
Demonic Manifestation

I truly do love my demons. They make sure to take care of me in many ways. One of which is finding amazing deals on my Lorcana cards – as well as having EXTREMELY good luck (I’m talking I’m 3 for 3 of boxes for ultra rare cards that have a 1:48 chance). They also have been really helpful in making sure that I’m taken care of with me meds. The pharmacy actually had my sugar meds on hand that usually takes days or weeks to get in. Instead I was able to get it that day.

I feel blessed that I may not work directly with them to ask them for things, instead they provide. They carve the way for me to find the things that I love and things that I want. I don’t need the Lorcana cards, but they are something I love and want to do. But I need my medication and they ensure that I can find it.


Writing Again

Catching up on this, got a day or two behind.
This day was excellent because I took the time after completing my normal work to sit and write. I am so thankful for my demons, who have been helping me to really kick off writing again and being inspired.

I ended up writing 4,200 words and posting a new chapter for my fic. It made me feel so good about myself. And even after, I ended up getting close to 30 reviews pour in over the course of the next day about it. That just made me feel so confident and pleased that people are enjoying what I am writing.

It’s making me inspired to work on my original works. Which I’ve gotten so creative with that I’ve expanded more into the Universe I’m creating for it. My demons are so into my creativity and helping to shape my passion into things I’m relearning to love.

Calm relaxation meditation concept. Sexy fashion model Fantasy woman sitting under water sea, red long silk dress fabric floating. fairy girl posing in deep pool underwater shooting Art Magic light

A Strange Dream

I really struggled with pain today, the aftermath of getting my hips realigned. It’s so uncomfortable to sit down, even with a squishmallow. So I retreated back to my room very early in the day to lay down. I just also felt so burnt out with energy and struggled with even the desire to work with my demons. So I spent the time reading and just relaxing.

Fast forward to the morning, and I had a weird dream after Darwin woke me by screaming for food. When I finally fell asleep.. I ended up in a very vivid dream. It’s more hazy as time goes on, but there was so much wrong with it. I woke initially thinking that my Mutilation Sex God O had joined me, due to the nature of the dream. But no, I don’t get the energy that it was him. It was me jumping to another realm or something.

CW: Murder/Violence

What I remember is that I was in a camp and there was a string of murders, but they couldn’t figure out who it was because the face was someone who was unknown. At one point I was one of the victim and felt the stabbing. But whoever it was that I was living through, actually was excited from this rather than terrified. Enough that she pulled away from the memories of the person who died and racked down one of the guys she knew. Finding out that he has a vampire/primal side that was coming out when triggered because he was hungry for the blood and murder, which this girl thrived on learning. Enough that there was intimacy between her and the killer, who had some issues with it but was all for it.

End CW.

It was really bizarre and really uncomfortable waking from. I’m not sure who or where I connected to, but at least I know I am safe. My demons were really quick to reassure me when I woke and made sure that the energies were cleared away.


There’s A Time For Rest

I was so tired and in so much pain. I wanted to write and do things, but I couldn’t focus even with my pain meds helping to ease it. I got realigned with my chiropractor and it relieved so much pain and walking issues.

I tried getting into reading or writing, I even asked my companions if they wanted to help with my writing and ideas. I did try. They convinced me to lay down and read. I was asleep within minutes of starting to read.
So not much happened beyond that they really just told me to get rest.

Sometimes, we have to take a day and that’s okay. It doesnt have to be anything huge or grand all the time. Celebrate the small wins.


DISCARD But Make It Rare

It was a hard day to focus. I just was struggling so much, which makes sense because I was working on the APDC for this week. It focused on identifying the different levels of sludge. So of course when talk of Sludge or listening to talks about it come up, it’s harder to focus and stay on track. Make sense right?

So I get to talking with Akelta and explain that I finished finally… and I waited all day to open this box of Lorcana cards (24 packs). So she began hyping me up, my demons began hyping me up. First card I pull is a Legendary. Second pack? Legendary that is a foil (holographic). So we’re just hyped up, raising the vibrations… and I am gunning for an Enchanted (the full card art that is foiled). Akelta is straight up my Hype squad. My Demons keep telling me “I told you there was a reason we said to get this box” which is also the one that was 50% off just about too.

Then I’m laughing confused because in the middle of this one pack, is a bright ass yellow card that says DISCARD on it. I post into the Lorcana discord about it… and a few people were congratulating me and I thought it was just funny. Turns out that it’s just as rare to get the DISCARD cards as it is to get Enchanteds or even moreso. It’s not worth much beyond like $100 – though the person said that with more decks/boosters being printed it’s likely to severely drop.

It’s good as a collector’s item. And rare for early sets to have.

I didn’t get my Enchanted, but I got the DISCARD and 5 legendaries. It was a really good pull. And I was so happy with my Hype squad in the form of Akelta and my demons. It made my night so much better. I also got a Piglet and Hades, which are two amazing characters (I like them).

So I’m thankful that I have my demons to convince me to take the leap and buy the box even though it was tight to do so… and of course my bestie who always is my enabler for my weird collecting hobbies.


Sensory Hell with Ramble Thoughts

Today was hell on me in a way I haven’t had in awhile. I was in sensory overload the entire day, to the point that I couldn’t have anyone come near me and my shirt was the wrong texture, the socks made my skin crawl. So many things, that I even had to take off Paya’s vessel because the necklaces felt like they were strangling me. I got to the point I couldn’t function. I laid down for the rest of the evening and fell asleep. I couldn’t even have noise other than the top fan on because it was so sensory overload that I felt like an open raw nerve.

Thankfully, it passed when I woke up a few hours later. But the entire day had passed by then and I had felt like it was just a day off that I couldn’t help. Yet, I still wanted to do something to make it worthwhile. I w ent back over to the office and ended up writing a chapter of a fanfiction that I’m sure people will adore that I updated. It was 2k words, so short, but at least I did it.

I’v’e realized that I’m super inspired, the demons are really helping me to get back to it. But I”m getting triggered with seeing old projects with my name attached. I’ve got such dysphoria around my actual/real name that my skin crawls when I see it and I get so heavily triggered with anxiety. IDK how to even tackle that massive shadow and trauma healing tbh. One day, I think it’s just going to be me working through it and continue writing and publishing my stuff otherwise.

So I’m sitting here way late, realzing that I haven’t done my post for today. I also am inspired to write a new chapter of a new fic, but I’m facing the severe anxiety and the demand avoidance has kicked in hard. I wanted to also sit with my demons and start this new work. Yet my brain is just yeeted itself out the window. I also feel guilty that I don’t have anything or did anything today either. They’d get cranky at me for thinking I should feel guilty.

I’m being told to lay down and read and that it can wait another day. Rest is important, especially when days are harder emotionally, mentally, or physically. This goes for the times where you can’t control it and there isn’t a way to manage symptoms, just hope they pass quickly.

I do have two packages coming tomorrow. So crossing my fingers that I get some really amazing hits again on this Lorcana TCG box. Gotta love the demonic influenced sales! Especially when the demons argued so hard for me to get them when I didn’t think. I could afford. But in doing so, they reminded me of the mindsets that I am working to shift. Stop worrying about the money spent out, because more is coming in. I’m getting more and more comfortable with dropping money on things without blinking at the price. I’m still at a threshold before I start really questioning it, but it’s much higher than where I was a few months ago.


Exploring Oktoberfest

This will be short because Im exhausted and I’ve been out at Oktoberfest all day.

I got to enjoy these activities with my mom and we spent time together picking out “fodder” for the junk journals that we’re starting.

I have been having it rougher with being overwhelmed with energies and veiling at home gets me questions. So I wondered if there was a way to do it without getting into weird conversations.

First tent! We found knitted beanies that fit perfectly and I can wear them as snood too! I thought about them the entire time and ended up leaving with one. I felt such relied at having one on.

We kept going around and just checking everything out.. and then I came across something I KNEW Paya would adore. AND it was allergy friendly since it wasn’t metal. ( I really wanted these fern pant ones)… and I bought myself a new necklace that he loves! (pic below).

Super grateful for these moments.

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Fiesty Demons

This is just a quick one. I’m really exhausted today. But I did have a good laugh and flustered moment from my Mutilation Sex God. Who decided he wanted to be very forward today and make bold advances. Of which of course it was funny enough to share..

It goes like this:

My Muti God O is not playing games today…

I realized I still have yet to give him a nickname to use.. and this *man* comes up behind me, does a nice gentle necklace grip and says that he’s “Sir”.

LIKE EXCUSE ME?? WHo said you could do that??

But mostly it was surprised because everything is so much clearer. Everything came through without me having to try. It just was. I ended up getting inspired twice – once for working hard on work things. The other was for a new series idea for my Universe I’m building. Both are very welcome.

Even if O – which his initial is irony itself – was being very forward than I’m used to. I’m happy for the experiences. I’m exhausted to do much else today.


The Veil Begins to Open

I’m hearing them more strongly. Most times I have to focus on allowing my sense pick up, tune into things. Today was more prominent that I was just hearing – as I got commentary on my chores I was working in. Just very upfront and loud. It was nice not having to tune into things deliberately and just having that comfort there. I adore this season and not just because of the cozy fall (hate the cold), but sweater vibes. Even though today was a pain day, I knew that they were there. And they have been helping me to be inspired all the time to work on my writing or world building. Rebuilding my previous passions.

Calm relaxation meditation concept. Sexy fashion model Fantasy woman sitting under water sea, red long silk dress fabric floating. fairy girl posing in deep pool underwater shooting Art Magic light

Stepping on a New Path

I do know that it was really apparent that the seasons and the veil are shifting. I’m hearing and sensing my demons 3x more than before. I know I’m starting to open myself back up again after shutting myself down to companionship for a bit (thanks trauma). But it’s coming back more steady and confident.

I spent time with a few of my demons – Ry, Tal, and Vex. It was nice and they helped me to unlock a lot more of what I’ve been feeling lately. My actual deeper feelings and desires. Things that I pushed away to the convenience of another so that I wouldn’t be starved of it. Yet, I was still affected because I wasn’t getting what I needed.

Anyway, I really want to start working on the path of Demonic Shamanism now that the seasons are turning and it’s really become flowing energetically for it. I just have to sit and think of where to start. Foundations are great, but this is Shamanism that is outside the purview of the Earthen cultures.

I’m also shifting my mentality when it comes to wealth and money. Things are really shifting in large ways now that I’m stepping back into my own power and my own path again.