I've been so bad doing these, that it's gotten away and now it's halfway through the month already. How insan ...
Recent Wanderings & Explorations
2025 Goals
Today is the long day for working. So much great stuff and energies flowing, but also very busy. But one of t ...
Too Much
I burnt out and lemme tell you that my demons were there the whole time, but I also got upset cause Dro's mal ...
Loved and Spoiled
The long awaited day. I have been wanting to get the Moana 2 promo cards for Lorcana and my demons managed to ...
More Shiny Cardboard
It was a day of trying to rest... but then my Lorcana friend messaged me to ask to meet up. So I hopped in th ...
Shiny Cardboard
Drove home, but took a long time to do so. Turned a 4hr drive into a 7hr. But I got to have lunch, stopped at ...
The Reveal
Spent time at dads. Too tired to keep trying.. Daily posting is being weird and deleting things. Been spen ...
A Tough Day
Today was rough. So much anxiety and so much disregulated nervous system. I was happy with what I was able to ...
A New Friend
I waited until after to express the excitement of the day. I planned on meeting someone new, who was a huge f ...
Droopsy Bear
This was a phenomenal day. I got to spend the entire day with my mother out in Pittsburgh. Which meant that I ...
Graveyard Walk
I was with my mom today, we went out really quick, but ended up stopping at an old cemetery. It was sad to se ...
A [Literal] Shit Day
I quite literally spent the day cleaning up shit. 😩 there was an accident in our office building (which is a ...
Feeling so many things and so many eye opening moments. It's rough, it's raw. So much raw emotion. I spent ti ...
Handbook from Inspiration
Whoo today was definitely a busy day. Spent most of the day working on the discord and getting things moved o ...
Inspiration from Demons
I've been struggling with migraines every day, but something that I've been doing is making sure to take care ...
Finding Inspiration In Even the Most Stressful Days
Despite the stress of the Day (UGH Politics). I still find myself being creative and excited. Things are stil ...
Exploring the Unknown