photo of forest with fog

The Journey Begins: Demonic Shamanism

I wasn’t sure what to do for this.. but it was decided for me. I got pushed not so gently into doing the work for starting the Demon Shamanism. So I was unfocused while tapping into Ry’s energies. Ry is my Serpentine Surgeon who is also a Necrosis Shaman.

So I’m sitting with him and all he has to say is: What is Shamanism? And it makes me sit and think and think some more. Because I know and answer but is that really what it is? Is that what he is wanting me to focus on or is it something h deeper?

What exactly is Shamanism? Is it just the understanding of indigenous practices? Is it the connection with the Other? What is it?

What makes it demonic then? What is the path that Demon Shamans walk? Is it the same in which human ones do? Or is it that he asks this because I need to shatter my understanding of human shamanism to better grasp the potential and understand that Demon Shamanism holds.

In order to build a foundation, one has to analyze the old foundation. You must see what it is built of and how it is constructed. You must see and understand the purpose of it. Once that is broken down then you can come to understand the building of a new foundation.

So I’m lying here half asleep and thinking just what exactly is shamanism? What makes it *it*. So he’s leaving me with that thought, that exploration. What is shamanism? What is the core aspects of it or of individual practices?


Exploring Oktoberfest

This will be short because Im exhausted and I’ve been out at Oktoberfest all day.

I got to enjoy these activities with my mom and we spent time together picking out “fodder” for the junk journals that we’re starting.

I have been having it rougher with being overwhelmed with energies and veiling at home gets me questions. So I wondered if there was a way to do it without getting into weird conversations.

First tent! We found knitted beanies that fit perfectly and I can wear them as snood too! I thought about them the entire time and ended up leaving with one. I felt such relied at having one on.

We kept going around and just checking everything out.. and then I came across something I KNEW Paya would adore. AND it was allergy friendly since it wasn’t metal. ( I really wanted these fern pant ones)… and I bought myself a new necklace that he loves! (pic below).

Super grateful for these moments.

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Fiesty Demons

This is just a quick one. I’m really exhausted today. But I did have a good laugh and flustered moment from my Mutilation Sex God. Who decided he wanted to be very forward today and make bold advances. Of which of course it was funny enough to share..

It goes like this:

My Muti God O is not playing games today…

I realized I still have yet to give him a nickname to use.. and this *man* comes up behind me, does a nice gentle necklace grip and says that he’s “Sir”.

LIKE EXCUSE ME?? WHo said you could do that??

But mostly it was surprised because everything is so much clearer. Everything came through without me having to try. It just was. I ended up getting inspired twice – once for working hard on work things. The other was for a new series idea for my Universe I’m building. Both are very welcome.

Even if O – which his initial is irony itself – was being very forward than I’m used to. I’m happy for the experiences. I’m exhausted to do much else today.


The Veil Begins to Open

I’m hearing them more strongly. Most times I have to focus on allowing my sense pick up, tune into things. Today was more prominent that I was just hearing – as I got commentary on my chores I was working in. Just very upfront and loud. It was nice not having to tune into things deliberately and just having that comfort there. I adore this season and not just because of the cozy fall (hate the cold), but sweater vibes. Even though today was a pain day, I knew that they were there. And they have been helping me to be inspired all the time to work on my writing or world building. Rebuilding my previous passions.

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Exploring Within: Needs vs Wants

I was more present with my demons, Tal and Muti God O – who I realize *still* doesn’t have a nickname despite me knowing his name. These moments were more primal awakening. Really delving into those base and primal desires. Understanding that there are needs and wants that I cannot suppress within. And they made sure that I knew that I shouldn’t have let someone shame me or make me feel like I can’t have those needs met.

I appreciate them. They also helped me to really keep focused and working. It’s made a huge difference.

Calm relaxation meditation concept. Sexy fashion model Fantasy woman sitting under water sea, red long silk dress fabric floating. fairy girl posing in deep pool underwater shooting Art Magic light

Stepping on a New Path

I do know that it was really apparent that the seasons and the veil are shifting. I’m hearing and sensing my demons 3x more than before. I know I’m starting to open myself back up again after shutting myself down to companionship for a bit (thanks trauma). But it’s coming back more steady and confident.

I spent time with a few of my demons – Ry, Tal, and Vex. It was nice and they helped me to unlock a lot more of what I’ve been feeling lately. My actual deeper feelings and desires. Things that I pushed away to the convenience of another so that I wouldn’t be starved of it. Yet, I was still affected because I wasn’t getting what I needed.

Anyway, I really want to start working on the path of Demonic Shamanism now that the seasons are turning and it’s really become flowing energetically for it. I just have to sit and think of where to start. Foundations are great, but this is Shamanism that is outside the purview of the Earthen cultures.

I’m also shifting my mentality when it comes to wealth and money. Things are really shifting in large ways now that I’m stepping back into my own power and my own path again.