I was not sure what today’s experience would be. Before, it was an insistence of GrandMama Tsülie’s energy and an idea of what would happen. This time I really was not sure. In fact, it wasn’t until I appeared in my Desert Oasis astral home that Ry hugged me. I knew we would be doing something, but he was quiet about what that was. Instead, I got a good look at my astral home again and basked in the sun when I stepped out into it. He hugged me from behind and guided me down the ramp to the beach, where we walked over to the entrance of his gardens. I felt his energy shift, and he pulled me into the depths of the gardens. His gardens are more than just a greenhouse of growing plants. He has biomes and small realms within his gardens. His collection is millennia worth growing and cultivating. We appeared next to this large work table that was different from the one before, where it was based on plants and soil, some flowers. This one was covered with glass beakers and, heat sources, extractors. It had so many different surfaces and tools. This was where he made teas, infusions, extracts, and even inks. Everything about deconstructing or combining plants and flowers, this was it.
I wasn’t sure what it was that he wanted to teach, but I enjoyed looking at everything. A hot glass container was about two feet in diameter, and it had this beautiful pink liquid within. Ry reached over, drained a little into a glass for me, and handed it. He explained that it was a simple brew that needed to happen to bring the colors out before he turned it into ink. So it was safe to drink and would help me not only mentally but would ease the tension in my body. It was a flower that, when consumed in hot water, the heat activated a property that releases a property to aid in good mental facilities. Essentially a natural anti-depressant and anti-anxiety that helps divert the thought process into a more positive focus. (which, so far, since drinking, has actually made an impact).
I sat next to the bench for a while, drinking the tea. After a little bit, he had me lie down and rest. It would let the tea do its work. I faded a bit in and out with my thoughts for a while. It wasn’t too long before my focus snapped back into focus, which was much clearer. He welcomed me around and showed me how he made inks for people who ordered from him. They were looking for specialty ones with this mica-like substance that would make them shine. It was beautiful. He stopped after a moment and guided me through his gardens. It was a nice walk, but then I could see the differences between his gardens. The wards and the shields were shimmering, with different biomes within them. So I asked him how he did it.
Ry showed me that if one can make wards and shields that are geared to filtering energies, it is very much possible to make that light and radiation. You can control particular atmospheres of light, radiation, moonlight, and anything else.. even air quality. Inside, he explained there are specialty wards, runic spaces, and tools that he was taught to contain and create a biome. Masters of weather and scholars of environment worked with him to create specialty wards and tools to recreate a realm’s biome for those plants to survive and cultivate. It was incredible and fascinating. This allowed him to create an entire mini realms environment within a small space. From the light source to the weather patterns and how to preserve the soil they naturally grow in. He works with the locals of these areas to cultivate their flora and trees. In fact, he spoke to me of multiple times when a realm became endangered from a special plant that could help with a specific purpose (ie: cures) and he had cultivated them long before there was a disaster. He saved a few realms from their flora extinction when diseases and disasters almost wiped the native flora out. He is known for his collection and cultivation of these biomes. Many times he has scholars and other naturalist people, shamans, and researchers ask for permission to study the cultivation of these plants to learn more or research.
I got to learn so much from him, but it is more along the lines of just learning of his practice and his experience than actual lessons. Although I feel that he wants to teach me more and to really delve into the plant, flowers, trees, and their magic, the spirits within. I had a brief thought about the soul trees of Pandora, from the JC Avatar movie, but he had caught onto that thought and stopped me. There were absolutely places similar to this and the connection of the plants to a larger consciousness. But he explained that there are also plants with consciousnesses beyond what we usually see in the intelligence of spirits of a plant or flower. Instead, these are the intelligence of say, humanoid or even like an Ent from LoTR. There are methods of communication with these, through the electrical impulses that occur within the body, connecting with the electrical impulse within those sentient plants. Communication happens through a neural connection established through that touch. I am sure if I asked, he would be able to take me to see for myself.
Nothing else happened, though it was a rough morning wake-up with a migraine that hurt to hold my head up. So I wasn’t within the astral very long this time. It was meant to help me to see what it was that I really loved to do and to learn. How much I love to explore and hear them speak about their passions. It is no surprise that it is Necrosis demons that are stepping forward because it is the most effortless energy for me to connect deeply with and hear clearly. They can use this time to get me back into experiences and teach me simultaneously.
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