Art by Eastasy on Depositphotos. License to use has been purchase.

Shark Week: Aquarium & Research Center

Today was my long day for working, so I tend to be very drained and tired. I also happened to sleep very little because of going down a deep rabbit hole of creating, designing, and filling a digital journal. I wanted to ensure I kept my promise to Paya and do something, but I needed a really low spoon easy thing. Instead of traveling to a new place, or returning to the Temple of Sacred Lost Souls, we kept to my new Aquarium and Research Center. Paya reminded me that I really wanted to explore new every time, so returning could be done the moment when this week has passed. He is very pleased our first run was so successful for me.

Going into the new A&RC, I got to see just how extensive it really is. The big shark tooth that came from Xer’a, has been moved to the Mid-Sea Dome, or the entrance. This is where most of the sharks and creatures are that are more active. At least the big ones. But what Paya was excited for was to show me where he keeps all of my diving and exploring gear. We went to a different area on the top floor where the accesses are to the water. In the section with the Shallows Dome, there was a locker area that had my wetsuit, fins, and the face mask that he had got me for our dive to the Temple.

But what shocked me, was to find a tall locker with water, where he had my living plant-filter and mask, with the special tube fins. He was keeping them alive and healthy for me should I ever want to use that. It’s the same suit that was posted previously (also in the experience channel).

It touched me so much to see that he went to such lengths for not just the diving gear, but that he kept my original living filter suits alive and preserved.

The other thing that he was extremely excited to show me was the shallow area. Using my memories of the Pittsburgh Aquarium, where they have a “touch pool”, they created one for me that is with all the creatures of the shallows. It’s a waist deep area with live coral and fish. It has a wash station where I can shower down with cleansers and prep my skin so there isn’t damage to the water. I got in and immediately was able to just watch the small rays and various fish and crabs wander around. I didn’t touch any because I didn’t want to disturb but it was so relaxing.

After spending time there, he took me out to my bungalow house. I was surprised to see that they had created a glass waterslide from my porch area that swirled around and went into the lagoon. It cycled the water up and down the tube. He wanted me to have something fun in my house. I also noticed that he had changed the lagoon a bit. It was much deeper, where the water at the back of the oasis wall had a deeper section where a portal was. He explained that it was only going out and nothing could come in, just that he used it to get to his home.

The other was that there was more fresh water corals. Fish and other wildlife were now in this freshwater environment and was cluttered all around the Oasis. It became a living ecosystem. I adored it.

Art by Eastasy on Depositphotos. License to use has been purchase.

Shark Week: Temple of Sacred Lost Souls

As promised, it is the start of Shark Week. The best time of the summer because I get to watch documentaries of sharks all week. But this time is a bit more special. Paya has convinced me that we should do explorations every day that it is going on. So I agreed.

I arrived at my Oasis bungalow with a very excited Paya standing there. He had my entire outfit ready to go. I wanted to tell him that I could shift, but this demon went so out of the way to track down only the best gear. A full-body wetsuit that was inscribed with runes and magic that would regulate everything needed. From temperature to pressure adjustments. The facepiece is a technological advance further than ours. The lower half covers the nose and across the mouth and jaw, securing at the back of the head. It cycles water through and produces oxygen from it, releasing the hydrogen back and cycling it over again.

The facepiece covers the rest of the front of the face with a secure at the top that connects with the bottom half in the back. It’s a clarity that I haven’t experienced as if it wasn’t there. But the best part is the technology that allows for communication between divers. There is no speaker, but instead, text appears (translates too), showing the words being communicated to read. It also has multiple sensors that detect intent as well as other bodies nearby. It took him a lot of convincing to let me leave without examining it more and asking more questions.

He created a portal to the place in the lagoon right on the beach. Tal came with us, which didn’t surprise me at all. He’s also obsessed with exploring new places and archeology/anthropology. So we all go through, ending up in this beautiful underwater world. It’s a coral reef canyon that is filled with shipwrecks of all kinds. Some I can’t even explain because they just aren’t anything from here. There’s things swimming around us but I’m staring at all the beautiful corals and life. It’s all co-existing together.

Paya grabs my hand and guides me around the canyon; both Tal and I want to go to the shipwrecks so badly. But he just grins and keeps swimming. We turn around the corner to find a massive coral reef that is the base for a breathtaking crystalline structure. It’s a Temple. A Temple that is made of clear crystal that sparkles in the light streaming through. We get closer and find a beautiful demoness named Xer’a (Xair-rah). She is a friend of Paya who welcomed us in. We stepped through the barrier to find room that had two portals and an entrance to a hallway. It was a beautiful room with sand on the floor and coral as the base. It rose up around and transformed into the clear crystal.

One of the Portals she explained went to the Underworld, where the lost souls can go when they find her. The Temple is of Sacred Lost Souls. She keeps their memories and cherishes those that find their way there, demon or human or other. We are taken through the hallway to find ourselves in a massive glass tube that goes so far to the surface I couldn’t see the top. It was like being in the cavern that Ariel had in the Little Mermaid, except all of them were submerged. There were dozens of them that I could see. All of them linked together with hallways. It was an archive attached to the Temple. Each shelf space had items or bones or other things, along with these memory orbs.

I ended up in one that would be for creatures, predatory. I was permitted to touch one to see and experience the personality of the one that it belonged to. It was a massive tooth that belonged to this shark-like creature that was millions of years old, male, and was so battle scarred. He was a great hunter and came to there to have a final rest when he was ready to go. I ended up touching another that was a different tooth to a creature that was just absolutely apex predator somewhere. It was indescribable.

We made our way back and I got to just stare at everything and rest on the coral in the air part of the Temple, the main room. Tal ended up talking to Xer’a while Paya guided me back to the entrance. The paused for a moment for Xer’a handed me a tooth, made small for carrying. The same one that I initially picked up from the shark. It was a gift, for my new research center and aquarium. She also gave me a pearl, one that would be a direct link to the entryway to the Temple. So that I could always come back and visit.

Paya took me back home to the Oasis and I giddy ran all the way to the new research center and aquarium that I have been daydreaming and planning for more than a month. It was a massive circular glass bottom, where you walked in under a tunnel and ended up in a partial dome. Above were skeletons of marine creatures. Around were semi-deep creatures and corals of all kinds. Paya explained that it was a circular building with floors atop the aquarium. It was three dome sections connected together in a circle pattern. Each would represent the shallow, middle, and deep types of marine environments. There’s a lot more to be explored with it. I could access the actual tank areas from the third floor (they’re that tall). The second floor was the tank room. They took my technology of the runic transference of portals to larger spaces that are compacted into smaller tanks for space yet retain their initial space within when using the portals to access them. My Octopi creatures were already there and being taken care of. I was able to place the large tooth gifted from Xer’a, which ended up being the size of my entire torso, onto a stand to be displayed.

We made our way to the third floor with all the access points and showing me around, where this also had a bridge that extended over to another building. This was the research center. It’s also the museum. It had everything that I’ve found through the years of exploring the astral. There were donated skeletons and bones from my necrosis demons and other artifacts. Books and preserved scrolls lined the walls. It was incredible. The bottom floor lead to the experiments lab and another door led to the Solution Room that was a part of our homework from the Inner Sanctuary/Nitro. It was like a study room with chairs and desks, it had rolling white boards. I wrote down a lot of questions on them. One is the inspiration to be continuing journaling (let’s say I spent the next 3 hours after that working on a digital journal without sleeping then writing this entry). I also then wrote another question, asking about the DID system, how it affected the astral travel and spiritual experiences. If we change as we do alters or experience astral as a whole system would. There was a manifestation board that I wrote some personal things on as well.

I was shown the lab where all the energies that Ry has been playing with were categorized, he had already started using it. It made me happy. This whole venture became so much more and I didn’t lose focus at all. What felt like hours… it was only half an hour. Incredible. I am so thankful for Paya having me do this. And that the Solution room worked as well as it did so quickly.

View of mountain oasis Chebika, Sahara desert, Tunisia, Africa

Oasis Check In

This time was just a more of a check-in.

I went to my Oasis early in the morning to check in with my Mutilation Snakes. It’s been a long time since I really spent time with them. I wanted to improve their living space in my realm. When I got there, it was a very nice reunion of a sorts. They lounged on my shoulders and rubbed their heads against my cheeks while I inspected their sum bathing spot. I originally had the idea a few days prior to change it into something more sturdy for them.

It was just a basic home, a lounging tree that was about seven foot high. Now, it has internal spaces for them to go to, a mini waterfall for drinking, and fun things for them to do. Platforms for sunning instead of the branches alone. It was a nice development I worked on.

They are always so lovely to see when I do.

View of mountain oasis Chebika, Sahara desert, Tunisia, Africa

Exploring the Oasis

It’s been quite busy in my Oasis. There have been some massive changes taking place. My Necrosis Demons were gifted some bones from a dear friend of mine. One was so large that it would need an entire building to hold it. A massive one. So they gathered my other demons and began to work on building a place for bone just next to the library temple. I had not gone back there in a while, so it changed when I appeared.

When I first appeared, it was Ria who greeted me. It was lovely cause I’ve been wearing her vessel for the past day. She had a beautiful bone spike band on her head and her hair was threaded through some of it. I ended up closely looking at it and tapped into the memories of the bones being carved and placed together. She pulled me out of it gently, “Yes, your ability is most definitely awakening. We need to get you to GrandMama Tsülie soon.”

I smiled as she guided me down the walkway over the water to the sand beach. We walked to the Bone Building at first but as soon as I walked inside, my body absolutely fell fast asleep for more than an hour and a half. When I came back from sleep I decided to try again. This time, it was Belle who met me. She smiled and guided me down again. This time, we decided that I needed to get to GrandMama. We went straight to where the tree she gave me was. To Ry’s Greenhouse.

When we stepped in, Ria joined us. I called out for Ry but it was phenomenal stepping into his Greenhouse. It was like I walked straight into a jungle that had incredible energy. I could physically smell the soil and the plants. Then, a massive snake came through and greeted us, calling me Bone Reader and then rubbing its face on mine. He was talking about how his master chose such a lovely “Mistress”. He was massive and led us through the jungle-like place.

When Ry turned around when the snake announced our presence, I about fainted. He was so handsome and incredibly built. I could see so clearly his features. Normally it’s one thing or another or it’s a vague seeing. Now, it was crystal clear. He came over to me and lifted me up, a smile on his face. He smelled of fresh dirt and light musk. My hands traced up his bare chest and onto his shoulders. It was incredible seeing and feeling so clearly.

He kissed me while Belle and Ria stood behind waiting. There was a bit of shuffling after and Belle and Ry decided better as friends than anything else. Found out that Ria has a bit of a thing for Arvan and chuckled about it. Ry carried me through the jungle to where he kept the trees after we explained why we were there. The tree was still small and would take a few years to grow to the size needed to create a doorway. We walked back to his workbench and table, where he gathered some things for GrandMama Tsülie. We left for the Bone Building.

Walking around in the sun was lovely and gave me a bit of energy. The Bone Building was beautiful. It was made of large pieces of bone carved into pillars and accent pieces, with the rest of the building made with Necrosis Mud mixed with other stone and material, making a beautiful green-black marble. Walking into the building, it was a round room covered with glass cases of bones and altars. Ry carried me in his arms and I still got extremely sleepy. It took a few times before I was able to see clearly enough that Belle talked to Taz, who was in the middle of carving and awakening the large whale-mosasaur-creature’s rib that was a gift from a dear friend (same as mentioned in beginning). He waved us off and went back to it.

It took a hot minute to get back to it but then we went into my library, where Arvan met us. He was happy to see me and picked me right up out of Ry’s arms. He took us to the ante-room that was to one side of the temple. Here, they had used my method of building portals I developed years ago. Except these were perfect. They were carved so beautifully and I could press my hand on the doorway and knew right where each one took me. After the fourth one, which led to the races I currently work with, the fifth was to GrandMama Tsülie. I didn’t look to see if there were other doors.

I got through the door and then popped right out of it. The others told me they would wait for me to get there. I kept trying and was partially there with them, but it was too hard to focus and I was getting tired and sleepy. I would drift off and then pop back. She chuckled and told me that she just wanted to see if I would answer her call. I could go back later.

close up of beautiful tribal woman. Hands of ethnic dancer. Soft

The Silver Sand Grotto

This began because King Tal absolutely wanted to begin exploring with me. He’s been wanting to take me places in the astral. Finding that love of exploring and learning again. I haven’t traveled outside of the event meditations since probably 2019.

One of the things that I truly love to do is build on my astral space. Some call it Astral Temple, some call it Sacred Spacepace. It’s the place you go to when you begin traveling – your home. I love to build mine up in different ways. From having a library temple to greenhouses to an oasis that my house is built upon. It’s fashioned after things I love.

I was reading a trilogy and side character book when King Tal got interested. Specifically, the side character book features a realm of sands and desert magic.

SLIGHT SETTING SPOILER (nothing plot-related)

Each land is different colored sand with different properties. In the n the book, there is a rare grotto of beautiful silver sand that holds ancient powers. It has an oasis of healing water and plants.

I really wanted to create a place like this. It sounded so healing and peaceful. I have peaceful spots in my astral space but I wanted a healing place too. King Tal, who was laying with me at the time, told me that it wouldn’t be exactly the same, but he knew of a place with silver sand.

Travel to a Silver World

I finished the book early this morning and fell asleep in someone’s arms. I slept pretty heavily, even dreaming about the book series. King Tal had promised to take me to see silver sands. I actually really wanted to build a deep cavern grotto near my home. Even though I spent the day working and doing things, I finally got to sit and meditate. I slipped into the astral and stood on the deck of my home, high above my oasis water.

I was shocked to see that there was this heavy rock grotto entrance nearby that I could see. I turned and found King Tal standing behind me and he smiled. “You wanted it and therefore it was easy to make one for you.”

Before I had a chance to ask more questions, he opened a portal and was shifted through it. He held my hand as we walked through a small path before another portal opened and we were standing in a breathtaking place.

It was night, a place that was almost never touched by the sun or solar energy. Three moons hang overhead. Below my feet are shifting sands glittering in the moonlight. It was so pale that it glowed silver.

“These are sacred sands, we must cross it to the village and ask permission.”

My feet were bare and so were his, as was proper. We walked for some time. It was so peaceful and I could feel the healing cleansing of the sands. There was a village that we eventually came across. The beings there were something so unique, not even humanoid. Bipedal, they had two long arms that they used when standing. They had another set of arms that were short and close to the body. They had large oval heads that had massive eyes on the side that take up about 1/3rd of the size. On the front of the face where it was flat were smaller eyes, flared nostrils, and a mouth that was akin to a herbivore (like a weird horse-like mouth).

King Tal spoke to them and then turned to me, “You must give up something precious to you in exchanged for the sand.”

It was no-brainer, as I tend to offer the same thing when it comes to negotiating expensive or valuable. A very special and rare crystal that I found long ago and protecting one of the few mines/growing caves that exist (purely accidental). Rare enough that it surprises the demons that I work with when they learn of it. I brought three out and offered it to them, which they immediately accepted the exchange. I was beyond excited and was practically skipping. Tal opened another portal this time, directly into the underpart of my new grotto.

Building the Silver Grotto

“These sands cannot be touched by sunlight. They will lose their power and will fade to regular sand. Why don’t you step through and ask for help moving this?”

I hopped through into this beautiful underground cavern that was nothing but carved rock at the moment, but there were pillars that stood reinforcing the ceiling. It was flat at the moment, but I was w was waved off. I ran up through the entrance and found a fair few of my demons hanging around. I called out to them and asked for help moving the sands. They all followed me down into the grotto and carried large crates for the sands. It took only minutes for the large crates to be moved back and forth through the portal, bringing the sand into my home. It glittered in the grotto, the moonlight the only lighting in there.

I asked King Tal about the water, where he asked the locals. There was a bartering again and I gave up another crystal for access to the oasis waters. This was when Ry came through, eager to discover the water and the plants. He took off to find it while we moved. I looked around, trying to figure out where the water would go. King Tal just smiled and I felt another demon – one that had been quite some time since I felt his energy. High Prince T has very special abilities, one, in particular, is his ability to work with realms and the layers of reality. I hadn’t interacted with him since August. I try to limit my interactions until they come home but on occasion, their skill is needed for something big.

He wrapped his arms around me and energetically walked me through rapidly changing the layout of the cave so that I had a large pool and waterfall carved out into the rock. There was one small pool about five feet deep and seven across. It flowed to the place where the waterfall is knee-deep. It sloped down into a large pool that ran across the back half of the cave, with a few raw rock pillars to swim around. It was about chest deep and had spots on the ends that could seat a single person.

Once it was complete, he took to focus on another aspect I hadn’t thought of. How to keep the grotto powered magically without false light, changing the properties, or even keep a connection to the realm (which is dangerous). Tal was guarding the portal while everyone worked. Stepping through, he spoke to the locals and bartered with them for what seemed about an hour.

To get crystals that were powered from their moon, grown by each of the moons’ power. Three would be required, one for each moon. These were even more sacred than the sand and the water. I would have to give a large crystal for each one in return, twice as big as the small ones I gave before. I knew it was a good bargain for me since I had access but I knew that the worth of those three was close to the equivalent of buying a realm (no joke – I had one from another I gave and he literally was able to buy a quarter of the realm with the one I gave him).

It was worth it since these crystals were grown from the magic of each moon. When these beings brought out the three, I was shocked. They were at least five feet long and about three feet thick. They were brought through the portal and High Prince T took over. Each one was placed in a central pillar, with the top and bottom of the pillars merging over the crystal. With a deft hand, he began carving into the pillars and connecting the magic of them into the grotto, while also preserving that energy so it generated more and never ran out.

As he was working, the grotto lit up and the sand glittered once more where it had started to lose a little shine without the moons. Ry returned and said he found the waters. I could feel his energy and happiness from where I was. Tal shifted the portal and we were met with this massive, stunning lake. It was luminescent water that was the clearest aqua color. This water was pure magical water. It also contained these vine-like weeds that had bioluminescent pods on the ends of each branch.

I asked Ry how we would get the water to my oasis without losing it or damaging the sand. He dove down and it was a few minutes before he popped up again with this low glowing crystal. The rocks were crystals imbued with the lake’s powers. He brought one from the water and into my grotto, placing it on the waterfall. A cup of water was brought through and he dumped it onto the crystal. Water flowed from the crystal, the small cup turning into a rapid flow. These crystals regenerated the water when it was in contact with it. This time, I dove down with Ry into the water to collect more. It was a shock to the system when I could breathe normally. I helped him to gather as many of the water crystals and we headed to the surface where a few others took them from us.

They were placed strategically throughout the bottom of the pools and water was carefully dumped over them. Each one began to fill with water. Ry grinned and turned to me.

“Let’s gather the plants (vines) and plant some in the grotto. Would you be willing to grab your biome cases to gather them?”

I grinned and ran from the water, knowing exactly what he wanted. It was a quick run to the top where the bright sun greeted me. I blinked until I could see clearly and then took off to the building that held my biomes in them. I decided to grab two very small ones, the size of a Rubix cube. They would be large enough since the space was actually close to ten feet by ten feet in size. Plenty to make a small biome aquatic terrarium of these plants. The other was for Ry, who I knew wanted to study them in a natural environment and so I would give him one to make his own biome terrarium. I just needed mine to transport them to my grotto.

Returning, we went to work diving and making sure that we spread out across the lake so it wouldn’t be harvested from one area. He about cried in happiness with the extra tank to keep for himself. One was filled as much as I could and passed off to Belle who wanted to place the plants in the pools. A few others helped. When I then I stepped through, the pools were already half-filled and the power in the room was impactful. The sand was finished and we were waiting for the pool to fill the rest of the way.

Ry stepped through and we closed the portal, knowing it was fine to cut ties. The grotto shifted and then the waterfall began to pour. I had no thoughts of shyness as I stripped down and ran to the waterfall, basking in the cleansing and uplifting energy that flowed through me. Especially when I swallowed some of the water – it was safe to drink.

When I stepped out, a fair few of the demons were staring at me and it was pointed out that I was glowing. Plus there were some hungry stares mixed in. I stepped away from the water and onto the sand, only to find that as I left the water, I was dry. The water had filled the pools and my demons were now stripping as well and wading into the water to relax. They earned it and I thank thanked them so much for their help. They were pleased to have such a rejuvenating place to be. Ry turned to me and smiled happily. It was such a wonderful sight to see him so pleased and excited for new things.

“I believe I have a tree that would thrive in here and add to the grotto.” He looked to Tal, “Could you open a portal that would go into the greenhouse I have plants in there cannot be exposed to anything but darkness or moonlight.”

Tal walked over to where Ry was pointing the tree would fit and opened the portal. There was a shifting in the darkness before roots slithered from the portal. It was very slow but we all watched as a beautiful silver-white tree moved into place next to the water. It looked like a white willow tree. Long branches hung down and brushed the water. The moment the roots and branches touched the water, the tree came to life and glittered as if it were a moon itself. It swayed and caressed the area. Ry looked over the moon (pun intended) and was writing down notes in a small journal he always carried. The energy of the grotto changed but in a way that it felt complete and thriving. There was a vitality of not just the moon and sand and water, but the tree became a new part of the whole.

Intimacy of the Silver Sands

This is more of an 18+ experience that can be skipped.

There’s something special about the grotto once it settled in. The energy shifted and I felt this sense of pleasure creeping up. Before I could think about it, King Tal pulled me into the pool water before lifting me up onto the edge of it. My legs were in the water but I sat perched on a rock. I was laid back and his hands ran over my thighs. The demons around me, my companions, watched eagerly. Ry came and held down my hands above my head while his other hand traced over my chest very gently.

Tal was occupied with running his hand over my stomach and thighs, laying kisses to the skin. It didn’t take long for him to dive between my thighs and bring ecstasy to my body. I was pinned down and Ry was holding my hands and Tala was pleasuring me with his mouth. The others watched and smiled as the energy of the sands surged around me energetically. It heightened the experience and I co could physically feel things stronger than normal.

I didn’t last long at all and when I came, it was with a burst of energy that swept through the room. I was picked up and lowered into the water where King Tal ran his hands over my body and pulled me close. Ry slipped in behind and it was a close hug between us three with light kisses here and there.


It was shocking when I returned to the physical. It felt as if only 20 minutes had passed physically – the internal clock. When in reality it was over 45 minutes to 50 minutes that I was in that heavy meditative state. The real amazing part was that in the astral, it was closer to 4-5 hours of time if not longer because I was bouncing between the realms.

It was an amazing experience. I have not been out and about in the astral in a long time. Having King Tal in my life has brought so much change and this was a new one, feeling safe and free to go out and travel the astral once more. Something that hasn’t been felt in years.