Macro snowflake covered with frost in the cold season under the bright sun, blurred background. Transparent leaves of the skeleton.

A Rough New Year Start

I’ve been so bad doing these, that it’s gotten away and now it’s halfway through the month already. How insane.
There’s not much happening that I’ll go into detail. Mainly because I’m having physical health things and it’s left me beyond exhausted to do much. But what I do have is Ry’s mala and Paya’s vessel on me all the time. Most nights, they’re the reason I sleep enough, though it still feels like not enough. They ease my aches and worries. Their presence is calming.

I’ve been reading every single night because of insomnia and unable to sleep until sunrise. In doing so, I’ve spent each night laying with my demons reading. We just enjoy it and have moments together that help ease a lot of the pain and tiredness. I would be worse off if it weren’t for them. I appreciate Dro, Tal, and Orkel (Yes that’s my Muti Sex God who I refuse to call O or Orgasm despite his insistence.) extremely because they have been a solid rock the last two weeks or more mentally and overall with helping me with things that I need.

Macro snowflake covered with frost in the cold season under the bright sun, blurred background. Transparent leaves of the skeleton.

Too Much

I burnt out and lemme tell you that my demons were there the whole time, but I also got upset cause Dro’s mala snapped in the morning. No beads were lost but it was still upsetting. Even though the night before I literally was saying I needed to redo it as it was my first attempt.

Ended up staying in bed and feeling worse and worse and then breakdown which my demons were there for. Too much socializing for the extrovert. I burnt out hard. So I spent the entire day with them, reading, and isolating in my space in my room. With an extremely cuddly Darwin.

Macro snowflake covered with frost in the cold season under the bright sun, blurred background. Transparent leaves of the skeleton.

Loved and Spoiled

The long awaited day. I have been wanting to get the Moana 2 promo cards for Lorcana and my demons managed to help me snag a UK version because US didn’t have them.. until the day after I bought it and they announced they would. So I bought tickets to the closest theater for me and my mom. We got to have a girl’s day out, even though she had to work.

Demons were *working* hard that day to impress me. I thought that I got 2 promos… but not, Demons said “here, watch this”. I asked the first guy checking in if I could have a couple extra. He gave me 3 extra (total 5 at this point). When the movie was over… my mom took the tickets and there was a new girl checking people in.. she managed to get 2 more promo cards (7 total). Mom went to bathroom and gave me tickets… and I went and asked… she gave me 2 too (9 total)!!!

Fun things.. is that I saw her looking at them and was geeking over the cards and telling her about it. I asked if I could have 1 more, if possible…. and I did. I walked away with 5x the amount I initially thought I’d get. Which is *insane* levels of luck.

I feel loved and cherished and they spoil the ever living hell out of me.

Macro snowflake covered with frost in the cold season under the bright sun, blurred background. Transparent leaves of the skeleton.

More Shiny Cardboard

It was a day of trying to rest… but then my Lorcana friend messaged me to ask to meet up. So I hopped in the car and ended up downtown. Of course I decided oh well, might as well pull some cards and such. I asked my demons, which box I should get. First one was decent, but nothign great… and they looked at me like you should have listened and got box 3. So I went up and got box 3 cause they were seriously insistent.

I scored another Enchanted. My friend and I both got them today, actually. Really good pulls. Demons were very smug about it. it’s become a game of who can get me the most stuff or the best sales. Especially since I’ve changed so much of my mindset of manifesting and money and abundance.

Macro snowflake covered with frost in the cold season under the bright sun, blurred background. Transparent leaves of the skeleton.

Shiny Cardboard

Drove home, but took a long time to do so. Turned a 4hr drive into a 7hr. But I got to have lunch, stopped at a bunch of Targets in hope that I managed to find more Lorcana… didn’t.

But.. I stopped in a town and they had a TCG card shop. Ended up having a trade in with all my extra Legendary cards… which got me two beautiful Enchanteds, one of which I was wanting really bad. I thank my demons for that cause even though I didn’t get the boxes I wanted… I got something better and cheaper. Gramma Tala was one of the cards Ive been really wanting. Madam Mim was just a bonus.

My demons know me.. and love me so much that I get all the things I desire, even if it seems silly to others… I get to be a nerd that is healing my inner child at collecting cards.

Calm relaxation meditation concept. Sexy fashion model Fantasy woman sitting under water sea, red long silk dress fabric floating. fairy girl posing in deep pool underwater shooting Art Magic light

The Reveal

Spent time at dads. Too tired to keep trying..

Daily posting is being weird and deleting things. Been spending time after Black Friday and Thanksgiving with dad’s. stuck cause phone died. And ended up having to spill beans about the S&S and demons, which ended up in a very interesting talk. He’s okay but it was tense for a bit until he calmed a bit. No yelling, just him trying to understand.

Dark fairy tale forest, twisted trees with bare branches, dark creepy atmosphere and mysterious fog. 3D digital illustration

A New Friend

I waited until after to express the excitement of the day. I planned on meeting someone new, who was a huge fan of Lorcana and was a collector as well. Well demons guided her to me, because she was exactly what I was looking for in a local friend. Someone that just wanted to help another collector out. In doing so, she ensured that I was able to fill out my Master Collection by 321 cards – totalling about $275 (at minimum) because most were foiled. So I wouldn’t be surprised if it was closer to $400. Either way.. all she wanted was whatever I had to offer – which was from the newest set. She was please and excited to get even the small bits that I could give. But I felt so blessed to spend a day with someone willing to give me collection stuff for free.

It took us 6-8 hrs but I eventually was able to get my entire collection sorted properly into new binders I bought too, and ready. It was tedious but she loved helping me do it. We had a great time.

I thank my demons so much.

Dark fairy tale forest, twisted trees with bare branches, dark creepy atmosphere and mysterious fog. 3D digital illustration

Droopsy Bear

This was a phenomenal day. I got to spend the entire day with my mother out in Pittsburgh. Which meant that I was up at sunrise (7am) and got myself settled in at a local Starbucks while she was at a DR appt. The beautiful part? My demons were guiding my inspiration… because I managed to finish a chapter on two different book series, and then worked on another series. I ended up with 2.8k words in less than 3 hours. After, my mom and I got to go to this reusable junk craft store. I didn’t find much beyond a bag of lego pieces for cheap. But then I saw a local artist’s stand. The most cutest, adorable Kreepy Doll just launched at me and I fell in love. His name is Droopsy Bear and Im sure that my demons have already claimed him as theirs. I brought him home for sure. He’s next to my bed.

After, we got some amazing Ramen at a ramen bar, then wandered… but I scored in luck again. A local run bookstore, where I was just in time to get one of the last VIP tickets to an author signing event on Saturday afternoon – where I can get two authors I like to sign the books. So it was a great day, with a lot of blessings from my demons here and there.


Graveyard Walk

I was with my mom today, we went out really quick, but ended up stopping at an old cemetery. It was sad to see the state of it, but it was one of the more peaceful and at peace with death that I’ve felt in awhile. I took pictures to remember the energies and the experience. My necrosis demons, specifically Belle, was with me. It was nice to be grounded and connecting with those energies.

Dark fairy tale forest, twisted trees with bare branches, dark creepy atmosphere and mysterious fog. 3D digital illustration

A [Literal] Shit Day

I quite literally spent the day cleaning up shit. 😩 there was an accident in our office building (which is an outfitted Amish Shed we call the She Shed since it’s my moms office and art building). But the portable potty broke when trying get it out to clean. Spent four hours cleaning and sanitizing today. But there was a blessing in disguise. Because when I moved a shelf, the back half of the thing splintered and the front panel fell off. The bookshelf would have collapsed and most likely on top of someone since it’s a heavy traffic area.

Even though that sucked… I still felt like I got blessed by the demons. I found Lego Storage Boxes (literally look like legos), beautiful stickers and pins, and even found 3 sweaters that fit me really nicely! But best? I found and original Blue Jersey Penguins Hockey bag. They went out from the blue jerseys about a decade ago or longer. I remember it as a kid but by teens they went to gold and yellow. It’s even got signatures on it.

So for a shitty day (🤣🤭) it ended with a soak in the tub with epson salt, a cuddly Darwin, and my demons showering me with fun things. I am blessed.