Walking Blog Post

Introduction to Walking the Astral Guide

What is the Astral?

So many have been working to answer this question for eons. That is where the question becomes something much more than a simple answer. There is no one way to describe the Astral. This is not only due to its sheer size, which could be infinite but also to everyone who works within it having their paradigm. Some of these paradigms are shared between many, and others find their own. This is why no matter how much one can talk about the Astral, there is only understanding based on the mind’s perception. This is called gnosis, an understanding of or knowledge of the spiritual and its mysteries. Of course, you will find that many people writing about the Astral have their experiences within certain paradigms that are common knowledge or paradigms that have cropped up through reading other’s experiences. This is where the “Golden Standard” of Astral Projection comes from the mass market media books written to make it seem as if this is the “One True Way” to achieve working within the Astral. This part will be discussed more in-depth in a later section when the topic of methods to travel to the Astral is visited.

In the most direct answer, the Astral is a massively and widely used umbrella term to describe the experience of the spiritual world. This world is comprised of many dimensions and layers, planes and realms. There is no single person that can describe the Astral in its entirety. Even a book or ten books could not cover the complexity of it. What can be done is record and explain the paradigms that are understood and explain those concepts to those who are also exploring them. The common paradigms feature people’s experiences wandering the Earth’s planes through Astral Projection – known as out-of-body experiences – are more widespread due to the mass marketing of New Age and Occult books published. This leads to a larger audience, but it also makes it more intimidating to those who struggle with the ability of Astral Projection. Especially with the implication that if one cannot leave their body, they cannot visit the Astral. A very hotly debated topic.

The Purpose Behind this Series

This series has been worked on for a long time over the years. It comes from the position on the other side of being unable to Astral Project but a handful of times and learning that there are different, valid ways of reaching the Astral and its many complex layers. A large part of this series is geared more towards creating a dialogue or a space of learning about traveling the Astral, not just on Earth’s many planes, but the depth of the Astral in its entirety as realms and places outside of our physical plane. With this, it also comes down to going beyond the exploration of worlds, realms, planes, and much more, but also the introduction of those very beings that live within it. We are not the only ones that exist within this living universe, not by a long shot, but vast amounts of life extend far beyond our own existence within a physical plane. The physical plane is the one we can touch and live within, but that is also true for those that learn to travel the Astral. It may not be a bodily physical experience in the way we perceive on Earth’s physical plane, but one can experience the physicality of the Astral through their senses.

One of the goals of writing this series is to explore the Astral aspects in different methodologies and go into depth about working within the Astral. This comes with effects that are felt in the physical sense, such as changes in perceptions and beliefs when exposed to other forms of beliefs. Another thing that will be explored beyond the impact of working within the Astral is working with the beings that reside within. They exist outside of human understanding and morals, and beliefs. In some, it is wildly opposite to ours, and some have never come into contact with human beings. One part of this series will be dedicated to writing about experiencing the Astral and its denizens as safely as possible by giving information on how to interact with them.

I spent five years working through university to earn a degree in Anthropology.  In simple terms, it is the study of humans. I focused my studies on understanding the socio-cultural development of human cultures and the impact that religion or Belief has upon those developments. There are other areas I focused on the side, such as Shamanism and Indigenous Religion and Rituals. For fun, I also explored the concept of Entheogenic Anthropology, which is the study of hallucinogenic and psychedelic plants used within a culture for a religious or spiritual experience. This may be touched upon later, but the focus is mainly on the Astral working and the beings you will encounter. I mention this as a background to where my understanding and experience hail from and why I approach the Astral, these Beings, and everything else within it as I do. I come from a distinct background of studying cultures and people, which helps me to have a unique understanding of the workings of those within the Astral.

I will never claim to be an expert on any of these topics simply because, when it comes down to it, no one will ever be an expert. The Astral is too complex and layered for anyone to be an expert. We are human, and our perceptions and biases will reflect upon our knowledge of the Astral and our experiences. It is impossible to have a nonbiased view. Part of being human is having preconceptions about things, even if we try to have none. The best that we can do is understand where that bias is and how it can influence our perception or experience and work with it. That is where another goal of this series is to create a discussion around the Astral and spirit work within it.

There is one essential part of this series that I want to stress. This series is based upon a paradigm I have experienced over many years of working within the Astral. The writings of experiences or even the methodologies may coincide with your personal experience or go directly against it. As mentioned, each person has their perception of the Astral and working within it. You may experience it differently or the same as I do. While reading this series, you can take and use whatever parts of it resonate and leave the rest. This series is meant to help aid in your workings. It is not and will never be there to invalidate the experiences of others due to differences in experiences or understanding. It is meant to create a discussion to be a tool for learning or even help give different perspectives to those who may be feeling stuck.

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