Calm relaxation meditation concept. Sexy fashion model Fantasy woman sitting under water sea, red long silk dress fabric floating. fairy girl posing in deep pool underwater shooting Art Magic light

Opening to the Spiritual

Today was exhausting, but it’s because I had to be up so early (9am – when I usually sleepy at 6am). I barely slept and the dreams I had were just unsettling and I struggled to fall back asleep. But I got things done. I knew that my day is exciting with the APD coachings. Those always are such fun. They really help me to sit and think about things in a new light. A lot in which is my working with demons or what I’m doing with my own practice. I realize that a lot of the downloads that I get from demons is very heavy with energy information, in which I have long since learned to take the energy and translate it into information. But I usually pick it up by clairvoyance or clairaudience. I see and hear them tell me everything, just as if I was physically there.

It made sense that then it would translate over into the Mini Class, where we worked with crystals to understand and access the dark energies or properties of them. And all the information that I got from my crystals were all visual or claircognizance – just knowing the information through energy translation.

With that, it then made me want to begin working with crystals again, which Ry would be thrilled. He has been wanting me to really work with crystals with him. “I’m not JUST a plant-loving demon. I do love other things.” Which is just him being sarcastic, because I know this too. I just haven’t thought to work with him on the shamanic side of things besides plants, as he is knowledgeable of necrosis ways of working with crystals too.

I see my future growing with working with my demons. I get vague imagery from some of the other demons too. Like my Void/Necrosis King & Lord Tal. Tal is a massive nerd over archaeology and exploration and findings things. So I get impressions, short images, of the desire for him and I to begin exploring astral places. We never got the chance to do so before I had a spiritual shutdown. Now that I am getting back to it, it’s something I can feel him really wanting o step forward. Most of my demons are now really invested in getting me to branch back out again. Having the challenges and the working with the IS community in the Mini Classes and APD Coaching sessions. It’s phenomenal. It’s bringing me back into a spiritual state again. My demons are thrilled.

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