photo of forest with fog

Bones are the Foundation

I had decided that I wanted to learn more about bones and working with osteomancy. It was a mere thought, yet it led me to be yanked into the Astral to meet with GrandMama Tsülie once more. I was preparing for a shower and eating some food when that undeniable pull was felt. So I ended up bilocating in order to answer that call yet also finish what I had planned.

It got me a good scolding from GrandMama Tsülie, especially on the need to eat before spirit working. So she shoved a cup of tea into my hands and waited while I finished what I was doing. She was happily puttering around and making things. It was hard to not jump into conversation, knowing that I would want to type it all out as it was happening. I don’t like missing things said when I write later.

When I finally settled in, Tsülie sat down across from me at the outside tables. I always end up at her place in the Necrosis Realm, filled with tall trees that are carnivorous but also beautiful. It’s a peaceful place despite the dark undertone that lingers.

“Before working with bones or with the spirits of animals, you must first have an understanding of the how. Why is it that when working with the spirits of animals, it is always the bones, teeth, or claws?”

I stopped for a moment to really think about that. Why was that the usual chosen piece when working with animal spirits? Eventually, I came to the answer.

Bones carry the lifeblood through them. Therefore, they are not only foundational support but also carry the very essence that life gives.

She nodded at me, taking a sip of her tea before setting down the cup. “That is absolutely correct. Why would a spirit choose to be with something that was a part of itself that was not bone?” She brings up the example of my fox pelt. It is the chosen place that houses the spirit of the fox. “Yet, there was the option of the bones. Why would this be?

That one I sat back on, thinking of the pelt, thinking of the spirit of the fox that resides within. Other than it being very preserved, there’s not much reason a spirit would be attached to something that was able to break down or degrade at a much faster rate. Flesh is one of those things that biodegrade at a fast rate. Unless it is preserved through a special technique, like the soft tanning that the fox pelt had gone through.

Teeth are understandable because they are also bone. The question then would become why is there a desire to stick with claws, another such part of the skeleton that is easily used in osteomancy or animal spirit working? What connection would there be for those?

This one was a little easier to think of. The direct connection is that claws are close to the earth, the soil. It is a very grounded piece. Where the bones and teeth carry blood and life, the claws are a connection to the ground with stability but are also used in defense of life or preservation of life.

She was pleased with that. “Correct. Something that would be able to be sustained through life or through nature or the soil, which also bears life and death. That is the reason why bones would be the choice for why spirits of bones are able to be used more efficiently. Now, why would specific bones be chosen over others? If there is a spirit attached to a singular bone, why would they be with that one bone? Why wouldn’t they prefer to remain with the skeleton as a whole?

This one really stumped me for a bit. But I was distracted with a movie as well. But it stewed in my head for a bit.

The answer is that they would change depending upon the person that came across them. Each person will have a different reason for choosing or connecting with a specific bone that resonates with them. So, not only would it be guided by their own intuition, but the spirit would also have a different meaning for the bones that were chosen. It’s an influence of the person who finds and connects with the spirit and then that spirit also giving them the personal meaning behind that specific bone choice.

At this point, my concentration was wavering due to being tired and other things occurring. GrandMama Tsülie nodded and sat back, to stare at the scenery all around us before telling me to scooch.

I’m sure there is much more that she has to teach me and pass on knowledge. But she does make me sit and think about the foundations of things. The why and the how.

photo of forest with fog

Necrosis, Osteomancy, and Language of Bones

Osteomancy is one of the biggest parts of my practice. Or Bone Work in general. Osteomancy can be defined as ‘divination with bones’. It’s one of the most interesting methods but it is also one of the most personal divination tools/methods. There’s a lot of history that goes with bone working, especially in regards to Osteomancy. In fact, there are many different forms of Bone Divination. I use Osteomancy rather than Bone Divination because it’s more formal and it is not easily confused with Bone Throwing, which is a different type of divination.

Working with Bones is usually considered to be a more advanced form of energy work, animism, or spiritual working in general. This is because it is purely energy work as well as spirit working. There are a few ways in which to work with bones, though many work with it as a Spirit-Led : working with spirits or with the spirit of the bone itself.

I started working with Bones and building an Osteomacy set a long time ago, it’s been a few years now. Over these years I’ve learned a lot about working with bones in divination. The main thing is that Bones Never Lie. They will “cut to the bone” or dig deep into things that they are reading. Bones have a deep understanding and connection with the deepest of knowledge, the hidden or the unknown.

Necrosis Demons & Bone Work

Working with Necrosis Demons, especially ones that are so heavily leaning into the bone working, has opened my eyes to working with bones. They understand the depth that Bones have far more than I ever would have understood on my own. They work with them as they are, sentient and sacred. To Necrosis demons that work with bones, they are sacred histories carried within. They are also their own spirit.

I began working with my Necrosis Bone Mistress first, Belle. She was the one that taught me so much about Bones and connecting with the set that I have. She brought me the understanding of working with Bones and listening to their histories. It was with her that I learned that Bones can carry more than just messages from Spirits of Animals, but of the Bones themselves. She knew that they were all ones that came to me for reasons, all have a purpose.

it is with Taz that I gain an understanding of the care of bones and how to work with them beyond divination. Where I learn the importance of history and their own desires. Spirits of Bones can be from within the Bone itself or the remnants of the Spirit that was the Bone. He teaches so much about how Sacred the Bone is to life and to working with them. Consecrating and Creating Sacredness of the Bones will create a deeper bond with them than one would just use them.

It is with Ria that I have begun to understand the Language of Bones. It’s beyond a spirit, but the Bone carries its own energetic language. It is the deepest reaches of resonance that is never heard, only understood. With Belle and Taz, they speak the language of Bones but they also work with the spirits and energy. Ria teaches how to speak and listen to the Bones rather than the Spirits. They are one yet they are different.

The Language of Bones

Bones have their own language. It’s not just merely what they represent, but they have a deep energetic language that is low and very slow to speak. To quote from the Lord of the Rings and the Ents:

“It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time to say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to.”

The language of the Bones is one that is long learned and takes time. It’s more than just the spirit of the bone, but the history that it carries and the story it has to tell on the way to telling you what exactly and precisely it means to say. To understand the bone, you must first listen to it deeply and understand where it comes from. Only then can you understand where it will take you.

Ria is my Necrosis General, who knows battle and strategy. She wears elaborate outfits and jewelry akin to Queen Amidala from Star Wars… but the interesting aspect is that she has a Bone set of her own. Though her Bone set is very much sentient and it can move and shift, listening when it is merely seen as just a pile. Bone carries messages just as they carry history. They hear more than just the spoken word, but also the unspoken.

When I was walking with my Necrosis demons through the Necrosis Tents, they all ended up at the merchants selling bones or at the Shamans performing sacred rites. Each time we ended up there, all of them were saying the same thing. That Bones know and choose the people they want to work with. They will make a low call out to the person or demon that they want to bond with. They will make their way to them in some form. It can be through the exchange of hands, the searching of the graves or forest or bone yards, or whatever means they know. It is a part of the Language of Bones, knowing where their purpose is even after they have left their original host.

Each time, I was given a bone in some form and told a story of origin. How that Bone came to be in their possession and what it signifies. From there, it will be working with it on a more intimate level of talking and connecting. Something that is much harder to do astrally as there is not a physical form to hold – yet they have sacred spaces that my own Necrosis Demons look after for me to make sure the Bones are happy.

Sacredness of Bones

This is something that Taz wanted me to cover. The Sacredness that Bones carry. They hold so much history and energy, spirit and messenger, that they are handled very delicately. Taz is a Shaman of Sacred Bone Rites. He speaks of how all bones are different and from different histories will also account for their handling of them. Some Bones work better with simple rituals to awaken and christen them.

Some of the Bones wish to have more done with them, a more active interest. There have been bones brought into their work that have been turned into pieces of art. Carved and painted, they become the very space in which Bone Rites and Rituals are performed. They hold a language of their own, but they also hold individual power that can be used in many forms. Not just divination. It can be used to communicate or consecrate.

It is all upon the Bones speaking and Wishing for their purpose to be known. Some wish to be Divination, speaking Truth. Some wish to be Art, beauty beyond measure. Some wish to be Use, worked with crafted hands to bring Space and Sacredness. There are so many ways that they can manifest and find their own small place in the worlds.

It is not merely working and speaking with Bones that gets you a divinatory set or a sacred piece. It is in fact the handling and treatment, the consecration. Many perform what the Norse and many other cultures have called Blooding, or bleeding on the bones to power them. It connects you to the Bones in a deep way that only blood can achieve.

Others carve symbols and signs upon the bones to connect them together, to give them meaning and protection. Carving can be incredibly delicate and precious as the Bone can be fragile and easy to break. It takes a deft hand and one that has great care for its movements. Everything is precise and never hesitating.

Working with Bones, Language, and Divination

One of my goals for this thread is to explore the world of Bone Working and all that entailed. This includes working with the Bones that I have on the astral as well as with the demons that teach me things. I really want to delve deep within this and better understand how to handle them and care for them, bring them purpose and listen to their wishes and desires, to pass on messages and whisper to them. It’s amazing what Necrosis Demons have to offer for this and they truly wish to share it with me. In fact, it is the Necrosis that first whispered to me about Bone Grimoires. Teaching me the way of Bones, the Languages of them, and to Care for their Sacredness. Taz in particular wants to teach me methods of rites and rituals for Bones.

I look forward to getting deeper into this topic, enough to where I feel comfortable enough to finish writing my Osteomancy book.