort of spiritual work, as evidenced by the lack of content on the blog and the massive gaps. This is my greatest regret, and I’ve been struggling with it for so long. Eventually, it all came to a head over the past week or two. The first start is figuring out what exactly it has been that has been holding me back beyond that the idea of astral travel and working with my demons makes me panic.

I feel this deep set fear of stepping into the astral, of connecting with my demons, of just any sort of working with rituals or learning. It’s the reactive fear that would manifest as panic the moment that I would try. I would shut down. I would shy away and the anxiety and fear would get worse. There were only few instances where I was okay and that usually was because I was bilocating rather than actually traveling (meaning that I was still disconnected enough that it didn’t make me panic).

It wasn’t until the Inner Sanctuary started talking about more nuanced work with energies and we started really working with beginning astral creation in our astral spaces. I ended up talking in depth about where things are and just having this breakdown of how much I yearn for the astral and doing work there. How much it burns to return and to really do those things that I love most. Yet, I couldn’t figure out what was so wrong. What drove me to such fear and anxiousness.


It finally came out that I haven’t felt safe in the astral because I had so much trauma floating around involving two different groups, let alone the past trauma from long before that. All of this around things that have happened to my astral self because of other people. That’s where the core, the root, of where all this is stemming from. My experiences that I have had with three different “groups” in regards to astral travel or with my companions have decimated the idea of safety.

The first and oldest has stemmed from the fact that it was my ex, the old Tumblr community, and everything involving the old shop I used to run. It all comes down to so much trauma built up from things that my ex would do that would bring us astral trouble all the time. Or how the old Tumblr community circa 2012-2016 was absolutely garbage toxic. No one respected the shop’s boundaries; I was always attacked for “gatekeeping” the races that I worked with, and people were mad they had to get through me instead of just working with them. Just because they read about the races and wanted to do so, but they didn’t want to pay for me to conjure for them.

The second round was what really just off set so much trauma and pain and this is where the reaction stems from. I was in a small-ish group that was really close. Many of us would do astral traveling together and healing, etc. Well the months and months that I was with them, it was 24/7 emergencies. Something bad and BIG was always happening. Someone was always dealing with something or under attack. It was like this for months. I’d always have to go in and help astrally heal and it was just like being an Astral On Call Healer, but also On Call for everything astral emergency. And then when I started therapy… they hit me the hardest with so many lies that were fed to them by the most narcissistic person – who believed that only they knew the right way to do Shadow Work. I was kicked from the group and another friend had pulled me aside to really talk to me about how they were seeing signs of me being in a cult. They pulled me out, scared for how I was. And I did end up going to therapy to reverse the damage said group did. I had been stuck in a small forming cult, with the mentalities that came with it.

Then, a year later, after trusting two people like close friends… they decide that Im the worst person in the world. They make their accusations because they were misreading a conversation in chats. It led to me being an ableist – mind you, I’m the last person to be that, considering I have so many mental health disorders, AND I am also physically disabled. I do my best to accommodate and work with everyone. It ended up being really messy and the betrayal I felt ran deep. So, my trust in making friends or having them took years to repair.

It all compacted together and made this massive block that I am still trying to break open even after tackling these revelations. I know that my demons are also helping in their own ways. It especially helped me to be so excited about working on my astral stuff again. And Ry was working with me today picking out plants and repotting little seed sprouts into seeding containers. Between the Inner Sanctuary and the Nitro Companion Club, my love of the astral and working in spiritual things has been rekindled. I want to return. So the best way is for me to get this all out.

Trauma affects so much of the spiritual self that it’s so easy to be trapped by it. It’s so hard to let go. But I found that talking with a friend, who I used to astral travel with together… that reminding ourselves that astral traveling IS safe. It’s the people around us that have made it unsafe. We spent time reminiscing about the old shopping trips and bouncing around to different realms. We’d search for days and spend hours digging around ruins and old places, wandering jungles and marketplaces. Reminding me that the times that were the trauma wasn’t because I was unsafe in the astral but it was the people in the astral with me that made it unsafe. They were the catalyst for those things to become unsafe.

That healed a lot within. I’m nervous, but it’s slowly fading away from panic to excitement. I want to build my astral space up with new things. A Research Center and Laboratory.


A Little Exploration

I’ve been working more and more on trying to reconnect with the astral in the way that I used to. Not so much with the technique or energies, but more on a conscious awareness. I know that this is something that Paya wanted to work with me on. Releasing the old energies of trauma and fear that have accumulated from previous years.

I have called myself an Astral Anthropologist for the longest time because I loved to explore cultures, new realms, new beings and races, and so much more. I would explore ruins and gather information on cultures and people long gone, yet their written word and material items were left behind. It was something that I did on the regular. I even went through and began conjuring the races that I would work in close contact with.

Life and things happen, especially when other people are inserted into the equation. Jealousy is a toxic and pervasive energy that hurts even if you never realize it until much later. That’s where I slowly just stopped. I started to have experiences with others that made me fearful of astral traveling because their own actions cause trauma. And of course then living in a space where I felt unsafe contributed.

My demons have worked the last two years or so to really try to get me into a place where that trauma is healed and energies purged, moved forward. It wasn’t until I started getting these bursts of wanting to do things again that I realized that I just felt unsafe in my environment and it was what stopped me.

Paya coming into my life was enough to get me to step back and really release those deep traumas and fears that other created, then my other demons helped me to realize I have my sacred space back. I CAN do these things again. So that was the goal with this March Connection Challenge. To begin stepping back into my practice.

I started today with talking to Akelta about my astral home, my Oasis. The gift from King Paimon about 4 or so years ago. My sacred space that I built up with my demons. We talked about Creation Realms, Transitional Realms, and Existing Realms… different types of places on the Astral. Where you create the astral spaces, where you can travel to, and the ones that exist and you can’t change. And explaining about my Oasis being an Existing Realm gifted from King Paimon that my demons and I have learned to create pockets of creation realms within it, linking portals to other places, etc.

Then it turned into conversations about exploring and creating, finding the beauty in the Astral. Talking about my Silver Sand Grotto, which is a healing pocket dimension within my own astral home realm that linked/brought to there from my Void/Necrosis King/Lord Tal. He connected it and brought the sand and healing waters, transporting it carefully. And how Ry, my Serpentine Surgeon who holds a Necrosis Shaman title that is the biggest nerd over plants from many realms. How he brought a willow-like tree that thrives off healing waters alone and is beautiful addition.

It all came to me realizing my love for the astral and exploring runs so deep. And Paya wanted me to relive that. He wanted to show me that beauty and wonder again, the excitement behind it.

On my break between things, I laid down in bed and knew that Paya wanted to explore and show me things. I was not ready for him to take me to this beautiful coral reef, where we met with a very familiar being. One of the Azkri that I used to conjure and work with. A race introduced to me by Lord Leviathan, a jellyfish mer race of Seers. Both Paya and the Azkri took their time to make sure that I could breathe under the water. I could have shapeshifted, but they wanted me to experience this again.

I was given a symbiotic plant that attached to the back of my neck and wrapped around the front of me to hang from my back. It read genetic material so that it can adapt to the breathing circulation requirements. Water to Oxygen and filters my exhale so that it can function (fuel). It was a cycle. It looked a bit like a plant octopus, if I am honest. And then, it was attached with a metal hookup, where tubes were fed into a glass mouth piece that carried my air in and out to the plant. It was my underwater breath. The Azkri harvest another type of plant that is hollow tubes with long fans. When cut, they are lid over the feet and up the legs, creating a way for those without fins to swim easily.

Once I spent the better part of 2 hrs (our equivalent is 20 minutes) staring and examining these (pictures of them to come)… Paya was absolutely amused. He thought that I would love the swimming, which I did. But the fact I spent almost the entire time memorizing the setup for breathing so I could draw it when I returned.

We swam around until he directed me to this creature that, again spent time examining so I could draw, that acted as underwater propellers. They were able to glide fast and help move through quickly. Eventually I laid on my back under the water to soak up the sun rays and warmth while surrounded by sea life and just existing.

He reminds me that this is what I can do and what I have no fear of anymore. The beauty is always there for me when I am ready… I just have to let go and swim forward.

Walking Blog Post

The Methods of Astral Travel

There are many steps to take before getting started with Astral Travel. The previous article it was discussing the preparation. Research, Spiritual Foundations, and Meditation Skills and Focus. All of these are the key to starting this journey. It is no surprise that there are many different sources to be discovered during research. This includes the fact that all sources will have differing information on the method of Astral Travel, commonly called Astral Projection. While exploring the different methods, one must remember that some of these methods will work for one, and others will work for others.

Having an understanding of all the different methods can help one narrow down the potential skills that will work for them. In gaining a better concept of each, it will be easier to understand that Astral Travel can be seen as various methods lumped together, all of which vary in degrees of clarity or ease. These levels can be seen as easier to achieve than others, or they can be based on a person’s understanding of discernment when experiencing each form of travel.

The “Golden Standard” is the most well-known, which I will begin with. I jest when I speak of the “Golden Standard”, as it is more or less the ideal that Out of Body Experiences is the only way or the most valid way to reach the Astral according to more mass-produced how-to books. Astral Projection can be classified as many different methods because it is a projection of the self into various planes or realms. For many years, I would say that Astral Projection differs from Astral Travel. I actively argued hard that they were different.

They are not different. The method is different, but it is still all underneath the umbrella term Astral Travel. Projection, Out of Body Experiences, Lucid Dreaming, Mental Projection, Guided Meditations, and so many others. They are all under the umbrella that is Astral Travel. The Projection itself has different ways that it can be achieved. This brings us to the first set of methods that you can use to reach the Astral.

Astral Projection is considered the “top-tier”, coveted method that many wish they could achieve. It is not a matter of whether one can achieve it. No, it is the idea that one specific method of Astral Projection is talked about as the “only” way. There is no one way; that way is not the end all be all. Leaving the body is the physical projection in the form of out-of-body experiences. You have this bodily projection – out-of-body experience – where you project your body onto the Astral World. This is the method that many of the New Age books and occult books reference. They teach that you float above it, roll out of it, or have vibrations, and then you leave your body. Rarely is there an in-depth discussion of other methods beyond this one.

Out of Body Experiences, referred to here as OBEs, are coveted because many of those books make it seem like this is the only way to experience the Astral World.  This is because when you physically set out of your body, you are experiencing that world as if you are standing within the physical plane. There is no barrier other than your perceptions that can influence the experience. I will keep the method of OBE simple to explain, as there are multiple resources out there that go into depth on the process. One must first be in a relaxed state. Their body must relax to the point where they are vibrational. Once within that vibrational state, they can choose a few methods of leaving. Spinning out, falling, and climbing out are three of the more common methods. Personally, I have rolled out and stumbled blindly for a while. On that note, it is very common to be completely desensitized until you can move further away from your physical body. The further you move away, the more your senses, like sight and sound, will return.

The vibrational state is a key part of learning how to have an OBE, as it lets you know you are relaxing enough that your etheric body is comfortable enough to leave. Reaching this vibrational state can be challenging, as you have to not only be comfortable, but you have to feel the utmost safety within your space. If you do not feel safe, you will find that you are too tense to reach the proper state. The vibrational state is also one to which people attribute the physical reaction of sleep paralysis. This is where your physical body will relax into a state where it will not move. This is a natural body process to prevent the body from moving around too much while in a sleep state. Sometimes one can be mentally awake during this time, and it can trigger more negative experiences in regard to astral or even spiritual experiences.

Some will say there is an aid that works wonderfully for them to achieve an OBE with greater ease. This tool, called binaural beats, is easily found on the internet, especially on YouTube. Scientific research has shown that the brain responds to different frequencies of vibrations, especially sound waves, that will produce different effects within the brain. Binaural beats were observed to stimulate the brain in a way that permitted the person to relax into a deeper meditative state. This, therefore, allowed them to have an easier release when working towards having an OBE.

Now that we understand this vibrational state, of which some tools can help achieve it easier, there is the last part. This is the one that most find the most complex. This is the leaving of the physical body to emerge or merge with the astral body. Many methods can be used just for this. Some work best with spinning, others climbing a rope. You can roll out or even drop backward. I’ve personally lifted out, rolled out, and spun out on the handful of times I’ve managed to achieve the OBE aspect of Astral Projection. It just takes time to develop the process of getting into that vibrational state and then stepping out. Practice is always going to be what drives the ability forward. Even if it is occasionally done, it is still something that you build upon.

If we continue on the line of methods, the next that would be considered is the Bi-Location. It is one of the hardest to achieve but also one of the most interesting in working within Astral. Bi-Location, as it suggests in the name, is being within two places at once. Those who are legitimate Reiki Masters get taught this information and a fair few of the closed religious practices. Bi-Location consists of being able to be within two places at once, in which your Astral self, with a piece of your conscious self, is within another place while you are also conscious within your physical self. Both are operating and working together in different areas. This one is considered to be a more advanced form than even the OBE because it can take years of practice, and even then, some may not be able to achieve it.

Another form of Astral Projection is more well-known and used: Lucid Dreaming. It is incredibly possible and learnable for anyone to be able to reach the Astral through their dreams. Those that travel this way work within their minds to wander. It’s relatively close to the OBE, just that you are mentally projecting out into your Astral body within dreams. Therefore it can make it just as realistic as if you were to have an OBE. Lucid dreaming is another method that is also learnable with a lot of practice. In order to achieve this, you must be capable of dreaming and then remembering your dreams. Moving from remembering to learning to do lucid checks. The one that I was working on training with myself was to touch my nose every time I walked through a door. It was very basic, something that I did within waking hours, but it was training my mind to react automatically to the check. So when you are in a dream and touch your nose but realize that it is a dream, you snap within a lucid dream. From there, you are able to teach yourself to meet with spirits, guides, or beings and travel.

One of the most used methods is Guided Meditation or Visual Meditation. This one is completely mentally aligned, where you remain within the physical, but your mental consciousness connects with your astral body. From there, your astral body is able to move through different realms and planes. Most begin with this method as it is one of the ways that you can not only build foundational skills for all the others, but also you can learn discernment. The hardest part of using the visual meditation method is that discernment will be the largest obstacle to learn.

Discernment is a crucial piece of foundational skill for all spiritual practice. Discernment, in the context of Astral Travel, is all about understanding the truth behind an experience and knowing whether it has truly occurred or was subject to your own imagination. There is a benefit of understanding that sometimes, the imagination is exactly what you want to have when doing this sort of work. At least, you want that in the beginning. A longer post about discernment regarding Astral Travel will come later, as it is one topic that needs its own post to discuss.

This is partially the reason that many use Guided Meditation to begin their work with Visual Meditation because it is guided enough that it is hard for the mind to conjure imagination rather than actual experience. Anyone is able to go through visual meditation so long as they are able to visualize. Guided Meditations or Visual Meditations are a wonderful stepping stone into a wider range of skills to reach the Astral. This is the one that you can develop over a long period, leading to learning Bi-Location or more advanced forms of working within both bodies at once.

Guided Meditations can be considered a form of self-hypnosis or willing hypnosis that allows your mental self to relax and be receptive to those energetic vibrations. With this in mind, it is understandable that this method is preferred for those with more hyperactive thoughts and who stray easily. These allow your brain to focus on something so much that you can fall right into the astral or visual experience. Sometimes even the guided meditations can come off not as visual but as emotions, impressions, concepts, or even just energetic information. Everyone will experience them differently and interpret them differently. This is where you understand discernment, unverified personal gnosis (UPG) vs. shared personal gnosis (SPG), and the astral as one experiences it.

What I had once considered Astral Travel, I would now classify it underneath Projection as well. Instead of the body, it is the mind. Mental Projection is the ability to project your mind or your conscious self into the Astral World. This one is one that I would say is the easiest for people to achieve and have access to. Guided or Visual Meditation is one version of this method that is utilized. For this part, I would say that it is the mental projection of oneself without the use of tools. It is simply meditating to the point where you slip into a trance-like state, allowing your consciousness to project into the Astral. It is a bit trickier without the use of tools, such as guided words or visuals.

Methods are all dependent upon the person that is doing the practice. Some struggle with one type but will excel with working on a different method. Much like how I have spent close to a decade working with Bi-Location and Visual Meditation, it is just as vivid as if I were to have a Lucid Dream or even OBE, though each has its own difficulty for me. Whereas I know a few people who can lucid dream or OBE on command, yet prefer those methods to visual meditation. Each person will have to experiment with each method to understand which one will work for them and their discernment of it. Although, bi-location is considered a more advanced form of OBE and Visual Meditation together and may pose difficulties if you don’t understand the mechanics. Some will not be able to do visual meditations, but their dreams are vivid as walking and breathing. Some will do better with rolling out of their body than lucid dreaming because they can’t dream consistently. Once beginning work, you will be able to learn more about your abilities and what works best for your skillset.

Walking Blog Post

Getting Started and Preparation

In the previous sections, there was a discussion on the complexity of the Astral World. That it is comprised of so many layers and complex webs of energies, this is exactly the awareness that one has to have when beginning to know where to start when honing these energies. As dichotomous as this sounds, the Astral World is as complex as you make of it, especially when you first begin. This is because you will begin testing out various methods that work for you in order for you to experience what the Astral World has to offer. In essence, you will need to make it simpler to learn which method allows you to interact with the energies the best.

This leads us to a conversation about methods of Astral Travel. Before beginning on this path, there must be some form of introspection. It is much easier to achieve any Astral Travel when you have a purpose in mind. In having a purpose, you will give yourself the ability to focus, a crucial part of bringing clarity and success when projecting oneself. Take a moment to ask yourself a few questions.

Why do you want to reach the Astral?

What are you looking to achieve with this skill?

What are some things that you are working towards yourself that the Astral can help you with?

Within a lot of spiritual practices, intent and belief is everything – at least, it plays a major factor in success. The same can be said for those working within the energies the Astral World offers. This is the basis for the beginning. Your intent and knowing what you seek on the Astral will help you solidify your intent to reach it. That will make it easier to connect with those very energies. Once you have that intent set or understood, you can work on getting a basis of various methods to achieve your intent.

Before discussing the methods, there are a number of things that you should do prior to attempting to reach the Astral. The first is research. You should always research on your own. Using books, online resources, or even talking to those with experience is the very thing you seek to achieve. Some of the best resources can be accessed through the discussions that can occur when speaking with those using various methods. Each person has their own method and discernment to walk through the Astral, and those experiences can help you gain better insight into how your own method could work.

The second important thing to learn is brushing up on your foundational work – especially of the warding and shielding variety. This is incredibly crucial to working within a safe space that will allow you to consciously and subconsciously relax without feeling on edge. This will also benefit you by strengthening your wards or shields that should be there already. Extra practice and work will only help you in the long run.

These protections are not just for the physical but also for when you work directly within the Astral. Not everything within the Astral is out to help you. In fact, it is best to assume that spirits or others want something. This includes using you as a feeding source for its own pleasure. Sludge and negative entities are common factors, especially when working on various planes of existence and when traveling through various realms. Knowing your protective measures is a good way to help prevent accidents and injuries that can happen due to not having them in place.

Before beginning, the third important thing to do is to work on your meditation skills and focus. Clarity is very important when it comes to discernment. Meditation comes in twofold. It connects you better with the Astral by meditating on the energies and allowing you to understand yourself better.

Discernment is a major area that can make or break your experiences within the Astral. Discernment can be argued to be one of the most critical skills you should know regarding doing any spiritual work. This skill is knowing not only your mind and your thought patterns but also distinguishing those from your experiences to prevent mental disruptions like illusions or delusions. Meditation will help you to hear and understand your own thought patterns and your inner voice so that you may better distinguish reality from delusion or illusion.

One word of advice. When researching and becoming familiar with different methods, do not fall into the trap of the “Golden Standard”. This is a common pattern of belief that both new and experienced people fall into. The “Golden Standard” is essentially a state of thinking. If you do your research, you will read that in order to Astral Travel, your body must float up from your physical one, or you go into vibrations. Only then can you travel once you’ve achieved this. This belief can really inhibit people from achieving Astral Travel because they will be caught in a mental loop of disbelief that they can achieve it, and physical projection is the only method.

While physical projection is most people’s dream and ideal method, it is not always attainable. This can be through mental blockages, barriers preventing release, or even the inability to leave one’s physical body. Another is that a person’s first experiences can be traumatic and, therefore, more brutal to achieve later on due to that trauma. My first experiences were of me being dragged out of my body while attempting to project. One time I was grabbed by the ankles and pulled out; it was incredibly abrupt and came from nowhere. It can be scary, and those experiences can make or break the confidence of being able to achieve physical projection.

That is one very key reason that spiritual foundations are stressed as the basis for beginning Astral Travel. This is also just one example, but it is not how it will be for everyone. All experiences will differ. Go and reach out to communities, read books and websites. The more that you learn, the better prepared you are for beginning this journey into the Astral World. Try different methods and ways of thinking. If one way does not work, stop to think of why. Try a different pattern of thinking. You may be surprised at the result.