Dark fairy tale forest, twisted trees with bare branches, dark creepy atmosphere and mysterious fog. 3D digital illustration

A [Literal] Shit Day

I quite literally spent the day cleaning up shit. 😩 there was an accident in our office building (which is an outfitted Amish Shed we call the She Shed since it’s my moms office and art building). But the portable potty broke when trying get it out to clean. Spent four hours cleaning and sanitizing today. But there was a blessing in disguise. Because when I moved a shelf, the back half of the thing splintered and the front panel fell off. The bookshelf would have collapsed and most likely on top of someone since it’s a heavy traffic area.

Even though that sucked… I still felt like I got blessed by the demons. I found Lego Storage Boxes (literally look like legos), beautiful stickers and pins, and even found 3 sweaters that fit me really nicely! But best? I found and original Blue Jersey Penguins Hockey bag. They went out from the blue jerseys about a decade ago or longer. I remember it as a kid but by teens they went to gold and yellow. It’s even got signatures on it.

So for a shitty day (🤣🤭) it ended with a soak in the tub with epson salt, a cuddly Darwin, and my demons showering me with fun things. I am blessed.

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