The journey of spirituality is one that has many hills, mountains, valleys, and even canyons at times. It's the ups and the downs, the sideways, and reverse unos. Yet, it is one that is full of learning. We learn about ourselves, the world around us, the spiritual worlds, and all the other things encompassed within it. I chose this particular word because there is not a specific label I would use for my work. Instead, it has many labels and definitions. 

There are many aspects of my path that I learn from. I work with the spirits of plants and animals, learning of the energies and the spirits of crystals, to the work of the ancestors, and even the Shaman's path. I work with demons and those who don't exist in our world but for the work I  do with them bringing them here. So there is not one word the encompasses all my journey except to call it pathwork. 

Below I will be sectioning off the posts for people to read based upon the category or the topic that it revolves around.




In many cultures, plants have their own spirits, their own medicine that they can gift to people. While I have more or less a black thumb when it comes to growing plants, I do very well working with the spirits of the plants themselves.

photo of forest with fog

Whispers of the Necrosis

It's not a surprise that I would create something that is revolving around the Necrosis Demons. Truly. It was more of a surprise to start a post on Mutilation ...


Another aspect of working with the life of things (Also referred to as Animism in academia), I’ve spent a great deal of time walking and speaking with the spirits of animals. They have great wisdom to offer and can walk with us on our journey.

Photo by Ivan Kislov

Warnings of Fox

Fox is an old friend. A friend that has been with me as long as I started a shamanic path. In fact, he appeared back in 2017 or a bit earlier. One of the thing ...


One of the most beautiful, yet personal, parts of my pathwork is that I  have come to have a deep love of bones. They carry a great deal of wisdom to them. Usually it will go hand in hand with working with the spirits of animals.

photo of forest with fog

Bones are the Foundation

I had decided that I wanted to learn more about bones and working with osteomancy. It was a mere thought, yet it led me to be yanked into the Astral to meet wi ...

photo of forest with fog

Whispers of the Necrosis

It's not a surprise that I would create something that is revolving around the Necrosis Demons. Truly. It was more of a surprise to start a post on Mutilation ...


Crystals are a complex and beautiful gem that the Earth provides to us. They hold great power and wisdom, if only we listen. Working with crystals is a great gateway into accessing a wider knowledge of energy work.

Calm relaxation meditation concept. Sexy fashion model Fantasy woman sitting under water sea, red long silk dress fabric floating. fairy girl posing in deep pool underwater shooting Art Magic light

Opening to the Spiritual

Today was exhausting, but it's because I had to be up so early (9am - when I usually sleepy at 6am). I barely slept and the dreams I had were just unsettling a ...

photo of forest with fog

Whispers of the Necrosis

It's not a surprise that I would create something that is revolving around the Necrosis Demons. Truly. It was more of a surprise to start a post on Mutilation ...


I’ve walked the Shamanic Path for quite some time, around 2015/2016 timeframe. It’s something that I was called to do with the Ancestors/Spirits and went through the Sickness. These are my explorations through that Path within the Earthly Shamanism.

Demonic Shamanism

I was introduced into the potential working of Shamanism within the Demonic Sphere. This was something that has been on the back of my mind since around 2022 to 2023 timeframe, which Ry, my Serpentine Surgeon and Necrosis Shaman started me on exploring more in-depth work with shamanic practices. Now, he is guiding me into the Demonic Shamanism Path as well.

photo of forest with fog

The Start of Questions

Partial cheating, I'm yoinking some of what was written in the Discord's new topics for the Demon Shamanism. Mainly because it was the thought train that Ry wa ...