
Reality Shift

The manifestations are incredible at this time. I’ll TLDR: my demons have been working with me to shift my reality into something amazing. Using the Mammon Ball to help bring this reality shift. It’s a big one. But things happened and I felt that shift happen. It was like sliding into a whole new reality. So hard to explain but so incredible. And it all started with me finding a $100 old bill the previous day but I didn’t realize what it was…. until the days after. So I’m wondering if I am to be working with them on manifesting and solidifying this reality. This is absolutely Vex’s and others work that they did with my Solution Room and manifestation board I made inside it.

I know some of you seen this in the discord, but it’s going here so that it adds to the amazing energy. It took me 10 years to find this bill – which I am close to having a complete collection. I just dont have the $10 bill. Holding this bill, was like me shifting into the reality that I have spent since February manifesting.

Art by Eastasy on Depositphotos. License to use has been purchase.

Shark Week: Purple Tidepool Realm

I was pretty tired from doing honey extraction and then grocery shopping alone. That burnt through a lot of my mental and physical spoons. But again, I truly wanted to make sure that I got my promise to Paya. I mentioned in the discord about doing something low spoon-y. Bluemoon came in clutch, with the suggestion to do Tidepools. Paya had not thought of doing those and became extremely excited. Enough that he disappeared for a few hours while I was working to arrange things.

I arrived at my Bungalow and realized I should have just gone to my Aquarium & Research Center. Running up, he was there and greeted me with a lifted hug. He immediately took me to the Shallows Dome, where all the gear was stashed. He proudly showed me new gear. I would re-use the wetsuit, to protect me from the realm’s sun we would be going to (just in case). But what he was excited for was that he found me water shoes that were flexible flats that had grips on the bottom specifically for walking on wet rocks.

I immediately got dressed, where I got a bit distracted in focus while he braided my hair. Slapping on some special sunglasses that help reduce the water and sun glare so I could see better into the tidepool. Slapping a bucket hat on my head with the string under my chin, he grinned. Paya made sure to grab a travel realm tank, so that in case I did find something that I could bring back to study (safely so that it doesnt hurt the population), as well as a netted sling bag. We were ready to go.

We stepped through a portal he created and I found myself in a Purple/Orange Sun Realm, on a coastal tidalpool shelf. There were massive ocean mangrove type trees weaving all through the Tidepools. I looked like they were hundreds of feet tall, the roots that went over the Tidepools were much thicker than my entire body, if triple that size. I immediately begin walking around and looking for things. The tidepool I landed in actually had the creature below but it took a bit for my astral sight to process what I was seeing. I thought it was an octopus-like creature when I first saw it.

I first found the top of the shell, empty and ready for collecting. I got excited and began to run around gathering as many as I could. They were purple and pink, with some blue. It wasn’t until we got further along that we ran into the locals. They are a being that had no hair, but could tell they were coastal beings. They were meant for the ocean and the land. They got startled but welcomed us very kindly.

They showed me that the shells I was collecting were from this creature. The very one that they were harvesting in the tidal shelves, where the creatures love to hide within small pockets in the shelves. They harvest them to eat, but also to collect the pearls. They are a creature that is very much a combination of a mollusk (oyster & octopus), a conch, and a crab. They are very weird, but you’re supposed to eat them raw. Definitely reminded me of eating oysters and conch, with the sweet taste of crab meat. Wasn’t bad at all, not slimy or texture weird.

The best part was that they were happy to supply our mini travel realm tank with a whole bunch, happy to know I wanted to help cultivate and study them. They also gave me a handful of pearls, which was really interesting to hold because they definitely have magical/energetic properties to them. They were all shades of pink from bright to pale salmon colored.

Paya and I got back home and he had to help me out of the wetsuit and gear. I was starting to get extremely tired and exhausted. He told me that he would take care of everything and use one of the pearls and shell as an achor point for the Purple Tidepool Realm, which I’ll learn the name of eventually. He loves maintaining my A&RC, especially the portals and the creatures and places. That’s when I decided to leave and get the picture drawn and the writeup of what occurred.

Will definitely be returning to this realm.

Art by Eastasy on Depositphotos. License to use has been purchase.

Shark Week: Aquarium & Research Center

Today was my long day for working, so I tend to be very drained and tired. I also happened to sleep very little because of going down a deep rabbit hole of creating, designing, and filling a digital journal. I wanted to ensure I kept my promise to Paya and do something, but I needed a really low spoon easy thing. Instead of traveling to a new place, or returning to the Temple of Sacred Lost Souls, we kept to my new Aquarium and Research Center. Paya reminded me that I really wanted to explore new every time, so returning could be done the moment when this week has passed. He is very pleased our first run was so successful for me.

Going into the new A&RC, I got to see just how extensive it really is. The big shark tooth that came from Xer’a, has been moved to the Mid-Sea Dome, or the entrance. This is where most of the sharks and creatures are that are more active. At least the big ones. But what Paya was excited for was to show me where he keeps all of my diving and exploring gear. We went to a different area on the top floor where the accesses are to the water. In the section with the Shallows Dome, there was a locker area that had my wetsuit, fins, and the face mask that he had got me for our dive to the Temple.

But what shocked me, was to find a tall locker with water, where he had my living plant-filter and mask, with the special tube fins. He was keeping them alive and healthy for me should I ever want to use that. It’s the same suit that was posted previously (also in the experience channel).

It touched me so much to see that he went to such lengths for not just the diving gear, but that he kept my original living filter suits alive and preserved.

The other thing that he was extremely excited to show me was the shallow area. Using my memories of the Pittsburgh Aquarium, where they have a “touch pool”, they created one for me that is with all the creatures of the shallows. It’s a waist deep area with live coral and fish. It has a wash station where I can shower down with cleansers and prep my skin so there isn’t damage to the water. I got in and immediately was able to just watch the small rays and various fish and crabs wander around. I didn’t touch any because I didn’t want to disturb but it was so relaxing.

After spending time there, he took me out to my bungalow house. I was surprised to see that they had created a glass waterslide from my porch area that swirled around and went into the lagoon. It cycled the water up and down the tube. He wanted me to have something fun in my house. I also noticed that he had changed the lagoon a bit. It was much deeper, where the water at the back of the oasis wall had a deeper section where a portal was. He explained that it was only going out and nothing could come in, just that he used it to get to his home.

The other was that there was more fresh water corals. Fish and other wildlife were now in this freshwater environment and was cluttered all around the Oasis. It became a living ecosystem. I adored it.