One thing that is prevalent within my path is that I feel drawn to teach what I know or learn. A lot of my work is personal and I post mainly personal experiences, but along the way, I also learn many things.
On this page, there will be sections dedicated to the posts that are informational in some manner. Some will be focused on patchwork and others will be general things on spirituality. Of course, all of this is based upon the experiences that I have gathered through the years and turning it into informational posts so that others can learn too.
Dialogue on Spirituality
It is important that we have discussions (dialogue) about things within spirituality. Spirituality can be defined in many different ways and have many facets to it. There are things within spirituality that are considered to be foundational or informational and there are aspects that are considered to be hotly debated. This section will be a mixture of many topics that involve spirituality as a whole or a specific instance within different spiritual practices or beliefs.
Understanding Shamanism At Its Core
Strap in, this is a LONG one. Ry got his way. In the form of my mother literally handing me 10 pages of handwritten notes from multiple books on Shamanism - de ...
Bones are the Foundation
I had decided that I wanted to learn more about bones and working with osteomancy. It was a mere thought, yet it led me to be yanked into the Astral to meet wi ...
The Methods of Astral Travel
There are many steps to take before getting started with Astral Travel. The previous article it was discussing the preparation. Research, Spiritual Foundations ...
Getting Started and Preparation
In the previous sections, there was a discussion on the complexity of the Astral World. That it is comprised of so many layers and complex webs of energies, th ...
Exploring Pathwork
A big part of my own pathwork is to teach what I have learned over the years. In particular, this comes to the Shamanic work with plants, animals, and bones. That also includes my working with crystals and other areas that fascinate me. The second larger part of my path is teaching those who want to know about Astral Travel. From the beginning to the more advanced topics, this is another area that will be explored in-depth for those to learn about.
Bones are the Foundation
I had decided that I wanted to learn more about bones and working with osteomancy. It was a mere thought, yet it led me to be yanked into the Astral to meet wi ...
Necrosis, Osteomancy, and Language of Bones
Osteomancy is one of the biggest parts of my practice. Or Bone Work in general. Osteomancy can be defined as 'divination with bones'. It's one of the most inte ...
Working with Crystals
Opening to the Spiritual
Today was exhausting, but it's because I had to be up so early (9am - when I usually sleepy at 6am). I barely slept and the dreams I had were just unsettling a ...
Whispers of the Necrosis
It's not a surprise that I would create something that is revolving around the Necrosis Demons. Truly. It was more of a surprise to start a post on Mutilation ...
Shamanic Pathwork
Understanding Shamanism At Its Core
Strap in, this is a LONG one. Ry got his way. In the form of my mother literally handing me 10 pages of handwritten notes from multiple books on Shamanism - de ...
The Start of a Shamanic Journey
Edit Oct 16, 2024: I rarely will import posts from older times, I didn't want to do that with this blog. I find, though, that the start of the Shamanic Journey ...